
表姐妹是什么意思 表姐妹在线翻译 表姐妹什么意思 表姐妹的意思 表姐妹的翻译 表姐妹的解释 表姐妹的发音 表姐妹的同义词


表姐妹 基本解释


表姐妹[biǎo jiě mèi]



表姐妹 汉英大词典

表姐妹[biǎo jiě mèi]

(female) cousin

表姐妹 双语例句

1. 太棒了。我和家人去吃了顿大餐,也和我的表姐妹一起玩。
    I had a big meal with my family, and played with my cousins.

2. 表姐妹在线翻译

2. 她在跟她的表姐妹们开心地一起。。。
    She is playing with her female cousins happily.

3. 她将住在我太太的表姐妹家裡,那个房子很多年前盖的。
    She will stay with my wife`s cousin in her house.

4. 古特曼论辩道,这种禁止堂兄弟表姐妹通婚的禁忌甚为重要,因为它是诸多标志之一,表明奴隶之间存在着一种对广泛悠久的亲缘网络的强烈意识。
    This taboo against cousins` marrying is important, argues Gutman, because it is one of many indications of a strong awareness among slaves of an extended kinship network.

5. 在结算台,一个廷巴少年等待职员把那堆食用油、盐和豆类打包,她炫耀着与她的荷巴表姐妹们不同的珠宝和胸罩,虽然她的一个乳房已经外露,或许是一种时尚或是因为她已经过时了,这一点我们不清楚。
    At the checkout counter, a Timba teenager waiting for the clerk to ring up a pile of cooking oil, salt and beans sported the beads and brassiere that distinguish her from her Himba cousins, although one of her breasts was hanging out, whether as a fashion statement or because she`d gotten up late, it was unclear.

6. danci.911cha.com

6. 于是我的表姐妹伊丽莎和乔治娜派了车夫罗伯特接我回盖茨赫德。
    And so my cousins Eliza and Georgiana had sent their coachman, Robert, to bring me back to Gateshead.

7. 那天下午表姐妹俩才在火车上落了座。
    That afternoon in the train the cousins settled down in their seats.

8. 我把它当作我一生中最宝贵的东西,即使我后来还收到了很多同学和表姐妹送给我的礼物。
    I treat as it in my life the most precious thing, even if I afterward also had received many schoolmates and the cousins gave me gifts.

9. 我让她去教两个表姐妹学英语。
    I asked her to teach her two cousins to learn English.

10. 我每天都花些时间照顾她,剩下的时间就和表姐妹在一起,听她们讲述未来的计划。
    I spent some time every day looking after her, and the rest of the time with my cousins, listening to their plans for the future.

11. 害怕的说不出话的是索菲娅,另一个是她的表姐妹
      The who was mute with shock was Safiyah, the other one was her cousin.

12. 等一等,让我想想。我说。那么戴安娜和玛丽是我的表姐妹了?
      'Wait a moment, just let me think, 'I said.'So you, Diana and Mary are my cousins? '

13. 象宝宝一生下来,象群中的其他“女士”,包括祖母、姐妹、阿姨甚至表姐妹,都会伸出援手。
      Once the baby is born, the other " ladies " in the herd all lend a hand, including grandmothers, sisters, aunts and even cousins.

14. 罗斯福与她的表兄们一起打猎,而劳拉却与表姐妹们待在豪宅里。
      Roosevelt had gone hunting with her cousins and the other men, while Nora had stayed with her female cousins in an elegant mansion.

15. 象宝宝一生下来,象群中的其他“女士”,包括祖母、姐妹、阿姨甚至表姐妹,都会伸出援手。
      Once the baby is born, the other " ladies " in the herd all lend a hand, including grandmothers, sisters, aunts and even cousins.

16. 等一等,让我想想。我说。那么戴安娜和玛丽是我的表姐妹了?
      'Wait a moment, just let me think,'I said.'So you, Diana and Mary are my cousins?'

17. 我希望我的表姐妹们都好。
      I hope that my cousins are all well.

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