
裹腹是什么意思 裹腹在线翻译 裹腹什么意思 裹腹的意思 裹腹的翻译 裹腹的解释 裹腹的发音 裹腹的同义词 裹腹的反义词 裹腹的例句


裹腹 基本解释


裹腹 双语例句

1. 数年的艰苦劳动,食不裹腹,寒室一间,从来也没有片刻的休息时间。
    Years of hard work, little food, only a cold room to live in and never, never a moment to rest.

2. 於是乎,这位愚人只以空胃食盐裹腹
    Then this stupid and ignorant man ate it on an empty stomach.

3. 如果财富是用来向无食裹腹的人提供食物,向无衣蔽体的人提供衣服,向无家可归的人提供房屋,向无钱治病的人提供治疗。
    If the wealth will be used to feed the hungry, clothe the naked, give shelter to the homeless, heal the sick; to care for and love people, then money can make you holy.

4. 最让我醉心的是妻子的法式蔬菜汤,它朴实无华,清香可口,宛如妻子毫不掩饰的爱,既裹腹又甜心。来源:看EDU-专业考试信息分类网
    I am in particular fascinated by my wife's French vegetable soup, which is simple and natural, tasty and refreshing, able not only to fill my stomach, but also to warm my heart, just like her never concealed love.

5. 裹腹在线翻译

5. 最让我醉心的是妻子的法式蔬菜汤,它朴实无华,清香可口,宛如妻子毫不掩饰的爱,即裹腹又甜心。
    I am in particular fascinated by my wife`s French vegetable soup, which is simple and natural, tasty and refreshing, able not only to fill my stomach, but also to warm my heart, just like her never concealed love.

6. 他的工资少得可怜,全家老小每天只能花10英镑裹腹
    He earns a poor salary and his family only can spend a tenner for food each day.

7. 约翰身着粗陋的骆驼毛衣服,腰束皮带,以蝗虫和野蜜裹腹
    John's clothing was a rough coat of camel's hair, with a leather belt round his waist, and his food was locusts and wild honey.

8. 裹腹

8. 因为那是最便宜的裹腹方法。
    Because that was the cheapest way to eat.

9. 裹腹是什么意思

9. 玉减伤逝,老树抚疏,此世,又是谁在饮痛裹腹的年华里宿醉难醒?
    Jade by Regret for the Past, ask sparse trees, this world is wrapped in abdominal pain who drink of the Love Lane hangover hard to wake up?

10. 如果财富是用来向无食裹腹的人提供食物,向无衣蔽体的人提供衣服,向无家可归的人提供房屋,向无钱治病的人提供治疗。
    If the wealth will be used to feed the hungry, clothe the naked, give shelter to the homeless, heal the sick;

11. 女巫却只给她面包裹腹
      The witch gives her only bread to eat.

12. 因为整天我只靠草莓裹腹,所以倍感饥饿。
      I was very hungry because I only had berries to eat all day.

13. 现今,人类对于“吃”的要求已不仅仅是为了裹腹而已。
      Nowadays, eating is not only a matter of filling up our stomachs.

14. 裹腹的反义词

14. 成千上万的农民,他们食不裹腹,为了寻找食物,他们穿越沙漠向南部行进。
      Hundreds of thousands of starving peasants were moving south through the desert looking for food.

15. 裹腹

15. 在诸如尼日尔、乍得、孟加拉等国,数百万的孩子根本无法上学,他们的家庭需要动用所有的劳动力才能裹腹
      In countries such as Niger, Chad or Bangladesh, millions of children do not go to school at all, as the households they come from need every hand to make ends meet.

16. 即使我在孤儿院或沿街要饭裹腹的时候,我都认为自己是世界上最棒的演员。
      Even when I was in the children's home, when I was wandering the streets trying to find enough to eat to keep alive, even then I thought of myself as the greatest actor in the world.

17. danci.911cha.com

17. 生活水平的不断提高使人们的需求不在停留于有食裹腹、有衣蔽体的最基本的生理层面,而是更关注于身心的发展和情感的满足。
      According to continuous improvement of living standards, people more focused on the development of physical and mental and emotional satisfaction, rather than the most basic physiological needs such as the food and clothes.

18. 裹腹的近义词

18. 最后我们在晚上10点才以汉堡和油炸食品裹腹
      We finally ate at 10 p. m., hamburgers and fries at a dinner.

19. 有些时候,我们只是为了裹腹而进食,吃了什么也不记得。
      They go by and are soon forgotten but without them you could not go on living.

20. 最后我们在晚上10点才以汉堡和油炸食品裹腹
      We finally ateat 10 p. m., hamburgers and fries at a dinner.

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