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误事 基本解释

误事[wù shì ]

词典cause delay in work or business误事。

词典hold things up误事。

词典bungle matters

误事 汉英大词典

误事[wù shì]

(耽误事情) cause delay in work or business; hold things up

误事 双语例句

1. 人多手杂反误事
    Give my regards to your parents.

2. 误事是什么意思

2. 后来刘歆有一个估计,但他的方法错了,反而误事
    To evade this trouble Professor Tung Tse-pin switched it to 1111 B.

3. 误事什么意思

3. 夜晚,我们出发了,我首先到河边,看见以前有人有几根木头横在河上,任何延误都会误事
    That's where the unfortunate event took place which caused a delay.

4. 呵呵,我发现个问题,我用了防火墙软件在这里不能发帖子,好耽误事
    Viso: this is inside the fance. Do you mean pictures close to the church? Let me post in the evening.

5. 他不误事,因他是神!
    He faileth not, for He is God

6. 误事是什么意思

6. 当他们回想起神所成就的每一件事,他们就知道神从来不误事
    As they looked back, they could see God had never failed in keeping one of His promises to them.

7. 我们祷告通了,就确知不误事的上帝,必按祂的时刻表成就祂的应许。D
    He Himself will give the assurance that in His time your prayer will be heard.

8. 掌管宇宙的上帝必不误事
    The One who uphold the universe will never let you down.

9. 感谢神!因他是不误事的神!
    God never fails!

10. 为了使企业更好的服务社会,使肉品供需双方密切合作,确保肉品质量,保障人民群众身体健康,该厂引导教育员工树立为顾客服务的意识,切实转变服务观念,提高服务水平,按照乙方要求及操作规程,随到随宰,及时供应肉品,努力做到随需随供,不误时,不误事
    In order to enable enterprises to better serve the community, so that meat supply and demand in close cooperation the two sides to ensure that the meat quality, to protect people's health, education and guide the plant staff to establish a sense of customer service, to transform the concept of service, improve service levels, in accordance with the B requirements and procedures, pick-Jae, timely supply of meat, and strive to do with the demand for, do not mistake, not villain.

11. 但是,据笔者多次深入乡村调查研究农机工作了解到,近几年来,很多农机户由于在生产、生活中对市场信息把握不准或不会分析和运用信息,致使生活、生产陷入种种误区,吃苦不浅,误事难言。
      But, occupy the author for many times job of agriculture machinery of thorough countryside investigation and study understands, in last few years, a lot of agriculture machinery door because be in production, life, use information, cause the life, production to be immersed in a variety of errors, bear hardships not shallow, difficult character of cause delay in work or business.

12. 误事的翻译

12. 没有知识的正直感软弱而无用,缺乏正直感的知识危险而可怕。,或许我们可将汉语中的有德无才者误事,有才无德者坏事。
      Integrity without knowledge is weak and useless, and knowledge without integrity is dangerous and dreadful.

13. 一个过于克己的圣人便是一个可以误事的伙伴,他可以连累你陷入一条无可救药的绝路,害你关节僵硬,行动不得,总之,他会要你躬行实践你不愿接受的那种谦让之道。
      A saint who dwells in a paroxysm of abnegation is a dangerous neighbor; he might communicate to you, by contagion, an incurable poverty, an anchylosis of the joints, which are useful in advancement, and in short, more renunciation than you desire; and this infectious virtue is avoided.

14. 我会和他们每一个人商量一下工作的紧要程度,这样我就不会误事
      I would discuss the urgency of their work with each of them so I didn 抰 drop the ball.

15. 我会和他们每一个人商量一下工作的紧要程度,这样我就不会误事
      I would discu the urgency of their work with each of them so I didn抰 drop the ball.

16. 杯中之物不要多饮,否则既伤身体也容易误事
      Too much wine can do harm to ones health. Whats more, it may also cause mistakes.

17. 这个问题对于每一个学习者来说都很难会回答,但重要的一点就是要误事
      This answer is different for every student. The important thing is to be realistic.

18. 我会和他们每一个人商量一下工作的紧要程度,这样我就不会误事
      I would discuss the urgency of their work with each of them so I didn`t drop the ball.

19. 国家在他手里一定会误事的。
      Country must be messy in his hands.

20. 你应该按照这封信内容的要求去行事,否则会误事的。
      You should act upon this letter at once, or it will be too late.

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