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藨草 基本解释

藨草[biāo cǎo]

词典Scripus triqueter藨草。

词典meadow rush藨草。


藨草 汉英大词典

藨草[biāo cǎo]

Scripus triqueter; meadow rush; scirpi (莎草科多年生草本)

藨草 双语例句

1. 作为我国的特有植物物种以及雁鸭类喜爱的食物,保护海三棱藨草已经成为一件刻不容缓的任务。
    As an endemic marsh plant and a favorite food type for ducks, the conservation of S.

2. 目前海三棱藨草仅在东部至南部低潮区的前沿地带仍有生长,且其带宽很窄,仅20-40米。
    The relations between plant biomass and the distance to creeks were different at different transacts.

3. 作为我国的特有植物物种以及雁鸭类喜爱的食物,保护海三棱藨草已经成为一件刻不容缓的任务。
    At the eastern transact, the aboveground plant biomass were negatively related with the distance to creeks.

4. 藨草的近义词

4. 海三棱藨草群落、藨草群落和芦苇群落是三种主要的湿地植物群落类型。
    Scripus mariqueler community, Scirpus triquerter community and Phragmites australis community are three main wetland flora types.

5. 藨草

5. 中潮滩春季藨草的光和作用可以降低CO2和N2O的排放,明箱内表现为对CO2(-67.45mg/平方公尺h)和N2O(-21.79μg/平方公尺h)的吸收,同时呼吸作用增加了潮滩-大气界面CO2和N2O的排放(CO2,730.27mg/平方公尺h;N2O,109.72μg/平方公尺h)。
    In CM-2, the photosynthesis of plant can decrease the emission of CO2 and N2O in Spring.

6. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

6. 环境因素对藨草残体的腐烂分解有着十分重要的影响,温度升高、湿度增大,则加速微生物对植物碎屑的分解。
    The environmental factors such as air temperature and humidity also affect the putrefaction and decomposition of plant litter, and the rise in air temperature and the increase in humidity will enhance the decomposition of plant litter by microbes.

7. 结果表明,藨草残体在为期391d的分解过程中质量损失了46%~66%,其中藨草茎分解速率大于藨草根的,高潮滩的大于堤内的;碳含量呈持续降低趋势,而氮含量则显著升高。
    It is shown from the analysis results that after 391 days of plant decomposition, the masses of stem and root have lost 46% to 60%, the decomposition rate of stem was higher than that of root, and the decomposition rate was higher in the high-tide flat than in the beach; the carbon content decreased constantly and the nitrogen content increased remarkably in the decomposition process.

8. 长江口潮滩先锋植物藨草腐烂分解过程研究
    Study on Putrefaction and Decomposition Process of Scirpus triqueter on the Changjiang Estuary Tidal Flat

9. 藨草的近义词

9. 碳酸氢铵对白茅和藨草吸收重金属的影响
    Effects of Ammonia Bicarbonate on the Absorption of Heavy Metals in Imperata cylindrica and Scirpus triqueter

10. 海三棱藨草的密度和单位面积结实枝条数显著大于互花米草。
    However, the density and number of flowering tillers per square meter for Spartina alterniflora were significantly lower than those of Scirpus mariqueter.

11. 闽江河口藨草湿地CH4排放特征
      Methane Emission from Scirpus triqueter Wetland in the Min River Estuary

12. 地下根茎为芦苇现存碳储量的主要场所,而地上部分是海三棱藨草碳储量的主要场所。
      The underground rhizome of P. australis and the aboveground part of S. mariqueter were the main sites of existing carbon storage.

13. 全年调查结果显示,非水鸟分别占盐渍藻类带、海三棱藨草带/藨草带、芦苇带观察种数的7.25%、31.25%和47.06%,比例逐渐升高,春夏秋冬四季均符合这个规律;
      It was 7.25% in saline algae zone, 31.25% in Scirpus marqueter/Scirpus triqueter zone and 47.06% in reed zone;

14. 目前,崇明东滩湿地植被群落演替的基本模式为:盐渍藻类群落海三棱藨草群落/藨草群落芦苇群落。
      At present, the basic pattern is saline algae community, Scirpus marqueter/Scirpus triqueter community and reed community.

15. 地下根茎为芦苇现存碳储量的主要场所,而地上部分是海三棱藨草碳储量的主要场所。
      The underground rhizome of P.australis and the aboveground part of S.mariqueter were the main sites of existing carbon storage.

16. 全年调查结果显示,非水鸟分别占盐渍藻类带、海三棱藨草带/藨草带、芦苇带观察种数的7.25%、31.25%和47.06%,比例逐渐升高,春夏秋冬四季均符合这个规律;
      It was 7.25 % in saline algae zone, 31.25 % in Scirpus marqueter / Scirpus triqueter zone and 47.06 % in reed zone;

17. 目前,崇明东滩湿地植被群落演替的基本模式为:盐渍藻类群落海三棱藨草群落/藨草群落芦苇群落。
      At present, the basic pattern is saline algae community, Scirpus marqueter / Scirpus triqueter community and reed community.

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