
荒瘠是什么意思 荒瘠在线翻译 荒瘠什么意思 荒瘠的意思 荒瘠的翻译 荒瘠的解释 荒瘠的发音 荒瘠的同义词 荒瘠的反义词 荒瘠的例句


荒瘠 基本解释



词典desolate and poor荒瘠。

荒瘠 双语例句

1. 格里科⑿的那些伟大的绘画中的一幅,在那幅画上是一片乌云下的昏暗的荒瘠土地的景色,雷声隆隆拖长了的憔悴的人影东歪西倒,被一种不是属于尘世间的情绪弄得恍恍惚惚,他们屏息着。
    Standard Rico⑿In these great drawing, in that marks is under a dark cloud dim wild thin soil place scenery, roll of thunder lengthened the thin and pale person's shadow totters, is not belongs to mood between this mortal world by one kind to make as if stupefied, they are holding the breath.

2. 约束在树里的火迸出花朵,从束缚中解放了出来,那不害羞的火焰死在荒瘠的灰烬
    The fire restrained in the tree fashions flowers. Released from bonds, the shameless flame dies in barren ashes.

3. 约束在树里的火迸出花朵,从束缚中解放了出来,那不害羞的火焰死在荒瘠的灰烬
    The sky sets no snare to capture the moon, it is her own freedom which bindsher. The light that fills the sky seeks its limit in a dew-drop on the grass.

4. 约束在树里的火迸出花朵,从束缚中解放了出来,那不害羞的火苗死在荒瘠的灰烬
    The fire restrained in the tree fas你好ons flowers. Released from bonds, the shameless flame dies in barren ashes.

5. 倘若 让我逮住一个,我就会紧捏住他,把他甩出门槛,摔倒在大地上,气息奄奄。然而,即便这样,也难去我心头不可消止的愁愤,为了神一样的赫拉克勒斯。你,怀着险恶的用心,依借北风的助衬,唆使风暴,把他推过荒瘠的大海,冲操到人丁兴旺的科斯。然而,我把他从那里救出,带回到马草丰肥的阿耳戈斯,其时,他已历经磨难。
    All the gods in Olympus were in a fury, but they could not reach you to set you free; when I caught any one of them I gripped him and hurled him from the heavenly threshold till he came fainting down to earth; yet even this did not relieve my mind from the incessant anxiety which I felt about noble Hercules whom you and Boreas had spitefully conveyed beyond the seas to Cos, after suborning the tempests; but I rescued him, and notwithstanding all his mighty labours I brought him back again to Argos.

6. 冈,我看见茂盛的飞燕草和野生的洋葱头,以及荒瘠而苍白的长着
    The buttes, I see the plentiful larkspur and wild onions, the barren, colorless

7. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

7. 在我荒瘠的土地上你是最后的玫瑰。
    In my barren land you are the final rose.

8. 我因她的血液而荒瘠
    I am barren with her blood.

9. 您穿越过荒瘠的沙漠到达了圆满的时刻。
    Thou crossest desert lands of barren years to reach the moment of fulfillment.

10. 过去的人可能为我们文明的匮乏可怜我们;未来的人会耻笑我们文明的荒瘠
    We are destroying art in destroying the brautiful life....

11. 过去的人可能为我们文明的匮乏可怜我们;未来的人会耻笑我们文明的荒瘠
      In our self -centered century, what inspiration; the future will laugh at the barrenness of our art.

12. 大海捶击他荒瘠的胸脯,因为它没有花献给月亮。
      The sea smites his own barren breast because he has no flowers to offer to the moon.

13. 在这样荒瘠的沙漠里,很少生物能够存活。
      Such a barren desert can support very few creatures.

14. 然而,在地球的“底部”&南极洲东部,一片巨大的蓝色冰原保持着它的纯净和荒瘠
      At the bottom of the Earth, however, in East Antarctica, huge sheets of blue ice remain pure and barren.

15. danci.911cha.com

15. 月球表面比地球上所知道的任何地方都要荒瘠
      The lunar landscape is starker than any known on earth.

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