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膘情 基本解释


词典degree of fatness膘情。

词典body condition膘情。

膘情 网络解释

1. 膘情在线翻译

1. bodycondition:bodycomposition 体躯成分 | bodycondition 膘情 | bodycone 体锥面

2. degreeoffatness:degree of expansion ==> 膨胀度 | degree of fatness ==> 膘情 | degree of financial leverage ==> 财务杠杆作用盈利度

膘情 双语例句

1. 膘情的翻译

1. 精饲料是牛羊日粮的必要补充,其投喂量视生长阶段和膘情水平而定,一般占体重0.8—1.5%增加精饲料投喂量应逐渐进行,并以不出现消化道疾病,但有明显的增重效果为依据。
    The concentrated feed is the cattle and sheep date grain essential supplement, it throws feeds the quantity to regard the growth phase and the fat sentiment level decides, generally accounts for body weight 0.8-1.5% to increase the concentrated feed to throw feeds the quantity to carry on gradually, and by does not present the digestive tract disease, but has obviously increases the heavy effect is the basis.

2. 由于造成皮毛损失和膘情损失,而且产奶量下降,因此造成严重的经济损失
    All cause serious economic loss because of hide damage, loss of body condition and decreased milk loss

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3. 否则,不具备一定的膘情,就不能保证母獒的各种组织器官保持正常的生理状况并发挥其生理机能。
    Otherwise, do not have a certain Biaoqing, we can not guarantee that a variety of tissues and organs A mother to maintain normal physiological status and to play its physiological function.

4. 种公羊的膘情要在中上等,过肥或过瘦都会影响受胎率。
    Gongyangspecies in the upper, too fat or too thin will affect the conception rate.

5. 虽然母猪的产奶量大幅度增加了,但是在这个泌乳期内,母猪还保持了良好的膘情
    Although the lactating sows are producing more milk they are also maintaining better body condition throughout the lactation and as a result of this my conception rate has increased.

6. 膘情是什么意思

6. 可见控制母獒过肥,保持体型匀称,身体健康,膘情适宜,是保证母獒正常发情受胎的重要条件。
    A mother can see that control over fat, maintain body symmetry, physical health, Biaoqing appropriate, is to ensure the normal estrous female mastiff an important condition for conception.

7. 发育要良好所选择的种兔要体格健壮,非近亲个体,生长发育良好,膘情中等,体质结实,结构匀称。
    Development should be a good choiceto able-bodied, non-kin individual growth and development of good, middle-, physical setting, structural symmetry.

8. 膘情的近义词

8. 胎次和膘情对外源激素调控乏情母猪繁殖效果的影响
    Effect of Exogenous Hormone on Anestrus Sows

9. 膘情

9. 配种分娩率中膘情过肥和过瘦母猪最低(0),而膘情适中、偏肥和偏瘦组的分别为4615%,3125%和6875%。
    The farrowing rate of the fattest and thinnest sows was the lowest (0), and the farrowing rates of mid fatness sows, fatter sows and thinner sows were 4615%, 3125% and 6875%, respectively.

10. 在膘情分组中,各组的促发情率除了膘情过肥母猪最低(20%),其他组为100%;
    The estrus rate of the fattest sows was the lowest (0), and that of the others was 100%.

11. 而膘情较好的试验Ⅰ组受胎率最高(71.29%),流产率最低(2.68%)。
      However, the highest pregnancy rate (71.29%) and the lowest rate of abortion (2.68%) were recorded in group ⅰ which was in good body condition.

12. 膘情较差的黄牛经60天缩短育肥后,可用作胚胎受体;供体牛胚超数排卵前注射维生素在超数效果上注射维生素组要好于未注射组,但差异不显著;
      The worse fat Yanbian yellow cattle via 60 days short-term finishing will service as receptors, and it's better for the donors to inject vitamin before superovulation than the without groups, but there were no significant difference between them.

13. 膘情良好的羊同期发情率为96%,膘情差的羊同期发情率为77.8%
      It was 96% to eutrophic sheep and 77.8% to oligotrophic sheep to the rate of synchronization estrus.

14. 配种分娩率中膘情过肥和过瘦母猪最低(0),而膘情适中、偏肥和偏瘦组的分别为4615%,3125%和6875%。
      The farrowing rate of the fattest and thinnest sows was the lowest (0), and the farrowing rates of mid fatness sows, fatter sows and thinner sows were 46 15 %, 31 25 % and 68 75 %, respectively.

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15. 在膘情分组中,各组的促发情率除了膘情过肥母猪最低(20%),其他组为100%;
      The estrus rate of the fattest sows was the lowest (0), and that of the others was 100 %.

16. 而膘情较好的试验Ⅰ组受胎率最高(71.29%),流产率最低(2.68%)。
      However, the highest pregnancy rate (71.29 %) and the lowest rate of abortion (2.68 %) were recorded in group ⅰ which was in good body condition.

17. 膘情良好的羊同期发情率为96%,膘情差的羊同期发情率为77.8%
      It was 96 % to eutrophic sheep and 77.8 % to oligotrophic sheep to the rate of synchronization estrus.

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