
腕子是什么意思 腕子在线翻译 腕子什么意思 腕子的意思 腕子的翻译 腕子的解释 腕子的发音 腕子的同义词 腕子的反义词 腕子的例句


腕子 基本解释



腕子 网络解释

1. 腕子的翻译

1. wrist:wool 羊毛 | wrist 腕子 | mammal 哺乳动物

腕子 双语例句

1. 腕子

1. 圣地亚哥是古巴的一个老渔夫,他年轻时非常出色,强健有力,他曾经和一个黑人比赛掰腕子,比了一天一夜,最后终于战胜了对手。
    Santiago is a Cuban old fisherman, he was young very good, strong and effective, he had a black hand wrestling match than a day and a night and finally beat the opponent.

2. 哈恩斯呢,他把我的手腕子搞得疼痛万分,又拉又拖的。依我看,在这个世界上还有我这么一个人,他恐怕已经忘得一干二净了。
    Hines he hurt my wrist dreadful pulling and tugging so, and I reckon he clean forgot I was in the world, he was so excited and panting.

3. 腕子的翻译

3. 一是必须把三个手指头按在手腕子上才摸得到脉跳,这是血亏的征兆。
    The doctor had to press all three fingers on his wrist to feel the pulse beat, and this was a sign the volume of blood was decreasing.

4. 你的脚腕子肿得很厉害,我认为得请医生看看了。
    Your ankle is badly swollen; I think the doctor ought to look at it.

5. 我的脚腕子还是疼得不能走路。
    My ankle is still too painful to walk on.

6. 腕子

6. 不会再把我的脚腕子打出血了
    Won't draw blood from my ankles again.

7. 她伤了脚腕子,瘸着走回家。
    She hurt her ankle and limp ed back home.

8. 腕子

8. 她伤了脚腕子,瘸着走回家。
    She hurt her ankle and limped back home.

9. Gimme gimme,gimme gimme gimme gimme,Gimme gimme,gimme gimme gimme gimme,Gimme gimme,gimme gimme gimme gimme,Gimme gimme,gimme gimme gimme gimme,Gimme gimme,gimme gimme gimme gimme,Gimme gimme,gimme gimme gimme gimme,Gimme gimme,gimme gimme gimme gimme,Gimme gimme,gimme gimme gimme gimme,(诗歌3) Gimme 所有那个断裂它下来女孩震动它现在下落它对地面 You're 方式太高去lil 更低现在婴孩敲打它象岩石Balboa thats 什么我说shorty 呀去头显示我什么您得到了heres lil 更多面包您知道怎么我发光一百在腕子如果您喜欢什么您看见然后您得到保留它 lil somethin 象这样,象这样,象这样,象这样象这样,象这样,象这样,象这样婴孩做ya 想要它喜欢这,象这样,象这样,象这样,象这样,象这样,象这样
    Gimme gimme, gimme gimme gimme gimme, Gimme gimme, gimme gimme gimme gimme, Gimme gimme, gimme gimme gimme gimme, Gimme gimme, gimme gimme gimme gimme, Gimme gimme, gimme gimme gimme gimme, Gimme gimme, gimme gimme gimme gimme, Gimme gimme, gimme gimme gimme gimme, Gimme gimme, gimme gimme gimme gimme, (Verse 3) Gimme that all of that break it down Girls shake it up now drop it to the ground You're way too high go a lil lower Now baby beat it up like Rocky Balboa Yeah thats what I said shorty go head Show me what you got heres a lil more bread You know how I shine a hundred on the wrist If you like what you see then you gotta keep it up A lil somethin Like this, like this, like this, like this Like this, like this, like this, like this Baby do ya want it like this, like this, like this, like this, like this, like this, like this

10. 和在场每一个人一样,哈恩斯不禁欢呼起来,他放开了我的手腕子,使出全身的劲,想挤进去看上一眼。我乘机一溜烟乘着黑直奔到大路上,我当时那个情景,谁也无法加以形容。
    Hines let out a whoop, like everybody else, and dropped my wrist and give a big surge to bust his way in and get a look, and the way I lit out and shinned for the road in the dark there ain't nobody can tell.

11. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D

11. 讽刺地,掉下腕子和手肘是您能为您的抓水所做的其中一件最坏的事。
      Ironically, dropping the wrist and elbow is one of the worst things you can do for your catch..

12. 手表是小的;我们在口袋在腕子可以投入它或佩带它!
      A watch is small; we can put it in the pocket or wear it on the wrist!

13. 腕子是什么意思

13. 我在她之后移动了她的手,紧固互相软的袖口在每个腕子附近和。
      I moved her hands behind her back, fastening soft cuffs around each wrist and to each other.

14. 腕子

14. 腕子和肩膀可能容易地被损坏,如此喜欢是安全的。
      Wrists and shoulders can be easily damaged, so please be safe.

15. 它有二个D-rings 在脖子括号的后面附有腕子克制为更多奴役控制。
      It has two D-rings at the back of the neck brace to attach wrist restraints for more bondage control.

16. 他抬起腕子看了看表,开始用一种军事化的标准越野步伐奔跑。
      Raising his watch to observe the time, he begins to run with a military standarized cross-country pace.

17. 他一抖腕子就把饼翻过来了。
      He turned the pancake over with a strong flick of his wrist.

18. 这些可调整,折的腕子袖口被设计了为悬浮。
      These adjustable, buckling wrist cuffs were designed for suspension.

19. 腕子的解释

19. 身段已经根本没有了,脸和脚腕子也都肿了。
      Her figure was completely gone and her face and ankles were puffy.

20. 腕子什么意思

20. 阿尔奇在床边低低地举着灯照亮,同时用一个骨节肿大的手指放在艾希礼的手腕子上。
      Archie held the lamp low over the bed to give light and one of his gnarled fingers was on Ashley's wrist.

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