
被保护人是什么意思 被保护人在线翻译 被保护人什么意思 被保护人的意思 被保护人的翻译 被保护人的解释 被保护人的发音


被保护人 基本解释



被保护人 网络解释

1. protected person:protected national or regional sites;国家或区域保护地点;; | protected person;被保护人;; | protected spring;覆盖泉;;

2. Protectorate:Protective trade;保护贸易;; | Protectorate;被保护国;保护关系;保护权;被保护人;; | Protein Advisory Group of the United Nations System;联合国系统蛋白质咨询小组;PAG;

3. 被保护人的反义词

3. protege n:reclusive adj.隐遁的, 隐居的 | protege n. 被保护人 | peter out v.逐渐消失

被保护人 双语例句

1. danci.911cha.com

1. 一般说来,保护人多由有权势、有地位和有财富的罗马公民担任;被保护人则由外国人、被释奴、职业士兵和贫弱居民等组成。
    The relationship between patrons and client s originated from the King Age, and it had close relations with clanship and family.

2. 被保护人什么意思

2. 在成年人领域,开始重视对被保护人人身的照顾以及本人在日常生活中的自主决定权,以保护制度取代传统民法上的禁治产宣告制度,建立起以充分尊重被监护人人权为核心的现代监护制度。
    In the area of adults, it starts paying attention to the right for physical assistance and everyday self-decision making of the guardianees, substituting the institution of interdiction declaration with the institution of protection, and constructing a modern guardianship institution with the sufficiently repecting the rights of the guadianees at its core.

3. 主要注意点:a时态问题,本翻译采用完成时态。3、在成年人领域,开始重视对被保护人人身的照顾以及本人在日常生活中的自主决定权,以保护制度取代传统民法上的禁治产宣告制度,建立起以充分尊重被监护人人权为核心的现代监护制度。
    In the area of adults, it has started paying attention to the right for physical assistance and everyday self-decision making of the guardianees, substituting the system of interdiction declaration with the system of protection, and establishing a modern guardianship system with the sufficiently repecting the rights of the guadianees at its core.

4. 她在离开罗斯托夫之家时,把她的被保护人叫到一边去。
    She was too much agitated by the conflict she had been through to be able to describe the interview.

5. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D

5. 我的被保护人,是个很有理智的人;而理智对我总是富有魅力的。
    My protege, as you call him, is a sensible man; and sense will always have attractions for me.

6. 我就不消讲肖恩·潘的基德曼之间非常紧张的保护人和被保护人之间的关系了。
    I need hardly say that Penn and Kidman have a very, very tense protector-protectee relationship.

7. danci.911cha.com

7. 她觉得她的被保护人在公开场合讲有损她的话是忘恩负义。
    By making unkind remarks about her in public.

8. 她觉得她的被保护人在公开场合讲有损她的话是忘恩负义。
    She felt that her protege had bitten the hand that fed him by making unkind remarks about her in public.

9. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

9. 她觉得她的被保护人在公开场合讲有损她的话是忘恩负义。
    She felt that her protg had bitten the hand that fed him by making unkind remarks about her in public.

10. 儿童被不称职的父亲卖掉,孤儿被保护人卖掉,寄人篱下或被嫌弃的亲戚也会被不愿在赡养他们的人卖掉。
    Children were bought from worthless fathers, orphans from their guardians, dependent or undesirable relatives from families weary of supporting them.

11. 她觉得她的被保护人在公开场合讲有损她的话是忘恩负义。
      She felt that her prot é g é had bitten the hand that fed him by making unkind remarks about her in public.

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