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见方 基本解释

见方[jiàn fāng]


见方 汉英大词典

见方[jiàn fāng]

[口] square:


    one metre square

见方 双语例句

1. 方惠民不太熟,刚才听见方惠民教授最近创作了一些现代都市纸板的版画,我想肯定与我们今天展出的不一样。
    MR. Fang is not familia with me, Professor Fang Huimin just heard some of the recent creation of the modern city of cardboard prints, I would like to acknowledge and we do not display the same as today.

2. 40:47 他又量内院、长一百肘、宽一百肘、是见方的。祭坛在殿前。
    And the altar was in front of the temple.

3. 在这个几何观测角度下,预言家探测仪的每次探测的空间投影范围大约在300米和700米见方
    In this viewing geometry, the spatial footprint of each Diviner detector was roughly 300 by 700 meters.

4. 这个很结实的1米见方的回收塑料盒能适合个人需要。
    It is 1 metre cubed and made of a robust recycled plastic that can be adapted to individual needs.

5. 松格嘛呢石经城,它的外观像一座城堡,又有点像寺庙,高约10米,长宽有百米见方,是一座四四方方的石头城。
    Songer Mani stone by the city, it looks like a castle, but also a bit like a temple, about 10 meters, length and width are 100 meters square, is a boxy Stone.

6. 我们说某台扫描仪的不合辨率矮达4800DPI,是指用扫描仪不输入图像时,在1平方英寸的扫描幅面上,可收罗到4800×4800个像素不面。1英寸见方的扫描地区,用4800DPI的不合辨率扫描后天生的图像不小小是4800Pixel×4800Pixel。
    We are talking about one of your scanner resolution is as high as 4800DPI scanner is used to enter the image, in the 1 square inches of scanning format, you can gather 4800 x 4800 pixels point. One-inch-square meter of the scan area, use the resolution post-sorts 4800DPI generated image size is 4800Pixel×4800Pixel.

7. 尽管我发现在一个六英尺见方的空间里工作很舒服,但根据大部分人的标准,这样狭小的空间显然是不够的──尽管这肯定要更便宜、维护起来也要容易。
    While I found it comfortable to work in, a six-by-six dwelling certainly isn't enough to reside in by most people's standards - mine included - though it certainly would be cheaper and easy to maintain.

8. 见方在线翻译

8. 我的狭小工作空间尽管我发现在一个六英尺见方的空间里工作很舒服,但根据大部分人的标准,这样狭小的空间显然是不够的──尽管这肯定要更便宜、维护起来也要容易。
    While I found it comfortable to work in, a six-by-six dwelling certainly isn`t enough to reside in by most people`s standards – mine included – though it certainly would be cheaper and easy to maintain.

9. 他对厚重的百叶木窗和坚实的房门表示了赞许,但却停在一个窗洞面前咋咋有声。那是一个抽风机孔,不过30公分见方
    He approved of the heavy wooden shutters and solid old doors, but stopped and sucked his teeth in front of a small window—a fenestron that was less than a foot square.

10. 鼓楼上坎那眼四季长流的清泉,流入用青石打制成的2尺见方而带把的石头中,石斗下用多边形石礅支撑,清冽的泉水在斗中聚满,又从左右凹槽流出,这里的侗家人把这种带把的斗井称为瓢井,因为他的形状如同木瓢。
    Most of them were built in Qing Dynasty.

11. 一个目标可以由一个麻包,或石油布,大约5英尺见方
      A target can be made of a burlap sack, or oil cloth, about five feet square.

12. 见方的近义词

12. 她是一座约十哩见方的小岛,即使在这样严苛的气候之下,她看来格外地蓊郁苍翠。
      It is a small island about 10 square miles and looks surprisingly green given the harshness of the climate.

13. 911chaxun查询·英语单词大全

13. 7:5 所有的门框都是厚木见方的,有窗户三层,窗与窗相对。
      And there were windows in three rows, and light was against light in three ranks.

14. 待凉后在肉面上剖成3厘米见方的方格,肉皮面剞同样的方格,然后将皮朝下放入汤盘中,加清水上笼蒸30分钟,取出后滗去汤汁,换入清水复蒸一次,再用鸡汤套蒸二次至酥烂,蒸火方的同时,将冬菇、冬笋片放入盘中上笼蒸熟。
      Dai Liang in the surface of the meat Poucheng 3 cm square grid, pork skin Ji face the same box, and then down into the skin after soup, add water Shanglong Zheng 30 minutes after the Decanter to remove the soup, For restoration of water into the steaming time and then steamed chicken soup sets to the second Sulan, the steam side of the fire at the same time, black mushrooms, winter bamboo shoots into film after Shanglong Zheng cooked.

15. 从六十年代起,酷署严寒吓不倒、贫穷饥饿压不垮的40万庄浪人民自强不息,艰苦创业,征山不止,治水不休,坚持不懈地开展了以兴修水平梯田为中心,实行山、水、田、林、路综合治理的生态环境建设,苦战30多个春秋,终于建成了占全县总耕地面积90%以上的百万亩水平梯田,以倚天巨笔写下了庄浪历史上最为壮丽的一页,也写下了一串今世界惊叹的数字:修梯田付出了价值4.75亿元的劳动量,移动土方量2.96亿立方米,若堆成一米见方的土墙可绕地球六圈半。
      From the sixties onwards, ku shu will not be intimidated by cold, hunger, povertyya bu kua Zhuanglang of 400, 000 people self-reliance, hard work, not just symptoms Hill, over water, to make unremitting efforts to build the level of the terrace as the center, the implementation of Hill, water, fields, forests, the way the comprehensive management of the ecological environment, a bitter struggle over 30 spring and autumn, and finally completed the construction of the county accounted for 90% of the total cultivated land area of more than 100 million level terrace toju bi Yitian Zhuanglang wrote a history of one of the most magnificent, but also wrote a bunch of amazing the number of the world today: terracing to pay 475 million yuan worth of labor, moving 296 million cubic meters of earthwork volume, if the one-meter squaredui cheng walls around the world to six semi-circle.

16. 若兰十分悔恨,于是费尽心机,织成一块八寸见方的五色锦缎,用文字织成回文诗,这便是有名的《璇玑图》。
      Movies the posters are about may be famous or not, this is not the point.

17. danci.911cha.com

17. 这通信仪只是一个两寸见方的正立方体,而且中间差不多空无一物。但它透过超太空,与那为着全人类服务的伟大「银河模」连结在一起。
      It was only two inches cubed and nothing in itself, but it was connected through hyperspace with the great Galactic AC that served all mankind.

18. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D

18. 它是由数百块约30-50厘米见方的铁块,总重量约40吨
      It was made of hundreds of 30cm to 50cm iron cubes and weighs about 40 tons.

19. 它是由数百块约30-50厘米见方的铁块,总重量约40吨
      It was made of hundreds of 30cm to 50cm iron cubes and weighs about 40 to ns.

20. 表姐的车夫看见方先生,奇怪你过门不入,他告诉了表姐,表姐又告诉我。
      My cousin's chauffeur saw you and was surprised you didn't come in. He told my cousin and she told me.

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