
蝗莺是什么意思 蝗莺在线翻译 蝗莺什么意思 蝗莺的意思 蝗莺的翻译 蝗莺的解释 蝗莺的发音 蝗莺的同义词 蝗莺的反义词 蝗莺的例句


蝗莺 基本解释


词典grasshopper warbler蝗莺。

蝗莺 网络解释

1. 蝗莺的近义词

1. Locustella ochotensis Middendorff's Warbler:394 小蝗莺 Locustella certhiola Rusty-rumped Warbler | 395 蝗莺 Locustella ochotensis Middendorff's Warbler | 396 史氏蝗莺 Locustella pleskei Pleske's Warbler

蝗莺 双语例句

1. 蝗莺是什么意思

1. 北蝗莺 Locustella ochotensis 也在台湾的芦苇丛里度冬。
    Middendorff's Grasshopper Warbler Locustella ochotensis also winters in most of Taiwan's reedbeds.

2. 蝗莺在线翻译

2. 春季苍眉蝗莺的胁部是带灰色或灰橄榄色到淡暗黄棕色的。
    The flanks of spring Gray's Grasshopper Warbler are greyish or greyish-olive to pale buff-brownish.

3. 黑皮皮的苍眉蝗莺显示是一只橄榄灰色胁部的个体,所以这只应该是苍眉蝗莺
    Hay Pi Pi's Gray's shows an olive-grey-flanked individual, so this one should be fasciolata Gray's Grasshopper Warbler.

4. 我怀疑史氏蝗莺应该也在那里,但是这两种蝗莺的辨识真的很困难。
    I suspect Styan's is in there somewhere, but this species-pair is very difficult.

5. 这篇文章讨论北蝗莺,但也有小蝗莺和史氏蝗莺的图片。
    The article deals with Middendorff`s, but also has images of both Pallas's and Styan's.

6. 我认为北蝗莺虽然表面上看起来记录很稀少,实际上的数量应该相当多。
    I think this species is actually quite numerous in Taiwan, despite the apparent absence of records.

7. 为什麼不是北蝗莺
    Why isn't it Middendorff's?

8. 我们只剩下北蝗莺
    We are left with Middendorff`s.

9. 唯一详细讨论第一组全部三种蝗莺的地方是 Surfbirds 网站上的这篇文章这篇文章有三页,这里连结到第一页
    The only place that all three of the first group of Locustella is dealt with in detail is this article on Surfbirds the article has three pages, this link to page 1

10. 蝗莺在线翻译

10. 最近我比较倾向它们是某种北蝗莺或是中间型的个体。
    I'm more inclined to think that they are some kind of Middendorff's or intergrade these days.

11. 蝗莺的近义词

11. 这篇文章讨论北蝗莺,但也有小蝗莺和史氏蝗莺的图片。
      The article deals with Middendorff's, but also has images of both Pallas's and Styan's.

12. 蝗莺

12. 蝗莺的迁徙将持续到六月的第一周,而且还有希望有些会留到秋天,但从现在起会变的更不稳定(也许会有一些没鸟的日子)。
      Migration of Locustella will continue into the first week of June with still some hope of a'fall'remaining, but will become more erratic from now on (maybe some'dead'days with no birds).

13. 你可能拍到四种蝗莺属而不是三种。
      You probably have four species of Locustella now, not three.

14. 我看到五只(两只很清楚)很像北蝗莺(我今年已经在七股记录到了),其中一只体型较大而且体色比较朴素。
      I saw five (two clearly) but they looked like Middendorff's (which I already have from Chi Gu) with the exception of one larger and plainer individual.

15. danci.911chaxun.com

15. 从野外和照片的证据来看七股过境的苍眉蝗莺,很显然的我们可以看到许多的库页岛蝗莺(大多数?)
      From field and photographic evidence of migrant Gray's-types in Chi Gu, it is quite obvious that we get many Stepanyan's (most? ).

16. 它建议许多羽毛特徵是或可能是被小蝗莺/北蝗莺/史氏蝗莺共用的,包括看起来带黑色的大覆羽,一或更多根三级飞羽内侧羽瓣的白端,尾羽的白端,以及带灰色的脸/颈背,所以必须以这些特徵综合来辨识。
      It suggests that many plumage features are/can be shared by all three of Pallas`s/Middendorff`s/Styan`s, including blackish-looking greater coverts, white tips to inner web of one or more tertials, white tips to tail feathers and greyish on face/nape, so birds need to be identified on a combination of features.

17. 从野外和照片的证据来看七股过境的苍眉蝗莺,很显然的我们可以看到许多的库页岛蝗莺(大多数?)
      From field and photographic evidence of migrant Gray's-types in Chi Gu, it is quite obvious that we get many Stepanyan's (most?).

18. 我会试著帮忙这些蝗莺,但我不是专家,而且过去几年感觉很孤单的观察它们(所以我做出的结论也许是非常错误的)。
      I`ll try and help with these Locustellas but I am no expert and feel to have been very much alone in looking at them over the last few years (so might be very wrong in the conclusions that I have drawn).

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