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蟠龙 基本解释

蟠龙[pán lóng]

词典curled-up dragon蟠龙。

蟠龙 汉英大词典

蟠龙[pán lóng]

curled-up dragon

蟠龙 双语例句

1. 他的双胞胎布莱恩蟠龙是一个打击MHEDA 2008年的公约。
    His twin Brian Beaulieu was a hit at MHEDA's 2008 convention.

2. 蟠龙的意思

2. 蟠龙寺就坐落在蟠龙山顶部的盆地中,这是一座始建于元代至正年间的古寺,至今已有600多年。
    Broom Broom Hill Temple sits at the top of the basin, which is a positive built in the Yuan Dynasty temple of years has been 600 years.

3. 那些古代宫殿的柱子上,全都雕刻着蟠龙
    The pillars in those ancient palaces are carved with curling dragons.

4. 蟠龙花瓶 Ion nettop 和青花瓷笔电只是个开头而已。今年中国风的外围产可多着呢!
    The Ion nettop and Delux netbook are only the beginning: there is an ongoing list of Chinese styling products this year!

5. 蟠龙什么意思

5. 实在很少有比较特殊装饰的成品,像之前所介绍 ECS的蟠龙花瓶。
    It is rare to see something that is ornamented, something like the'Green Flower Porcelain Vase'from ECS.

6. 蟠龙的翻译

6. 蟠龙湖景区接待处以全鱼宴、水豆腐享有盛名。
    Beaulieu Lake scenic reception punishable by a whole fish feast, water, tofu reputation.

7. 千年古藤如蟠龙起舞,难分藤生树生;庙顶仙桃历经百年风雨,老而弥坚,2004年初夏,挂果三十多颗,为历年之最,百岁仙桃献寿星,其义无价,一颗仙桃义卖问鼎8万元天价,更是匪夷所思;上楼仙榕有如神来之物,生于20余米高的烟囱之上,一柱擎天,其根攀壁而下,扎根这片神奇的土地;何仙姑家庙后的仙槐古树,本是长江以北之物,居然成了参天巨树;增城迟菜心香甜爽滑,驰名省港澳。
    Panlong Guteng such as the Millennium dance, it is difficult to distinguish a tree vine Health; top Xiantao temple after the storm centuries old and solid, early in 2004 the summer Guaguan more than 30 stars, was the biggest this year, 100 Xiantao oldest Xian, no justice Price, won a Xiantao sale price of 80, 000 yuan, is inconceivable; cents Yung allocation to the god of like, born in more than 20-metre-high chimney above Yizhuqingtian, climbing wall and its root, root This magical land; Hexiangujiamiao cents after the Huai old trees, this is the north of the Yangtze River, had become a towering Jusun; Zengcheng late choi sum sweet Shuang HUA, well-known in Hong Kong and Macao.

8. 蟠龙

8. 昨儿个,南安水头蟠龙开拓区一机器厂,12台罗纹机针孔被其他人为损伤。
    Yesterday, developing zone of dragon of coil of Na Anshui head one machinery plant, pinhole of 12 whorl machine is to damage.

9. 911查询·英语单词

9. 闪着星屑光泽的龙族的身体,起了一种奇异的扭曲,好像投在水面的倒影被风吹成弯曲的波纹,风定时残影已经消失--夭矫的龙影消散在乱流中,李琅琊视野中最后留下的景像,是水中蟠龙卸下了矫饰的真正面目--大约有人臂长短,披着粗糙鳞甲的青色小兽,正在裂开那长长的吻部,仿佛是一个无比笨拙也无比幸福的笑容
    The Shan wears star scraps the body of dragon clan of the sheen and have a kind of strange of distortion, seem to throw is blow by the breeze in the reflection on water of surface bent of ripples, breeze in fixed time cripple copy have already disappear-the dragon of Yao Jiao copy dissipation in the bumpy air, the view that leave finally in the visual field of Li3 Lang2 Ye2 be like, was a Pan dragon in water to unload mincing real facial expression-about someone arm length, be covered with the blue small monster of rough scales and shell, is spilt open that long long of kiss a department, imitate the Fo is a clumsily also matchless and happy smiling face

10. 天花板上每一小方格内有龙,而且檩枋、雀替,也雕上游龙和蟠龙
    Each small box on the ceiling of dragons, and purlin Fang, QT, also carved on the Brothers Dance and Broom.

11. 每根重15吨,高16米多,旗杆分5节每节分铸八卦蟠龙等图案,每根杆上还悬挂有24只玲珑的铁风铃,每当有风吹过,便会发出悦耳的叮咚声。
      Each root weight 15 tons, more than 16 meters high, flagpoles at five points each cast nosy Vista Panorama, and other designs, each hoisting poles also have 24 Campanula Linglong iron, whenever there is a wind, the shrine will be issued with delightful sound.

12. 除户部所造外,大清铜币中部都印有所造省份简称,背面中央铸造的蟠龙图案分为水龙、旱龙两种,统称为大清龙。在实际流通中,最为通行的是当十铜元,即所谓单铜元或单铜板,当二十铜圆则只流行于北方和湖南、湖北、江西等省份。
      Each Da Qing Tong Bi was stamped with the abbreviation of provinces'names in the center on the obverse and water dragon or land dragon on the reverse, except for those minted by the Board of Revenue, Among those, Dang shi Tong Yuanwas the most popular of all.

13. 光绪三十一年铸行。除户部所造外,大清铜币中部都印有所造省份简称,背面中央铸造的蟠龙图案分为水龙、旱龙两种,统称为大清龙。在实际流通中,最为通行的是当十铜元,即所谓单铜元或单铜板,当二十铜圆则只流行于北方和湖南、湖北、江西等省份。
      Issued in the 31st year of the guang xu reign(1905).each da qing tong bi was stamped with the abbreviation of provinces names in the center on the obverse and water dragon or land dragon on the reverse, except for those minted by the board of revenue, among those, dang shi tong yuanwas the most popular of all.

14. 除六盘山外,散处于全县较为有名的山脉是凤太山、牧丹山、峰台梁、清凉山、北象山、蟠龙山等。
      In addition Liupanshan, the bulk in the county is more well-known Feng Tai Shan mountain range, grazing Niyama, peak-beam, Qingliang, North Xiangshan, Broom Hill.

15. 一字并肩王千岁殿下黑袍紫带,蟠龙金纹,把珍宝柜上的一个小鼻烟壶一拧,然后掀起巨画,进入了墙内。
      His Majesty the Prince the Great with black robe, purple belt and golden-dragons totems switches a small pot on treasures frame, and enter the wall by rising the painting.

16. 雨水渐渐浸湿了玉蟠龙刻着花纹的身体,苍绿的玉色经了水,愈发地润泽和浓郁,菱状的鳞片凝着水光,那翻卷的姿态几乎要活动起来。
      The rain water gradually wet jade Pan a dragon to engrave the body of wood grain, the Cang green jade color through water, deliver more a ground of lustrous with heavy, the scale Ning of Ling form wears water light and that carriage which turns over a winding almost wants to live to move.

17. 中桥两头为精雕蟠龙,只有状元衣锦还乡才可过此桥,寓意金榜题名,独占鳌头。
      Bridge carved in two for Vista, only the champion can return home in silken robes over this bridge, meaning first, come out on top.

18. 911chaxun查询·英语单词大全

18. 西江下游航道整治C1合同段蟠龙石炸礁工程施工方法
      Construction Method of Reef Blasting Engineering of Contract Section C1 in Downstream Waterway Regulation Engineering of Xijiang River

19. 延长油矿管理局在蟠龙、子长等主生产区经常遇到严重漏失井,直接影响了钻井速度。
      In Yanchang oilfield, serious lost circulation often occur during drilling in Panlong and Zichang areas, directly affect drilling rate.

20. 蟠龙的意思

20. 有条近路到蟠龙谷。
      There is a shortcut to dragon valley.

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