
艳阳天是什么意思 艳阳天在线翻译 艳阳天什么意思 艳阳天的意思 艳阳天的翻译 艳阳天的解释 艳阳天的发音 艳阳天的同义词


艳阳天 基本解释


艳阳天[yàn yáng tiān]

词典bright spring day艳阳;艳阳天。

词典bright sunny skies艳阳天。

艳阳天 汉英大词典

艳阳天[yàn yáng tiān]

bright spring day; bright sunny skies

艳阳天 双语例句

1. 艳阳天什么意思

1. 我是富足的,即使没有万贯家资,却也拥有无数个艳阳天与夏日。
    I was rich, if not in money, in sunny hours and summer days.

2. 1pondol五月艳阳天l恨锁金梅l新天下2土贤子土地是世界上唯一值得你去为之工作,为之战斗,为之牺牲的东西,因为它是唯一永恒的东西。
    Land is the only thing in the world worth working for, worth fighting for, worth dying for. Because it`s the only thing that lasts.

3. 第一次发现自己原来这么喜欢太阳,喜欢艳阳天
    Find oneself like the sun so originally, like the bright spring day for the first time.

4. 我也曾经是个热爱湖泊的小男孩,也拥有无数个艳阳天与夏日。
    I too was a boy in love with a pond, rich in sunny hours and summer days.

5. 在我的孩童时代,我也曾那样热爱小湖,也曾拥有过无数艳阳天和夏日。
    I too was in love with a pond, rich in sunny hours and summer days in my childhood.

6. 我也曾经是热爱湖塘的小男孩,拥有无数个艳阳天与夏日。
    I too was once a boy in love with a pond, rich in sunny hours and summer days.

7. 还有让他们不能安宁的是,他们极度怀疑他们在21世纪艳阳天刨出来了自己的遗骸
    And let them not, they are extremely quiet in the 21st century suspect they dig out their sunny days remains

8. 而在这艳阳天的下午,夜鹰在我头顶的上空盘旋,——我有时整天地工作,——它好像是我眼睛里的一粒沙,或者说落在天空的眼睛里的一粒沙,它时而侧翼下降,大叫一声,天空便好像给划破了,最后似裂成破布一样,但苍穹依然是一条细缝也没有;空中飞着不少小小的精灵,在地上、黄沙或岩石上、山顶上下了许多蛋,很少有人看到过的;它们美丽而细长,像湖水卷起的涟漪,又像给凤吹到空中的升腾的树叶;在大自然里有的是这样声气相投的因缘。
    The nighthawk circled overhead in the sunny afternoons —— for I sometimes made a day of it —— like a mote in the eye, or in heaven's eye, falling from time to time with a swoop and a sound as if the heavens were rent, torn at last to very rags and tatters, and yet a seamless cope remained; small imps that fill the air and lay their eggs on the ground on bare sand or rocks on the tops of hills, where few have found them; graceful and slender like ripples caught up from the pond, as leaves are raised by the wind to float in the heavens; such kindredship is in nature.

9. 多么酷热的艳阳天啊!
    What a hot, sunnyday!

10. 我们惟一能把握的只有现在,好好地把握现在,为更灿烂的美好明天而努力拼搏,以最爽朗的心情迎接每一天将要升起的骄阳,开创一片属于自己的艳阳天
    All we need to do is seizing the present, work hard to struggle for creating a beautiful tomorrow, welcome the rising blazing sun with chipper mood and initiate a bright spring day that belongs to ourselves.

11. 她走着,洒一路娇美,好似夜空无云,天上有繁星,或明,或暗,那美的极致聚于她颜面,凝于她眼睛,逐渐融化为青光幽姿,艳阳天得不到如此天恩。
      She walks in beauty, like the night of cloudless climes and starry skies, and all that'p best of dark and bright, meet in her aspect and her eyes:thus mellow'd to that thender light.

12. 当时,(我们正在谈论一个美丽的艳阳天&哦!)
      There we were, walking and talking about a beautiful sunny day and – poof!

13. 在连续两个艳阳天的同一时间拍摄的照片也可能大不相同。
      Photographs taken at the same time on two consecutive sunny days can be quite different from one another.

14. 艳阳天的解释

14. 太阳又出来了,这是个艳阳天
      The sun was out again, and it was a glorious day.

15. 梭罗喜欢回忆这样的艳阳天和夏日,慵懒是最迷人也是最具生产力的事情!
      Thoreau loved to recall such sunny hours and summer days when idleness was the most attractive and productive business.

16. 但是沙尘暴并没有持续太久,气象局预报周六是个艳阳天
      But the sandstorm was not expected to last long, and the bureau forecast sunny weather for Saturday.

17. 一旦寒流袭来,它们立刻躲回温暖的巢穴,等待下一个艳阳天的召唤。
      But as soon as a cold wave comes they immediately retreat to their warm caves, waiting for the next sunny day.

18. 艳阳天在线翻译

18. 我虽然不富甲天下,却拥有无数个艳阳天和夏日。写这句话时,梭罗想起孩提时代的瓦尔登湖。
      I was rich, if not in money, in sunny hours and summer days. & Henry David Thoreau When Thoreau wrote that line, he was thinking of the Walden Pond he knew as a boy.

19. 艳阳天的近义词

19. 阳光下的时光约翰布莱德利我虽然不富甲天下,却拥有无数个艳阳天和夏日。&亨利大卫梭罗
      Hour in the Sun John H. Bradley I was rich, if not in money, in sunny hours and summer days. & Henry David Thoreau

20. 接下来几周恬静宁馨的日子犹如暴风雨过后的艳阳天
      Like sunshine after storm were the peaceful weeks which followed.

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