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艏楼 基本解释

艏楼[shǒu lóu]


艏楼 汉英大词典

艏楼[shǒu lóu]


艏楼 网络解释

1. forecastle:克瑞克帆船所属的特点在於其圆弧形的船艉,船壳版从船身边缘向船艉柱弯成弧形;艏楼(forecastle)直接位在船艏上,而船艏斜桅则从那顶上伸出――这种装设方式自从「城垛」(battlement)第一次装设在帆舰上就没有改变过――而艉楼则形成船壳

2. forecastle n:fore perpendicular 艏垂线 | forecastle n. 艏楼 | foreign trade 外贸

艏楼 双语例句

1. 艏楼和艉楼间有三个货舱,第二和第三货舱口间有一个六层甲板室。
    There are 3 cargo holds between the forecastle and the poop and 1 six-tiered deckhouse bet.

2. 该船布置有艏楼,艉楼和艉甲板室。
    The vessel to be provided with forecastle, poop and aft deckhouse.

3. 该船设有艏楼、艉楼和艉部甲板舱室,甲板舱室包含桥楼、居住区、公共区和供应区。
    This ship is equipped with fore and aft accommodations and aft deck booth, which contains bridge, accommodation, public area, and supply area.

4. 根据锚机的布置图安装钢板焊接式锚链筒,在艏楼甲板和较低船体侧的锚穴处应安装有锚链筒的凸缘。
    Hawse pipes to be provided with steel plate deck flange on forecastle deck and anchor pocket at lower shell side.

5. 在艏楼布置有2台电动或电动-液压式锚机,每台锚机应安装有锚链轮,系泊卷筒和带缆卷筒,并且系泊绞车为自动张紧式。
    Each windlass to be provided with cable lifter for anchor chain, mooring drum and warping head.

6. 在艏楼甲板安装有由钢板制成的具有足够设计强度的防浪板用以给集装箱以最大程度保护,防浪板的外型如总布置图所示,从艏柱至艏桅的整个艏楼甲板区均被加以庇荫保护。
    Spray Hood 防浪板 On forecastle deck a spray hood of strong design made of steel to be installed to provide max. protection to containers. Outline of the spray hood according to the GA plan. The complete forecastle deck area between the stem and foremast to be sheltered.

7. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

7. 船尾构架铁船中最靠近船尾的横向组成部分,包括在船尾柱附近的甲板、肋骨和横梁上为保护缆绳免受损伤,在艉封板后、尾楼甲板、艏楼甲板和部分舱壁处应装有半圆钢。
    The aftermost transverse structural member in a steel ship, including the floor, frame, and beam assembly at the sternpost. Half-round bars for protection of lines to be provided at transom stern, poop deck, forecastle deck, and partly on the bulkhead.

8. 本船设计有一连续的主甲板和艏楼,艉楼。
    The ship is designed to have continuous main deck, forecastle and poop.

9. 在对艏楼甲板进行照度计算时还引入了新的方法,使我们对一些有一定倾角安装的灯具的照度计算有了通用公式。
    This paper use new method on the forecastle deck's lumination calculation, then dedude currency formula for every light which fixed with some angle.

10. 为保护缆绳免受损伤,在艉封板后、尾楼甲板、艏楼甲板和部分舱壁处应装有半圆钢。(有装甲甲板的)装甲巡洋舰
    Half-round bars for protection of lines to be provided at transom stern, poop deck, forecastle deck, and partly on the bulkhead. a protected cruiser

11. 系泊支架是运到大连造船新厂后,用船坞龙门吊吊装在浮式生产储油装置的艏楼甲板上;
      The mooring support structure was transported to DNS and pre-installed on forecastle deck of the FPSO by a gantry crane at dry dock.

12. 本船设计有一连续的主甲板和艏楼,艉楼。
      The ship is designed to have continuous main deck、forecastle and poop.

13. 艏楼甲板应该有小的舷弧用于排水。
      The forecastle deck will have small sheer for drainage.

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14. 艏楼甲板上安装2根带有衬垫的锚链系固钢丝。
      Pieces of chain security wire with pad to be fitted on forecastle deck.

15. 在对艏楼甲板进行照度计算时还引入了新的方法,使我们对一些有一定倾角安装的灯具的照度计算有了通用公式。
      This paper use new method on the forecastle deck`s lumination calculation, then dedude currency formula for every light which fixed with some angle.

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