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耽搁 基本解释

耽搁[dān ge ]


词典stop over中途下车暂留;住在海外;偶然过访;(在某处)停留一下。



词典hold up举起;支撑;耽搁;持械抢劫。

耽搁 汉英大词典

耽搁[dān ge]

(停留; 逗留) stop over; stay:

  例:我公出时, 在北京耽搁了两天。

    I stayed in Beijing for two days when I was on my official business.


    I won't be here for long.

耽搁 网络解释

1. delay:W.)探讨了教室的拥挤给学生学习带来的影响,认为教室的拥挤会导致学生耽搁(delay)、拒绝(denial)、阻断(interruption)以及分心(distraction)等体验. 索利斯(Thouless,H.)的研究表明,班级规模与教学内容和教学组织形式有关,

2. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D

2. procrastination:Peter有凡事耽搁(Procrastination)的坏习惯,在公司内早已街知巷闻. 每当上司及同事问及他的工作进度时,他总会千篇一律地回应:「稍后会交. 」或「还剩下少许,就快完成,稍等. 」

3. 耽搁的近义词

3. set back:set about 着手(开始)做某事攻击,乱揍 | set back 耽搁,延缓;推迟;使退步;阻碍;(把钟)往回拨 | see free 放走;释放

4. delay n:delay vt.耽搁,延误 | delay n.耽搁 | deliberately ad.仔细考虑地,故意地

耽搁 双语例句

1. 听不躺下不免难免带些嘲笑意味,制卡和会员卡制息业处于通信业内,然而我们却在为其交易与出产历程间的陈闻相同而不省煞苦心,不良的相同不常引来特别的处事承当,耽搁交货周期,并补充出产本钱。
    PVC Card - Business card printing】Sounds alone seems to bring some irony, Business card printing and membership card manufacturing workers are in the communications industry, but we are in the business and production processes the message communication between compete on the trail of often, poor communication as well as bring extra work burden, the delay in the delivery cycle, and to increase the cost of production.

2. 他们把从埃及带出来的未发酵的面团烤成无酵饼,因为他们急迫离开埃及,不能耽搁,来不及准备行粮。
    Since the dough they had brought out of Egypt was not leavened, they baked it into unleavened loaves.

3. 他们把从埃及带出来的未发酵的面团烤成无酵饼,因为他们急迫离开埃及,不能耽搁,来不及准备行粮。
    And they baked the meal, which a little before they had brought out of Egypt, in dough: and they made earth cakes unleavened: for it could not be leavened, the Egyptians pressing them to depart, and not suffering them to make any stay: neither did they think of preparing any meat.

4. 如果货运耽搁,你会得到全额退款。
    You'll get the whole refund if the portage is hold off.

5. 我只在这个世界走这么一回,因此,任何我能做的好事,任何能向我的同胞们表达的善意,请让我立即就做。别耽搁,别疏忽,因为我将不会再走一回了。
    I expect to pass through this world but once; any god thing therefore that I can do, or any kindness that I can show to any fellow creature, let me do it now; let me not defer or neglect it, for I shall not pass this way again.

6. 我耽搁你的工作了。
    I am keeping you from your work.

7. 耽搁的反义词

7. 我想我不会耽搁太久的。
    I will not be too long, I suppose.

8. 我知道你很忙;我不想耽搁你。
    I know you're busy; I won't keep you.

9. 现在我的学习都耽搁了。
    Now I`m getting behind in my work.

10. 911查询·英语单词

10. 我不想打扰你,不多耽搁了。
    I don't want to impose on you by staying too long.

11. 耽搁什么意思

11. 因此,他的航班耽搁了大约四个小时,但他仍能赶及在香港的第一堂教学。
      Consequently his flight was delayed by about 4 hours and he was still able to arrive Hong Kong in time for the first teaching session.

12. 耽搁的近义词

12. 对于给定成型制品所需的生产时间取决于塑件壁厚、注射时间、回程速率、冷却成型材料及模具的时间及其他时间,如保压、顶出和停止耽搁的时间等。
      Unfortunately they so varied that it is impossible to condense them.

13. 同位语 她耽搁了 2 个小时的原因是飞机在起飞前出了点小事故。
      Her delay of two hours is due to the fact that the plane met with a minor accident before taking off.

14. 经过一段时间耽搁以后又着手做某事
      Come round to doing sth.

15. 而你是那种能让人耽搁的鱼。
      And you're one of those fish that cause delays.

16. 我必须将帐做完,这事不能再耽搁下去了。
      I must get on with the accounts – I can't put them to one side any longer.

17. 我已经等了你半小时了,到底什么耽搁你了?
      I've been waiting for you for half an hour! What's the hold-up?

18. 在开始的地方可不要耽搁—或许你真的只剩一个小时的生命。
      But do not delay with the start maybe you really only have just one more hour of life.

19. 如果货运耽搁,你会得到全额退款。
      You will get all the refound, if freight were delayed.

20. danci.911cha.com

20. 有人在前头指点房间,以免耽搁拿钥匙。
      Outside in the gloom they stood, while the leader parleyed within.

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