
走码头是什么意思 走码头在线翻译 走码头什么意思 走码头的意思 走码头的翻译 走码头的解释 走码头的发音 走码头的同义词


走码头 基本解释

Walking dock;

走码头 双语例句

1. 在等候蒙古号的时候,苏伊士的码头上有两个人在人群中走来走去。
    Two men were promenading up and down the wharves, among the crowd of natives and strangers who were sojourning at this once straggling village - now, thanks to the enterprise of M.

2. 此时有两个人在苏伊士码头上的人群中走来走去,人群中有本地人还有外国人,这些人都是在这小镇上旅居或逗留的。
    Two men were promenading up and down the wharves, among the crowd of natives and strangers who were sojourning at this once straggling village-- now, thanks to the enterprise of M.

3. 从这里你可以走到恩巴克帝娜,走到叫渔人码头的大型旅游商品区。
    From here, you can walk to Embarcadero, and to a huge tourist trap called Fisherman's Wharf.

4. 红脸汉子没有注意到,他跟他的朋友边聊天边沿着码头继续走去。
    The red-faced man did not notice it, and he walked on along the pier chatting with his friend.

5. 246他们横过马路来到铁桥跟前,沿着河堤边的惠灵顿码头走去。
    They crossed to the metal bridge and went along Wellington quay by the riverwall.

6. 你假装把英语讲得很蹩脚,沿着纽黑文那泥泞的码头,抱着自己的旅行箱走去,省得花三便士雇脚夫。
    Pretending to speak broken English as you dragged your valise, porter threepence, across the slimy pier at Newhaven

7. 走码头的反义词

7. 妙啊!妙啊!你假装把英语讲得很蹩脚,沿着纽黑文[90]那泥泞的码头,抱着自己的旅行箱走去,省得花三便士雇脚夫。
    Euge! Pretending to speak broken English as you dragged your valise, porter threepence, across the slimy pier at Newhaven.

8. 妙啊!妙啊!你假装把英语讲得很蹩脚,沿着纽黑文那泥泞的码头,抱着自己的旅行箱走去,省得花三便士雇脚夫。
    Euge! Pretending to speak broken English as you dragged your valise, porter threepence, across the slimy pier at Newhaven. Comment?

9. 走码头的意思

9. 他听他讲深海捕鱼,用一哩长的大网捞起银光闪闪的鱼群;听他讲突如其来的危险,在月黑风高的夜晚,排山巨浪的狂吼,还有大雾天头顶上忽地冒出巨轮高耸的船头;听他讲返回故里的欢乐,船头绕过海岬,驶进灯火通明的海港;码头上人影晃动,人群在欢呼,大缆索啪地甩了过去,水沫四溅;他们吃力地走上陡峭的小街,向那挂红窗幔的温煦快意的灯光走去。
    Of deep-sea Fishing s he heard tell, and mighty silver gatherings of the mile-long net; of sudden perils, noise of breakers on a moonless night, or the tall bows of the great liner taking shape overhead through the fog; of the merry Home -coming, the headland rounded, the harbour lights opened out; the groups seen dimly on the quay, the cheery hail, the splash of the hawser; the trudge up the steep little street towards the comforting glow of red-curtained windows.

10. 他听他讲深海捕鱼,用一哩长的大网捞起银光闪闪的鱼群;听他讲突如其来的危险,在月黑风高的夜晚,排山巨浪的狂吼,还有大雾天头顶上忽地冒出巨轮高耸的船头;听他讲返回故里的欢乐,船头绕过海岬,驶进灯火通明的海港;码头上人影晃动,人群在欢呼,大缆索啪地甩了过去,水沫四溅;他们吃力地走上陡峭的小街,向那挂红窗幔的温煦快意的灯光走去。
    Of deep-sea Fishings he heard tell, and mighty silver gatherings of the mile-long net; of sudden perils, noise of breakers on a moonless night, or the tall bows of the great liner taking shape overhead through the fog; of the merry Home-coming, the headland rounded, the harbour lights opened out; the groups seen dimly on the quay, the cheery hail, the splash of the hawser; the trudge up the steep little street towards the comforting glow of red-curtained windows.

11. 露西:请您告诉我去码头怎么走?
      Lucy: Could you tell me how to get to the harbor?

12. 我向码头邮筒走去,想看看所订阅的包裹到了没有。
      As I walked down the dock to my mailbox, I wondered if the package had arrived yet.

13. 科分先生将他的动力船摆弄上了码头,接着带我们出了码头往一个装有成袋鱼粮的老驳船走去。
      Mr Coffin swings a motorised skiff up to the dock and takes us out to an old barge loaded with bags of fish food.

14. 他们已经开车沿码头走了一遍,好让她指出哪艘是她父亲的船。
      They'd already driven along the wharf so that she could point out her father's boat.

15. 她沿着码头朝灯塔走去。
      She walked down the quay towards the lighthouse.

16. 因此湾仔码头必须走差异化道路,利用其品牌优势,走高端市场。
      Therefore WCF must follow the path of differentiation in high-end market, using its brand influence.

17. 巴比特急切地望着他,他说:走吧,咱们离开这里。然后头也不回,匆匆走下码头。
      While Babbitt watched him anxiously he snapped, " come on, let's get out of this, " and hastened down the wharf, not looking back.

18. 太阳下山时,我想我们会返回营地,埃里克敦促我们走下游艇码头。
      As the sun set I presumed we were heading back to camp, Erik urged us to drop by the marina.

19. 走码头

19. 此外,请帮忙确认走海运的货的城市及出货码头。
      Additionally, please confirm us the city and the shipment port for our sea orders.

20. 巴比特急切地望着他,他说:走吧,咱们离开这里。然后头也不回,匆匆走下码头。
      While Babbitt watched him anxiously he snapped," come on, let's get out of this," and hastened down the wharf, not looking back.

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