
裤衩是什么意思 裤衩在线翻译 裤衩什么意思 裤衩的意思 裤衩的翻译 裤衩的解释 裤衩的发音 裤衩的同义词 裤衩的反义词 裤衩的例句


裤衩 基本解释


裤衩[kù chǎ]



裤衩 汉英大词典

裤衩[kù chǎ]

underpants; undershorts:


    bikini briefs;



裤衩 网络解释

1. shorttrousers:jeans牛仔裤 | shorttrousers裤衩 | knickers儿童灯笼裤衩

2. 裤衩的意思


3. pypc:pxpw 襁褓 | pypc 裤衩 | qfql 猪猡

裤衩 双语例句

1. 荒诞不经的名人仍然不厌烦倦尽可能多的发光灯,违过身来看到她身上聚氯乙烯裤衩和花边风情。
    The outrageous star is still not bored of flashing as much flesh as possible and showed off her derriere in tiny PVC knickers and a lace corset top.

2. 裤衩

2. 如今你现在就站在台上,我会舔你的脸,闻你的裤衩
    If you were up here right now I would lick your face and sniff your crotch.

3. 你好 Alex!对了,你可看见了,我的手可没在裤衩里哟。
    To the director And uh, as you can see my hands are not in my pants.

4. 那些在发廊门口,穿着裤衩背心的人可能是有钱的主吗?
    Are those people dressed in shorts and singlets in front of hair salons likely to be rich customers?

5. 宣宣:我长大了,中午在幼儿园睡觉我得穿裤衩了。
    So I need to wear shorts when I am sleeping at noon in the kindergarten.

6. 我们的每一次反击都充满威胁,只要我们能进第二球,我们就能够扒掉他们的裤衩,随意出入鸟。
    We know that on every counter-attack we looked dangerous and as soon as we cou ld win the second ball and put it on the ground, we always looked capable of p laying through their lines and scoring goals.

7. 这是她自己的颜色,新娘子身上要是带一点蓝色总会吉利的。上星期那一天她穿的是豆青色的,就带来了忧伤,因为他父亲把他关在家里让他用功,好参加取得奖学金资格的期中考试。她原寻思,他兴许会出门的,因为今儿早晨换衣服的时候,她差点儿把旧裤衩儿反着穿。除非是赶在星期五,反过来穿是会走运的,有利于情人幽会。要么,如果裤衩儿松开来了,那就说明他在想念你哩。
    She was wearing the blue for luck, hoping against hope, her own colour and lucky too for a bride to have a bit of blue somewhere on her because the green she wore that day week brought grief because his father brought him in to study for the intermediate exhibition and because she thought perhaps he might be out because when she was dressing that morning she nearly slipped up the old pair on her inside out and that was for luck and lovers'meeting if you put those things on inside out or if they got untied that he was thinking about you so long as it wasn't of a Friday.

8. 裤衩的意思

8. 而现在,当我想起这事,我在健身房里看到的那些人所穿的紧身背心、超短弹力裤衩则非常的……怎么说呢,我们只能说它们留给别人想像的空间太小了。
    But now that I think about it, the tight tank tops and ultra-short spandex shorts worn by many at my gym are very, well, um... Let's just say that they leave little to the imagination.

9. 裤衩是什么意思

9. 它们的臀部和尾巴是白色的,看起来好像穿着白裤衩
    The white is on the rump and tail, which looks as though they were wearing white underpants.

10. 裤衩

10. 分析了裤衩型钢煤斗外形的几何特点,建立了裤衩型钢煤斗漏斗表面的数学模型,分析了曲面展开的算法。
    This paper analyzes the geometric features of the trousers type steel scuttle, sets up the mathematics model of the funnel surface of this scuttle.

11. danci.911chaxun.com

11. 她瞧见一只长长的罗马蜡烛高高地蹿到树木上空,高高地,高高地。大家紧张地沉默着。待它越升越高时,大家兴奋得大气儿不出。为了追踪着瞧,她只好越发往后仰。焰火越升越高。几乎望不到了。由于拼命往后仰,她脸上洋溢出一片神圣而迷人的红晕。他还能看到她旁的什么:抚摩皮肤的印度薄棉布裤衩,因为是白色的,比四先令十一便士的那条绿色佩蒂怀斯牌的看得更清楚。那袒露给他,并意识到了他的视线;焰火升得那么高,刹那间望不到了。她往后仰得太厉害,以致四肢发颤,膝盖以上高高的,整个儿映入他的眼帘。就连打秋千或膛水时,她也不曾让人这么看过。她固然不知羞耻,而他像那样放肆地盯着看,倒也不觉得害臊。他情不自禁地凝望着一半是送上来的这令人惊异的袒露,看啊,看个不停:就像着短裙的舞女们当着绅士们的面那么没羞没臊。
      And she saw a long Roman candle going up over the trees, up, up, and, in the tense hush, they were all breathless with excitement as it went higher and higher and she had to lean back more and more to look up after it, high, high, almost out of sight, and her face was suffused with a divine, an entrancing blush from straining back and he could see her other things too, nainsook knickers, the fabric that caresses the skin, better than those other pettiwidth, the green, four and eleven, on account of being white and she let him and she saw that he saw and then it went so high it went out of sight a moment and she was trembling in every limb from being bent so far back that he had a full view high up above her knee where no-one ever not even on the swing or wading and she wasn't ashamed and he wasn't either to look in that immodest way like that because he couldn't resist the sight of the wondrous revealment half offered like those skirtdancers behaving so immodest before gentlemen looking and he kept on looking, looking.

12. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

12. 人们叫它“小裤衩”。
      People call it " small underpants ".

13. 两个魁梧凶悍的男人身上除了裤衩外什么也没穿,他们面对面对打,都想把对方打死。
      These two enormous men wearing nothing but their shorts, standing there trying to beat each other to death.

14. 换上干裤衩和干衬衫,别再闹事。两个魁梧凶悍的男人身上除了裤衩外什么也没穿,他们面对面对打,都想把对方打死。
      Get on dry shorts and a shirt and don't make trouble. These two enormous men wearing nothing but their shorts, standing there trying to beat each other to death.

15. 裤衩在线翻译

15. 当他们感到裤衩合身,他们就有了一个很大的壁橱去填满。
      When the fit is right, they've got a big closet to fill.

16. 没错,上帝的手伸进了男孩的裤衩
      Yeah, the hand of God reached into this kid's pants.

17. 这是中国只是试一试他们的新裤衩的大小。
      This is China just trying their new britches on for size.

18. 大辣椒昨天穿一大裤衩子,不但在球场上打击我们,言谈间也抨击我们啥运动也不是对手。
      The Pepper yesterday wearing a tall son, not only on the pitch against us, we have also denounced the conversation between what campaign nor adversaries.

19. 炉膛采用裤衩腿、双布风板结构,炉膛内蒸发受热面采用膜式水冷壁结构。
      The pant-leg and double air distributors are used in the furnace, membrane wall is adopted for the evaporation heating surface.

20. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D

20. 人们叫它“小裤衩”。
      People call it " small underpants ".

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