
虫儿是什么意思 虫儿在线翻译 虫儿什么意思 虫儿的意思 虫儿的翻译 虫儿的解释 虫儿的发音 虫儿的同义词 虫儿的反义词 虫儿的例句


虫儿 基本解释



虫儿 双语例句

1. 即便你仍然能忍受我以上的笔调,我记忆中童年的太阳也已经西下:正如你们必定知道的那样,夏日的黄昏,在山脚下,伴随着虫儿的飞舞,日光褪去后留下的芬芳的余辉悬浮在茂盛的灌木丛周围,或是在不经意间被漫步者闯入并穿过,那是一种毛茸茸的温暖,还有身披金黄的虫儿
    My very photogenic mother died in a freak accidentwhen Iwas three, and, save for a pocket of warmth in the darkest past, nothing of her subsists within the hollows and dells of memory, over which, if you can still stand my style, the sun of my infancy had set:surely, you all know those redolent remnants of day suspended, with the midges, about some hedge in bloom or suddenly entered and traversed by the rambler, at the bottom of a hill, in the summer dusk; a furry warmth, golden midges.

2. 曾经,我握一盈手薄雾,然后,我展开手掌,却发现薄雾成了虫儿;我把我的手握住又展开,竟发现一只鸟儿在手中;我再一次握住我的手又展开,哦,在我的掌心,伫立着一个仰天长叹,愁容满面的人;再一次的,我握起了我的手,展开,掌上已别无他物,只有薄雾一片。
    Once I filled my hand with mist, then I open it and look, the mist was a worm. And I closed and opened my hand again, and behold there was a bird. And again I closed and opened my hand, and in its hollow stood a man with a sad face, turned upward. And again I closed my hand, and when I opened it there was naught but mist.

3. Josua抬起一直放在身上的手,指着医生被小虫儿钻得满是孔的写字台上面,那一堆已经松散了书页的书。
    Josua swept his hand across his body to point at a pile of loose book-leaves stacked on the doctor's worm-bored writing desk.

4. 她只是在花蕾绽放的崭新的色彩里,聆听着相机闪光灯的喀嚓声;悄悄地躲在窗棂后面,倾听着少女的轻叹;在撒满花瓣的绿色原野上,静听着虫儿的呢喃,轻抚着鸟儿的翅膀。
    But in the new color a bud of flower wears, she listens to the camera`s shooting sound; hid her to the grids of a wood window, she acts a listener to a maid`s sighs; covered by leaves painted green by her, she listens to chirrs of insects and touches of birds` wing.

5. 中!就这样,你的虫儿的生命就结束了。
    And with that, your bugsy life ended. Originally uploaded by yl.

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6. 一到晚上,我们就能听到草丛中各种虫儿的叫声。
    One night, we can hear the grass in a variety of Chong Er's call.

7. 早起的鸟儿有虫吃,早起的虫儿被鸟吃。。。
    Every second Wednesday of every month from March 2008 to Dec.

8. 生物发光生物体的可见光发射,如萤火虫、彩色鱼类、真菌类和细菌萤光虫儿,可怜无知的小东西,不知道现在在打仗,继续在闪闪发光。
    Emission of visible light by living organisms such as the firefly and various fish, fungi, and bacteria. the glow-worms, poor ignorant little creatures, don't know there's a war on and so continue lighting themselves up.

9. 早起的鸟儿有食吃,早起的虫儿被鸟吃。
    Bird have food of early astir, insect having been eat to bird of early astir. The bird was trying to find food for its brood.

10. 虫儿

10. 他的心像一个绿叶,被个虫儿用丝给缠起来,预备作茧。
    His heart was like a green leaf entwined in silken threads by a caterpillar preparing its cocoon.

11. 反正早起的虫儿会被鸟吃掉,那就睡晚一点吧。
      Since it's the early worm that gets eaten by the bird, sleep late.

12. 在历史的情境中找寻相声发展的踪迹&评长篇小说《欢喜虫儿
      Tracking the Development of Cross Talk in Historical Situation & Reviewing the Long Story Happy Insects;

13. 在这境界和这时间里,唯一的足以感动心情的就是虫儿们的合奏。
      The only thing capable of affecting our mood then and there is the chorus by insects.

14. 虫儿是什么意思

14. 慢慢地,小虫儿长大了,吐出丝来结成雪白的茧子。
      Slowly, the little worms would grow up and spit out silk to form snow - white cocoons.

15. 虫儿的反义词

15. 小鸟唱,虫儿响。
      Birdy songs and bug's cry.

16. 在这山地之中藏着让我无法忘怀的怀托摩萤火虫儿岩洞。
      Hiding beneath this hilly area are the haunting Waitomo Glowworm Caves.

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17. 没有一个地方能听到春天枝叶迎风招展的声音,或是虫儿展翅高飞的欢鸣。
      No place to hear the unfurling of leaves in spring, or the rustleof an insect's wings.

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