
西陵峡是什么意思 西陵峡在线翻译 西陵峡什么意思 西陵峡的意思 西陵峡的翻译 西陵峡的解释 西陵峡的发音 西陵峡的同义词


西陵峡 基本解释


Xiling Gorge[地名] [中国] 西陵峡。

西陵峡 网络解释

1. Xiling Gorge:巫峡 Wu Gorge | 西陵峡 Xiling Gorge | 广西桂林 Guilin, Guangxi

2. danci.911cha.com

2. die Westgrabschlucht:巫峡die Hexenschlucht | 西陵峡die Westgrabschlucht | b. 海峡 die Meerenge, die Meeresstra?

西陵峡 双语例句

1. 三峡大坝位于长江三峡之一的西陵峡的中段。
    The Three Gorges Dam is located in the areas of Xilingxia gorge, one of the three gorges of the river.

2. 峡口明珠汤是想象西陵峡的主要风景做成的。
    The Three Gorges Pearl Soup is formed by imitating the grand view of the Xiling Gorge.

3. 宜昌地处长江之滨,风景秀丽的西陵峡畔。
    Sea located in the Yangtze River in Yichang, the scenic banks of÷ê.

4. danci.911cha.com

4. 壮丽的三峡包括瞿塘峡、巫峡和西陵峡,全长193公里。
    The three imposing gorges--Qutang, Wuxia and Xiling Gorges---extend 193 kilometers.

5. 长江三峡由瞿塘峡、巫峡和西陵峡三个峡段组成,是世界上唯一能供大众全程游览的峡谷。
    Which are the most spectacular pearl inlaid on the Yangtze River and ranked as one of the 10 top scenery areas in China.

6. 而现在,西陵峡在一旁做伴,我们顺利通过四条隧道,就可抵达美丽的坝区。
    Now, we waltzed through four tunnels with the Xiling Gorge beside us and reached the dam area which is so beautiful.

7. 西陵峡是什么意思

7. 早奥陶世从西陵峡组沈积开始到牯牛潭组沈积结束,沈积环境经歷了从局限臺地潮坪环境到开阔臺地再到浅海陆棚的演化。
    From the beginning of Xilingxia Formation deposition to the end of Guniutan Formation deposition, the sedimentary environments evolved from the tidal flats of restricted platform to open platform and shelf.

8. 壮丽的三峡包括瞿塘峡、巫峡和西陵峡
    The three imposing gorges are Qutang, Wuxia and Xiling Gorges.

9. danci.911cha.com

9. 西陵峡沿岸文物遗迹颇多,如黄陵寺和三游洞等。
    Among the cultural relics in the gorge are the Huangling Temple and the Three Travellers Cave.

10. 西陵峡的翻译

10. 三峡包括瞿塘峡、巫峡和西陵峡。起于(四川)奉节县,止于(湖北)宜昌市,全长大约200公里。
    The three gorges, qutang, Wuxia and xiling, start just after Fengjie and end near yichang, a stretch of about200km.

11. 江流刚奔出巫峡,还没来得及喘息,却又冲人第三峡&西陵峡了。
      No sooner has the Yangtze passed Wu Gorge than, without stopping for breath, it rushes us on to the third gorge, Xiling.

12. 西陵峡比较宽阔,但是江流至此变得特别凶恶,处处是急流,处处是险滩。
      Xiling Gorge is fairly broad, but the current here is even fiercer and there are many rapids and dangerous shoals.

13. 穿过长江第三峡??西陵峡后,三峡新石器时代至商周时期考古的新局面和新课题
      New Aspect and New Topic of Archaeology from Neolithic Age to Shang and Zhou Periods in Three Gorges along Yangtze River

14. 湖北西陵峡地区珍稀特有植物分析
      Analysis of the precious rare and endemic plants in Xiling Gorge region of Hubei

15. 西陵峡

15. 湖北西陵峡地区的植被
      Vegetation of the Xiling Gorge region in Hubei

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