
超凡入圣是什么意思 超凡入圣在线翻译 超凡入圣什么意思 超凡入圣的意思 超凡入圣的翻译 超凡入圣的解释 超凡入圣的发音


超凡入圣 基本解释

超凡入圣[chāo fán rù shèng]

词典overcome all worldly thoughts and enter sainthood超凡入圣。

词典be above the common and enter the Holy Land -- uncommon超凡入圣。

词典become a saint超凡入圣。

词典overcome the material desires [all worldly thoughts] and attain sainthood

超凡入圣 汉英大词典

超凡入圣[chāo fán rù shèng]

overcome all worldly thoughts and enter sainthood; be above the common and enter the Holy Land -- uncommon; become a saint; overcome the material desires [all worldly thoughts] and attain sainthood; transcend worldliness and attain holiness

超凡入圣 网络解释

1. 超凡入圣的近义词

1. divine:在许多原因中间,尤其是这个原因,使莫扎特有资格称为超凡入圣(divine)的. 八月的最后一个星期,我有幸访问了普林斯顿,这个孕育了爱因斯坦,伍德罗威尔逊等名人的美丽大学城. 出发之前,心里其实对普林斯顿没有很多的感觉,除了向往之外,

2. Morethat Wonderland:70.Miss you so 如此想念你 | 71.Morethat Wonderland超凡入圣 | 74.Oh Le Le噢啦啦

3. Transcendence:19Teroh's Vanguard铁若的先锋TO | 20Transcendence超凡入圣TO | 21Vengeful Dreams复仇之梦TO

4. 超凡入圣是什么意思

4. overcome all worldly thoughts and enter sainthood:107. 反串 for man to play female part and woman to play male part | 108. 超凡入聖 overcome all worldly thoughts and enter sainthood | 109. 神仙下凡 fairy becomes incarnate

超凡入圣 双语例句

1. 然而,在评定甲乙的时候,难道你会因此就把这本微不足道的食谱看得比那部超凡入圣的诗篇还高明吗?
    But would you therefore put the wretched cookery-book on a higher level of estimation than the divine poem?

2. 超凡入圣的翻译

2. 如果你还没准备好追求超凡入圣的境界,那你也许可以满足于只成为伟大的人或者成功的人。
    If you're not quite ready to go for sainthood, then perhaps you would simply settle for greatness. Or success.

3. 它包含了一个我称之为{超凡入圣}的过程,这将永远的改变我们和
    It involves a process I callthe {Ascent to Transcendence, } as it will change both us and Planet

4. 当然,你一向是勇敢而超凡入圣的。
    Well, you are always heroic and transcendental

5. 知法、悟法能够使每个人超凡入圣,不论你是什麽社会阶层或说什麽语言。
    And this can make anybody become a noble individual, regardless of social class or language.

6. 但是,那张脸上又没有超凡入圣的神情,全部都是真正的青春活力,真正的温暖,真正的血肉之躯。
    Yet there was nothing ethereal about it; all was real vitality, real warmth, real incarnation.

7. 我听不懂歌词的含义,但却能领略演唱时的那种凄楚、渺茫和超凡入圣的情绪。
    I could not understand the words, but only the mood, sorrowful, vague and ethereal, of the singing.

8. 超凡入圣的解释

8. 圣徒应该被画成正在那里写作福音,为了表现出福音是上帝的圣谕,还应该画一个天使正在为他的作品赋予超凡入圣的灵感。
    The saint was to be represented writing the gospel, and, to show that the Gospels were the word of God, an angel was to be represented inspiring his writings.

9. 超凡入圣的意思

9. 当然,你一向是勇敢而超凡入圣的。
    Well, you are always heroic and transcendental.

10. 它是一种自然而然的超凡入圣
    It is a sort of natural canonization.

11. 超凡入圣

11. 出福音是上帝的圣谕,还应该画一个天使正在为他的作品赋予超凡入圣的灵感。
      That the gospels were the word of God, an angel was to be represented inspi

12. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D

12. 圣徒应该被画成正在那里写作福音,为了表现出福音是上帝的圣谕,还应该画一个天使正在为他的作品赋予超凡入圣的灵感。
      The saint was to be represented writing the gospel, and, to show that the gospels were the word of God, an angel was to be represented inspiring his writings.

13. danci.911chaxun.com

13. 圣徒应该被画成正在那里写作福音,为了表现出福音是上帝的圣谕,还应该画一个天使正在为他的作品赋予超凡入圣的灵感。
      The saint was to be represented writing the gospel, and, to show that the gospels were the word of God, an angel was to be represented inspi ring his writings.

14. 超凡入圣

14. 曾一度过着与外界隔绝的生活,有机会体验超凡入圣的艺术境界。
      There was some time when he lived a seclusive life, like the life of a saint.

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