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聚沙成塔 基本解释

聚沙成塔[jù shā chéng tǎ]

词典The sand accumulates to form a pagoda -- many littles make a mickle.

词典A great many grains of sand grouped together to form a pagoda.聚沙成塔。

词典Grains of sand can be grouped together to form a pagoda.聚沙成塔。

聚沙成塔 汉英大词典

聚沙成塔[jù shā chéng tǎ]

The sand accumulates to form a pagoda -- many littles make a mickle.; A great many grains of sand grouped together to form a pagoda.; Grains of sand can be grouped together to form a pagoda.

聚沙成塔 网络解释

1. 聚沙成塔

1. Many a grain of sand piled up will make a pagoda:2431 If at first you don't succeed, try,try,try again. 再接... | 2432 Many a grain of sand piled up will make a pagoda. 聚沙成塔. | 2433 Life without a friend is death without a witness. 没有朋友的生活...

2. 911查询·英语单词

2. accumulation of small amounts result in huge quantity:举目无亲 There is not a single friend around. | 举一反三 to infer the rest from what is already known | 聚沙成塔 accumulation of small amounts result in huge quantity

3. 聚沙成塔什么意思

3. A pin a day is a groat a year:A miss is as good as a mile. 失之毫厘,差之千里. | A pin a day is a groat a year. 聚沙成塔. | Never judge by appearances. 不要以貌取人.

4. Little by little and bit by bit:92、Make hay while the sun shines.(未雨綢繆) | 93、Little by little and bit by bit.(聚沙成塔) | 94、Marry in haste ,and repent at leisure.(匆匆結婚,慢慢後悔)

聚沙成塔 双语例句

1. 在现代日益激烈的市场竞争中,股份公司欲在竞争中取胜,必须依靠源源不断的资金来源,在资金来源渠道中,发行新股充分发挥了股份制度聚沙成塔的功能,降低了公司成本与经营风险。
    In the increasingly drastic market competition at present, if stock company wants to win must depend on incessant capital source. Among ways of finding capital source, issuing new share gives full play to the function to a ccumulate capital, to reduce the cost and the business risk as well.

2. 当小快乐接连不断的发生,随着时间的推移,聚沙成塔,它就能改变你的生活。
    When good things happen a lot, over time it changes your life.

3. 聚沙成塔,他们相信他们的工作将会稳扎稳打的收到效果。
    Bit by bit, they believe their work will slowly make a difference.

4. 聚沙成塔。现在与大家分享这一主题。
    Every little helps. A theme I will return to.

5. 第二,每一分钟皆很重要,所谓「聚沙成塔」即有此义,而小时也是由诸多分钟累积而成。
    Secondly, minutes make hour. We must take good care of our minutes.

6. 关注细节、合众之力、聚沙成塔,注定了我们对沙的崇拜。
    Concerned about the details of the union, Jushachengta, destined to our worship of the sand.

7. 可你却真的做到了聚沙成塔、积腋成裘!祝贺你的成功。
    But you actually made a mountain out of a molehill! Congratulations on your success.

8. 十年的发展中,前5年,靠的是急剧增多的网络游戏玩家,聚沙成塔,当然发展迅速。
    In development of 10 years, before 5 years, those who lean is the network game player of sharp increase, many a little makes a mickle, develop of course rapid.

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