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蔽障 基本解释

蔽障[bì zhàng]

词典keep in obscurity蔽障。

词典obstacle to faith or clear vision蔽障。

蔽障 汉英大词典

蔽障[bì zhàng]

keep in obscurity; obstacle to faith or clear vision

蔽障 双语例句

1. 这是一扇能打破诸界蔽障传送门。
    Your visions probably reveal more than you say, but you have a good

2. 为了达到在迷宫中行走的目的,我们要设计蔽障和迷宫算法,为了使小车的信息能够实时传输到远端 PC 机,就需要设计一套较为实用和可靠的无线通信协议。
    In order to achieve the purpose, we have to design languishing impaired and maze algorithm, and also with the purpose of making Dolly have the ability of real-time transmission of information to distant PC, we should design a more practical and reliable wireless communication protocol.

3. 有时候很多人,他们的蔽障之上会有更多的小孔,从这边泄漏出的光芒,投射出一个上师,从另外一个小孔呢,可能投射出的是观世音,可能是四臂的,可能是女相的,不知道,也许还骑着鱼。
    And many times for some of us, there`re some more holes, so from this, leaking comes, you know the rays in it, there is a reflection of a guru, and from another hole comes a reflection of the Avalokitesvara of four arms, woman, I don`t know, whatever, driving fish.

4. 小车在迷宫行进的过程中,会自动蔽障、选择路线,并通过无线模块将行进的信息实时传送给远端 PC 机,从而在 PC 端显示出小车在迷宫中行进的路线。
    In the process, the smart car will automatically languishing barriers, choose route and the road line will be through wireless module and real-time transmission of information to distant PC which shows it.

5. 蔽障

5. 他要睁开眼睛,站起身来,要奋斗、要工作、要学习,直到眼前没有了蔽障,舌尖没有了挂碍,能够把他丰富的幻觉与露丝共享。
    He would stand up, with open eyes, and he would struggle and toil and learn until, with eyes unblinded and tongue untie d, he could share with her his visioned wealth

6. 我个人十分重视静心的功夫,它帮我清除心中的杂念,让我的心清晰而专一。然而,根据我的经验,不论我怎么清除心里的小我之念,它罩在潜意识中的无明蔽障仍在那儿。
    Regarding the state of Samadhi, my understanding is, the purpose of reaching Samadhi is to rid the mind of distractions and achieve a focus of clear concentration which will enable you to experience a harmony that expresses the true nature of Mind.

7. 蔽障在线翻译

7. 无知与罪责感是人类从柏拉图洞穴中、从角色序列中真正诚、省的开始,只有如此之省,省己之罪、己之无知,吾人才能廓清吾人内心之浮云蔽障,以虚明若谷之怀恭候仁、圣、神的到场,我们才能从人的本质存在样态的角色序列中领悟何谓充盈的世界精神,何谓如江河不舍昼夜的仁爱生命之流。
    A sense of ignorance and guilt of mankind from the cave in Plato, the role of sequences from the real honesty, the beginning of the province, and only so, the provincial crime of our own, our own ignorance, I feel I can clarify the cloud cover barrier to virtual waiting for the Huai Ming Hui若谷, St., the scene of God that we can the nature of human existence from the state-like sequence in the role of filling the world understand what is meant by the spirit of what is meant by rivers such as the caring and give up life like day and night.

8. 蔽障是什么意思

8. 它的大门白痴式地顽固,在被你硬推开时,它的喉咙会发出一声微弱的咕哝,让你一个趔趄直落两步台阶掉进银行,等到你定过神来,就已进入了一个可怜的店堂。那儿有两个小柜台,柜台边衰老不堪的办事员在最阴暗的窗户前核对签字时,会弄得你的支票簌簌发抖,仿佛有风在吹着。那窗户永远有从舰队街上飞来的泥水为它洗淋浴,又因它自己的铁栅栏和法学会的重重蔽障而更加阴暗。
    After bursting open a door of idiotic obstinacy with a weak rattle in its throat, you fell into Tellson's down two steps, and came to your senses in a miser-able little shop, with two little counters, where the oldest of men made your cheque shake as if the wind rustled it, while they examined the signature by the dingiest of windows, which were always under a shower-bath of mud from Fleet-street, and which were made the dingier by their own iron bars proper, and the heavy shadow of Temple Bar.

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