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讲和 基本解释

讲和[jiǎng hé]

词典make peace讲和;言和;调解。

词典settle a dispute解决争端;讲和。

词典become reconciled讲和;和解;兜拢;重修旧好。

词典negotiate peace议和,媾和。

词典make peace with同…讲和。

讲和 汉英大词典

讲和[jiǎng hé]

make peace; settle a dispute; become reconciled; negotiate peace

讲和 网络解释

1. smoke the pipe of peace:pycnicole 分生孢子器上生的 性孢子器上生的 | smoke the pipe of peace 讲和 | campfire girl 美国露营少女团团员

2. 911查询·英语单词

2. put up the sword:boil the pot 敷衍塞责 | put up the sword 讲和 | put to the sword 屠杀

3. make peace:make war 发动战争 | make peace 讲和 | make a mistake 出错

4. pacification:pacificate 安抚 | pacification 讲和 | pacificator 仲裁者

讲和 双语例句

1. 我只提说上帝的话;我所作的不过是宣讲和写作。
    I put forward God's word; I preached and wrote--this was all I did.

2. 9:15 于是约书亚与他们讲和,与他们立约,容他们活着。会众的首领也向他们起誓。
    And Joshua made peace with them, and made a league with them, to let them live: and the princes of the congregation sware unto them.

3. 在越南的乡下真正的安宁是很难实现的。2。和解;讲和
    Real pacification is hard to get in the Vietnamese countryside.

4. 谢太后任命文天祥为右丞相兼枢密使,派他出城与伯颜谈判,企图与元军讲和
    Thanks for the queen appointed prime minister wen tianxiang and make the right out of the city, he BoYan negotiations with, trying to make $and army.

5. 这两个对手终于决定讲和,在朋友举行的晚宴上会面了。
    The two opponents decided at last to sheathe the sword and met at a dinner given by their friend.

6. 讲和在线翻译

6. 我们无需讲和然后继续。
    We don`t need to make peace and move on.

7. 现在,微软已经讲和了,其他两家是更有可能的目标。
    Now that Microsoft has made peace, the other two are likelier targets.

8. 我也曾和他一样踌躇满志,但伴随着成长,我学会了讲和,和生活也和自己。
    I was as ambitous as he is, but when growing up I have to learn to compromise, with life, with myself.

9. 这孩子因母亲久病不愈颇引人怜,已经成为一种重修旧好的阶梯了。这两方面最后讲和了。
    The boy had, with the additional softening claim of a lingering illness of his mother's, been the means of a sort of reconciliation

10. 讲和

10. 克劳迪娅:我是来和你讲和的,尽管你是谎言之父。
    CLAUDIA: I came to make peace with you, even if you're the father of lies.

11. 讲和的翻译

11. 以后我们还要讲和狗,就是dog有关的俗语。
      You see, I am such an exorable simple-minded woman.

12. 其实我很想跟……讲和,但就是拉不下面子。
      I`d like to make peace with sb., but it`s too embarrassing for me to do.

13. 与某人解决纷争,讲和
      Make one`s peace with sb.

14. 讲和

14. 你们都看我的老面子讲和了罢?
      Can't the two of you come to some peaceable arrangement, if only to save an old man's old face?

15. 息孟便与他们讲和,停止攻击,只把他们从城里赶走,将有偶像的房屋,都洗涤洁净;以后,唱著赞美诗与祝谢词进了城。
      And Simon being moved, did not destroy them: but yet he cast them out of the city, and cleansed the houses wherein there had been idols, and then he entered into it with hymns, blessing the Lord.

16. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

16. l 狡猾的敌人,一边伸出橄榄枝,表示愿意讲和;一遍准备发动新的进攻。
      L The crafty enemy was ready to launch an attack while holding out the olive branch.

17. 讲和的反义词

17. 我不想就这件事讲和,如果这就是你的建议的话。
      I'm not making this up, if that's what you're suggesting.

18. 亨利是你的好朋友,你应该和他讲和
      Henry is a good friend of yours. You should make up with him.

19. 讲和的近义词

19. 我想讲和
      I'd like to make peace.

20. 如果大家都同意的话,我们希望讲和
      We're willing to make peace if we can all agree.

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