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资用 基本解释

资用[zī yòng]


资用 汉英大词典

资用[zī yòng]

{物} available

资用 网络解释

1. tsIcrdIung:器用 k'ICddIung | 资用 tsIcrdIung | 用度 dIungd'yg

资用 双语例句

1. 资用是什么意思

1. 随着供热输配系统的发展,特别是变频技术的广泛使用,根据最不利用户资用压头选择循环泵的传统设计方法越来越显示其不节能的一面。
    With the rapid development of heating transmission and distribution system, especially in wide applications of variable-frequency technology, the traditional method, that designers choose cycle pumps according to available head pressure of the farmost consumer, is not save energy.

2. danci.911cha.com

2. 本文给出了可同时测量GaAsFET噪声系数和资用功率增益的改进方法,以及对有耗匹配网络设计和损耗的定量分析方法。
    In the paper, an improved method for the simultaneous determination of GaAs FET noise figure and available power gain is given a method for the design of loss matching network and quantitative analysis of its loss is also presented.

3. 与共源器件相比,共栅共源器件表现出稍低的fT、较低的反馈、显著增加的功率资用增益及较高的端口阻抗。
    Cascode device exhibits a slight lower of f T, a less feedback, a largely greater of maximum available gain and a higher impedance compare to that of common source device.

4. GaAsFET噪声系数和资用功率增益的测定
    Determination of GaAs Microwave FET Noise Figure and Available Power Gain

5. 他们中许多人家境贫寒,常常利用课余时间勤工俭学,以解决学习和生活的资用问题。其勤工俭学的方式主要有佣工、佣书、都养、经商等。
    But due to poverty, many of them have to take part-time jobs to maintain life and academic, which include being a hireling, copying books for other people or the authorities, engaging in trade, etc.

6. 该计算式已被用于确定热噪声标准源的资用噪声温度。
    This formula has been applied to determine the available noise temperature of the thermal noise standard source.

7. 用设施与产业同步结合资用,都是极为重要而迫切的课题,可以说是台湾艺术教育未来长远发展的分水岭。结合研究与教学,跨领域整合共享资源。
    The review of course content, improvement of teaching methods, application facility of teaching resources, and synchronization of the industry, are the most important and urgent subjects and will lead towards the future development of Taiwan arts education.

8. 资用的意思

8. 所搜集到的资用回归分析验证研究假,研究结果发现:(1)表演团体的表演品质对顾客满意有正向的影响效果。
    The effective reponse rate was 23.22%. Regression analysis was used to test the hypothesis. The major findings were as follow:(1) Performance quality has a positive influence on customer satisfaction.

9. 通过对各种平衡阀选择计算方法的对比和分析,指出各种方法的差别主要在于阀门资用压差的确定方法不同,指出在平衡阀选择计算中应同时考虑阀权度和管路平衡压差的作用,进而提出了一种新的平衡阀选择计算方
    By comparison and analyses of methods for selecting balance valves, points out that the major difference among them lies in the determination of the available pressure difference and that the valve authority and the pressure difference between circuits should be considered simultaneously in calculation of selecting balance valves.

10. 分工合作,在统合建档资料库的综合运用与课程单元教学设计时,足以灵活资用各种不同的教学需求。
    To flexibly supply different learning needs, we efficiently and selectively dividing our professionals when we construct and regulate the learning curriculum database.

11. 实验所得资用成对样本t 检定与二因子变方法进分析,获得以下结果:一、无实验组或对照组,在正手击球续对打之表现均有显著进步。
      The results indicate that There was significant difference on the performance of consecutive forehand drives between pre-course and post-course test in both experimental and control groups respectively.

12. 911查询·英语单词

12. 在分析常规空调冷水系统设计方法的基础上,提出不同于常规方法的优化设计方法,按流量选择水泵后进行优化计算,并利用资用压力确定水管管径。
      An optimized design method of chilled water systems of air conditioning is presented on the base of analyzing the normal design method, which calculates the hydronic system after selection of the pumps according to the chilled water flow volume.

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