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跨业 基本解释




跨业 双语例句

1. 中广公司是第一批参与试播的电台之一,已经投入相当大的财力与人力於其中,该公司对DAB的研究,包括音讯广播的规划、数据资讯的跨业合作经营模式,都有相当值得广播业界参考的心得。
    It has invested both the infrastructure and the manpower in DAB field for over 5 years. After getting the DAB radio license, BCC will continue deploying the transmitting facilities of DAB to attract the consumers into DAB era.

2. 跨业的反义词

2. 他的公司越做越大,并且开始尝试跨业经营了。
    He has been expanding his company and has started to attempt inter-trade business.

3. 跨业的翻译

3. 本文使用模拟合并的方法分析了中国商业银行跨业兼营证券的潜在风险和收益。
    We use hypothetical mergers between banks and securities companies to analyze the potential risks and returns of the financial integration in China.

4. 跨业的反义词

4. 此次,网龙公司与蒙牛集团的强强联手,是两大行业的跨业合作。
    This time, net long Mengniu Group with strong combination, are the two industries cross-industry cooperation.

5. 跨业在线翻译

5. 这项研究是由一家跨国跨业队在与北约合作。
    The study was executed by a transatlantic multinational industry team in cooperation with NATO.

6. 跨业的意思

6. 实证结果发现,6家包含银行、证券及保险营收三项产出的多角化金融控股公司,都存在有多角化经济的现象,表示金融控股公司多角化的发展与跨业经营确有其成本上的效益。
    Product diversification of financial holding company indeed has its effect on cost.

7. 有鉴于此,对由跨业经营所引发的不正当竞争行为加以法律规范实为必要。
    Convergence may take the advantage of enhanced competition and economics of scope.

8. 跨业

8. 本文分析了图书馆面对的跨业竞争态势,提出了具体的应对措施。
    Analyzed the competition facing library, some concretely were put forward.

9. 911chaxun查询·英语单词大全

9. 允许金融集团通过控股公司的形式进行跨业经营;
    Universal operation shall be permitted for financial groups in the form of holding companies;

10. 金融业综合经营是指银行业、证券业、保险业等跨业经营的一种金融制度。
    Comprehensive management of finance industry means a kind of multi-business and insurance business.

11. 面对跨业竞争的图书馆行业发展对策研究
      Research on Development Countermeasures of Library Facing the Across - Trade Competition

12. 跨业什么意思

12. 本文首先使用模拟合并的方法分析了中国商业银行跨业兼营保险、证券、基金的潜在风险和收益。
      Hypothetical mergers among commercial banks, insurance, security and fund are used to analyze the potential risks and returns of commercial banks in China.

13. 跨业在线翻译

13. 目前中国金融机构的跨业合作已经形成了自身的特点并卓显成效;
      At present China's financial structure trans-trade cooperation has always formed self characters, and good results have been attained.

14. 金融业者希望透过金融控股公司的成立与同业的合并,达到跨业销售、规模经济与降低成本之效果,进而提升竞争力与获利能力。
      By the ways of establishing financial holding companies and merger, financial industry expects to better competitiveness and profit capacity through cross-selling, scale economy, and cost down.

15. 在工作流系统中,合理的数据库设计,可以保障系统的良好、高效的运转,同时满足系统跨业系统、跨部门部署的管理要求。
      In the workflow system, the sound design of databases can prove the efficient and correct running of the whole system, and it can also satisfy the requirements of cross-business and cross-department deployment.

16. 911查询·英语单词

16. 比较中国商业银行单一跨业兼营非银行金融业务和同时跨业兼营两种非银行金融业务的研究结果,发现随着商业银行经营业务范围的扩大,风险分散收益将会增加。
      While comparing the results of two different models which include commercial banks'merger with one non-bank financial business or simultaneously merger with two non-bank financial businesses, it is shown that with the business extension of commercial banks, the diversification benefit will increase.

17. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

17. 未来有线电视系统的经营,不仅关系到有线电视市场的成长,更关系到未来宽频网络发展趋势与跨业竞争等问题。
      The management of the forthcoming cable TV industry is thus dependent with the market growth, and moreover influences the wide band development and competition among industries.

18. 从破产概率指标来看,除不支持中国商业银行单一跨业兼营证券外,对于其他跨业兼营模式,则都是支持的。
      However, as far as the probability of bankruptcy is concerned, except the merger between banks and securities, other patterns of hypothetical mergers are all strongly supported.

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