
蚕宝宝是什么意思 蚕宝宝在线翻译 蚕宝宝什么意思 蚕宝宝的意思 蚕宝宝的翻译 蚕宝宝的解释 蚕宝宝的发音 蚕宝宝的同义词


蚕宝宝 基本解释



蚕宝宝 网络解释

1. Silkworm:Ants/蚂蚁 | Silkworm/蚕宝宝 | Cactus on the Balcony/阳台上的仙人掌

2. Reaver:Shuttle:飞梭,运输船 | Reaver:轰炸虫,金甲虫,蚕宝宝,爬虫,圣虫,蛆 | Observer:探险者,探测器,隐形小飞船,苍蝇头,卫星,小叮当

3. can:cai 巨人裁缝 | can 蚕宝宝 | cha 一起去捉鱼

4. anne:一股脑儿annb | 蚕宝宝anne | 慢腾腾annh

蚕宝宝 双语例句

1. 告诉你吧,它们是蚕宝宝
    Let me tell you, they are silkworms.

2. 今天早上,我忽然发现,蚕茧被蚕宝宝咬出了一个洞。
    This morning, I suddenly found that silkworms cocoon was bitten out of a hole.

3. 有一只蚕宝宝,一直很想成为美丽的蝴蝶。
    There is a silkworm, who hopes to become a beautiful butterfly.

4. 蚕宝宝开始吐丝了,这时,我发现蚕宝宝的样子非常有趣。
    Silkworms began to silking, and then, I found silkworms look very interesting.

5. 有一年,我也用翅膀,在寒冷的冬天里,保护着一只蚕宝宝
    One year, I also use their wings, in the cold winter, protecting a silkworms......

6. 雷峰塔初建于北宋太平兴国二年公元977年,原本为吴越国王钱淑为奉藏佛螺髻发舍利子以祈祷国泰民安所建,原名叫皇妃塔,塔为砖木结构雷峰塔的知名度之高,与中国民间广泛流传的神话传说白蛇传密切相关,故事中白蛇的化身白素贞因追求人间真情而被法海和尚囚禁于雷峰塔下,雷峰塔因而声明远播历史上的雷峰塔曾两次遭遇大火,第一次是在北宋宣和年间,因方腊起义,一把火把外面的木结构塔身加以焚毁到了南宋年间,曾重修雷峰塔,西湖十景之一的雷峰夕照就是在那个时候流传的雷峰塔第二次遭受火烧是在明朝的嘉靖年间,当时倭寇侵犯杭州,雷峰塔再次把火焚,仅剩塔身屹立于西湖之滨这种情形一直持续到清末民初,雷峰塔终因不堪重负而倒塌了关于雷峰塔倒塌的原因,历史上也很有争论,一般来讲有两种说法,前两年在清理雷峰塔遗址的时候,发现有相当一部分的塔砖一侧有一个小洞,在洞里有佛经而在过去,老百姓们以讹传讹将经砖传成金砖,纷纷将塔砖拿回家,从而导致塔的倒塌此说法之一说法之二,由于江南自古就是鱼米之乡,而杭州又是丝茶之府,历史上的杭州就盛产丝绸,而每年蚕宝宝吐丝结茧之时由于多种原因,往往有大量的蚕茧死亡,过去的人迷信,误以为蚕茧中了邪,而雷峰塔是镇妖的白蛇,以为将雷峰塔的砖放在家里,就可以抵挡妖邪的侵蚀,你家养蚕拿一块,他家求财拿一块,久而久之,塔身特别是塔基由于老百姓的破坏,加上当权者的漠不关心,雷峰塔终于在1924年9月25日下午1点40分轰然倒塌
    Leifeng Pagoda was first built in Northern Song Dynasty 977 AD, two years of peace and rejuvenating the country, originally for the King of Wu and Yue Feng Qian-shu Tibetan Buddhism as a relic to pray for peace and prosperity Luo Ji-fat built, the original name of Princess tower, tower of brick-wood structure leifeng well-known high tower, and Chinese folk legend of White Snake widespread myth is closely related to the story in the embodiment of white snake Bai Suzhen have been a result of the pursuit of true feelings and sea monk imprisoned in Leifeng Pagoda, the Leifeng Pagoda and therefore the statement of history far and wide Leifeng Pagoda on the fire hit twice, the first declared in the Northern Song Dynasty and years, because of Fang La uprising, a torch outside the wooden structure burned to the tower to the Southern Song Dynasty years, have been rebuilt Leifeng Pagoda, West Lake, one of Dusk is the leifeng circulated Leifeng Pagoda at that time subjected to fire the second Jiajing in the Ming Dynasty, when the pirates violation of Hangzhou, Leifeng Pagoda burnt again, remaining tower stands on the shore of West Lake, this case continued until the end of the Qing, Leifeng Pagoda finally collapsed due to overwhelming cause of the collapse on the Leifeng Pagoda in history is also very controversial, in general there are two versions of the previous two years in the clean-up sites Leifeng Pagoda time, found that a considerable portion of the tower of brick side of a small hole in the cave there are Buddhist in the past, people have incorrectly relay erroneous messages will pass into a gold brick by brick, the tower blocks have take-home, resulting in the collapse of the tower argument argument, one of the two, due south is the land of plenty since ancient times, but Hangzhou is the House of silk and tea, the history of Hangzhou on the rich silk, and every year when the silkworms cocoon silk, a variety of reasons, tend to have a large number of cocoon death, Over the past superstition, misconception that cocoon cursed, while the Leifeng Pagoda is a town of white snake demon, thinking that would be the Pagoda bricks at home, they can withstand the erosion of Yao Xie, you have to take a sericulture, his family wealth take a course of time, in particular, Taki shaft damage due to the common people, coupled with those in power are indifferent Leifeng Pagoda finally at 13:40 on September 25, 1924 came crashing down

7. 蚕宝宝

7. 换了新衣服的蚕宝宝,全身雪白雪白的,油亮油亮的,身体也变胖了,可爱极了!
    New clothes for silkworms, systemic white white, shiny shiny, and body fat also, and extremely cute!

8. 蚕宝宝

8. 哦,想来是蚕宝宝要吐丝结茧了吧,只不过一个晚上的时间,早上醒来时我的蚕儿已经全部变成了一个个洁白、可爱的茧宝宝了,原来这就是丝绸厂用来纺织丝绸的材料啊!
    Oh, want to be cocooning silkworms silk to the right, but one night the time of the morning when I wake up have all become a white cocoon cute baby, and the original silk factory that is used to Silk Textile Materials ah!

9. 大眠后就进入第五龄,五龄的蚕宝宝长得极快,体长可达6~7厘米,体重可达蚁蚕重量的1万倍左右。
    The Big Sleep after the fifth age, five age silkworms grow very fast, body length of up to 6~7 cm and a weight of up to newly-hatched silkworm weight of 10000 times.

10. danci.911cha.com

10. 墙上的是蚕的一生的标本,蚕的一生经过蚕卵—蚁蚕—蚕宝宝—蚕茧—蚕蛾,共四十多天的时间。
    The wall is the silkworm's life specimens, through the silkworm eggs silkworm's life - newly-hatched silkworm - Silkworms - cocoon - silk moth, a total of more than 40 days time.

11. 大多数昆虫都是加点盐来油炸──最叫好的菜色包括了蠍子、蝉、蝗虫、蚱蜢、豆丹或蚕宝宝
      Most are deep-fried with a little salt ─ favorites include scorpions, cicadas, locusts, grasshoppers and bean or silkworms.

12. 听大人们说,这是蚕宝宝吐丝前的特征。
      Great to listen to people say that this is before the silkworms spin silk and weave characteristics.

13. 蚕蛾可以产下好几百个卵,然后孵出蚕宝宝,他们只吃桑叶。
      Silk moths lay several hundred eggs, and the tiny caterpillars that emerge eat nothing but mulberry leaves.

14. 基因工程师们也许也能合成出类猪蚕宝宝DNA混合体。
      And genetic engineers may yet manage some kind of porcine-silkworm DNA mix.

15. 原来,冬虫夏草是一种叫做蝙蝠蛾的动物,将虫卵产在地下,使其孵化成长得像蚕宝宝一般的幼虫。
      It turned out that Cordyceps bat moth is a known animal, will be producing eggs in the ground to make it grow like silkworms hatched larvae in general.

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