
考区是什么意思 考区在线翻译 考区什么意思 考区的意思 考区的翻译 考区的解释 考区的发音 考区的同义词 考区的反义词 考区的例句


考区 基本解释

考区[kǎo qū]

词典examination district考区。

考区 汉英大词典

考区[kǎo qū]

examination district

考区 双语例句

1. 现存有文考区中轴线上的影壁、大门、魁阁号舍、大堂、后楼五座建筑,是我国北方地区现存最为完整的贡院。
    There is an existing line of the text screen wall axis testing zones, gates, Quebec Court Road homes, lobbies, after five floor building, the existing northern areas of China the most complete Gongyuan.

2. 考区在线翻译

2. 交通:高考可以影响交通,考区范围一定要保持畅通和安静。
    Traffic:the area of examination should keep free road condition and quiet.

3. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

3. 为了进一步提高考务管理水平,国家医学考试中心制订了考区和考点评估指标体系并对辽宁等5省进行了试评估。
    In order to improve examination management level, the national medical examination center has laid down assessment target system of examination areas and units based on demonstration and research repeatedly, and assessed Liaoning and other four provinces experimentally.

4. 考区是什么意思

4. GRE机考已在世界范围内广泛实行,除中国考区外,我们没有发现有任何国家或地区的考试分数激增的现象。
    The computer testing system has been administered worldwide and a significant increase in scores has only occurred among examinations from China.

5. 阐述1994年中国计算机软件专业技术资格和水平考试广西考区成绩统计,文章用表格来分析论述了初级程序员、程序员和高级程序员各级别的考试结果。
    This paper elaborated the statistical score for Chinese Computer Software Special Technique Qualification &. Proficiency Test in Guangxi area in 1994. The article detailed test result with table and assay for primary programmer, programmer, and senior programmer at each level.

6. 我跨进那冷淡无情的考区时才十二周岁。
    I had scarcely passed my twelfth birthday when I entered the inhospitable regions of examinations.

7. 这次考试中,他获得了安徽考区第一名。
    He was first in the Anhui examination district in this examination.

8. 文中提到的技术已经形成一套软件系统在“全国高校安徽考区计算机水平考试”中得到应用和实践,并取得了很好的效果和一致的好评。
    The technology mentioned in the article has been put into a set of software system which is now used in the computer level examination of high institution Anhui area in China and gets very good effects and consistent favourable comments.

9. 全国普通高校计算机等级考试(吉林省考区)综合管理系统研究与开发
    Research and Development of CCT Management System in JiLin District

10. 全国高校计算机联合考试广西考区的做法和经验
    The Study and Practice on National Higher Education Computer Grade Test in Guangxi Region

11. 国家医师资格考试上海考区临床实践技能考试的评价研究
      Evaluation of the clinical examination for national licensing of doctors in Shanghai

12. 随机抽取上海考区50名考生,对他们重复实施两次2002年上海考区的临床实践技能考试及实施以标准化病人为基础的多站客观结构临床能力考试(OSCE)。
      Candidates sampled at random were tested twice by the clinical examination for national licensing of doctors in Shanghai in 2002 and by objective structured clinical examination with standard patient.

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