
胜过是什么意思 胜过在线翻译 胜过什么意思 胜过的意思 胜过的翻译 胜过的解释 胜过的发音 胜过的同义词 胜过的反义词 胜过的例句


胜过 基本解释

胜过[shèng guò]

词典have it (all) over

词典have a [the] pull of [over]


词典be better than赛过;愈;胜过;胜似。

词典cut down减少;裁短;把…砍倒[割掉];<非正>驳倒。

胜过 汉英大词典

胜过[shèng guò]

have it (all) over; have a [the] pull of [over]; excel; be better than; surpass:


    A professional golfer usually has it all over an amateur.

    你无论做什么, 他总想胜过你。

    Whatever you do, he'll always try to go one better.

胜过 网络解释

1. get the best of:get rid of / / 摆脱, 除去 | get the best of / / 胜过 | get the better of / / 打败,智胜

2. excel v:evade vt.逃避,躲避 | excel v.胜过 | excerpt vt.摘录

3. get the better:get rid of 除去;丢弃;扔掉;摆脱;消灭 | get the better 胜过,超过;占上风;左右;支配 | get through 完成;到达;渡过;用光;(使人)明白;通过;接通(电话)

胜过 双语例句

1. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

1. 我喜欢传记胜过於漫话。
    I like biography better than comic books.

2. 但如果你喜欢海鲜胜过电子产品,那筑地鱼市正适合你。
    If you'remore into seafood than silicon, however, the Tsukiji Fishmarket is the place for you.

3. 但如果你喜欢海鲜胜过电子产品,那筑地鱼市正适合你。
    If you're more into seafood than silicon, however, the Tsukiji Fishmarket is the place for you.

4. 911查询·英语单词

4. 我爱你胜过我可以这么说。
    I love you more than i can`t say.

5. 他解释道:投资者在做决定时会过分强调刚刚过去的经历;人们对亏损的痛恨胜过对盈利的喜爱;随着市场日趋动荡,投资者行为会变得更易预测;情绪激动时,投资者倾向于采取从众行为。
    He explains: Investors overemphasise recent experience when making decisions; people hate to lose more than they love to win; investors become more predictable as markets become more volatile; and when they are emotional, investors tend to be herd-like in behaviour.

6. 就像其它年纪的小朋友一样,就读於马六甲大爱幼儿园的杨炜哲和郑颖,爱吃荤食胜过素食,但是最近他们的饮食有了很大的改变。
    But recently their diet has dramatically changed.

7. Anonymous on July 6 2005 我已经纵了这款产品胜过一年的时间了。
    I've been using this stuff for over a year now and yes it does improve the look of your skin.

8. 33:24 论亚设说,愿亚设蒙福胜过众子,得他弟兄们的喜悦,愿他的脚蘸在油中。
    May he be the one favored of his brothers, And the one dipping his foot in oil.

9. 同时,因为缺乏关于胜过罪、实际的敬虔之主题的真正复临教会的证道,我们的教友就灭亡了。
    In the meantime, our people perish for want of real Adventist sermons on the subject of victory over sin, and practical godliness.

10. 胜过的意思

10. 大卫可能被骄傲所试探,想追求自我的荣耀,信任军队的力量胜过上帝的帮助。
    David was probably tempted with pride, self-glory, and trust in his military strength rather than God.

11. 我爱你胜过爱花生酱。"
      I love you more than peanut butter."

12. 我便看出智慧胜过愚昧,如同光明胜过黑暗。
      Then I saw that wisdom excelleth folly, as far as light excelleth darkness.

13. 现在,一幕幕耶稣基督所作过的神迹将会重温眼前,包括:平静风和海,五饼二鱼使五千人吃饱,医病,以及他胜过死亡,复活并荣耀升天等。
      Now, marvel as their stories bring to life thrilling accounts of Jesus calming the raging waters of a mighty storm, feeding thousands of people with a few loaves and fish, healing the sick and the greatest miracle of all - Jesus'joyful triumph over death and His glorious ascent into Heaven!

14. 911查询·英语单词

14. 阴天时候,我会告诉你,我爱你,胜过彩虹的美丽。
      When it`s rainy, I will tell you, I love you, more than the beauty of the rainbow

15. 我爱我的女儿胜过我的生命
      I love my daughter more than life in itself.

16. 有相当多的人喜欢那栋老建筑胜过喜欢新建筑。
      A considerable number of people preferred the old building to the new one.

17. 911查询·英语单词

17. 我走在回家的路上,沉思着,我的虚荣心胜过了怜悯之心。
      As I walked home in a pensive mood, my vanity got the better of my pity.

18. 一个目睹者胜过两个道听途说的人。
      B 2087 One eyewitness is better than two hearers.

19. 适度和饱满的,细致的单调要胜过Shure E5x0。如果你喜欢饱满而有力量的声音,这款价格低于100美元的耳机能满足你。
      Mids are rich, a slightly darker tone than that of the Shure E5x0, so if you like your vocals rich, and powerful - these are going to need to be on your shortlist for a sub US$100 `phone!

20. 911chaxun查询·英语单词大全

20. 现在再来给你一个忠告:一鸟在手胜过二鸟在林。
      It is a sincere advice that one bird on hand exceed two birds in forest.

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