
跳皮筋是什么意思 跳皮筋在线翻译 跳皮筋什么意思 跳皮筋的意思 跳皮筋的翻译 跳皮筋的解释 跳皮筋的发音 跳皮筋的同义词


跳皮筋 基本解释

跳皮筋[tiào pí jīn]

词典rubber band skipping[体]跳橡皮筋;跳皮筋。

词典skipping and dancing over a chain of rubber bands跳皮筋。

跳皮筋 汉英大词典

跳皮筋[tiào pí jīn]

rubber band skipping; skipping and dancing over a chain of rubber bands

跳皮筋 网络解释

1. jump elastic band:jump elastic band 跳皮筋 | shuttle cock kicking 踢毽子 | leap frog 跳山羊

2. rubber band jumping:5)hopping: 单脚跳,一般指跳房子游戏 | 6)rubber band jumping: 跳皮筋 | 7)monopoly: 大富翁(知道我们热衷的游戏叫什么了吧)

3. 跳皮筋是什么意思

3. rubberband skipping:太极拳 Taiji ; Chinese shadow boxing | 跳皮筋 rubberband skipping | 跳绳 rope skipping

4. playing rubber band:watching TV(看电视) | listening to the radio(听收音机) | playing rubber band (跳皮筋)

跳皮筋 双语例句

1. 我们的理念就是要发扬我们的童年文化,小时候看的《小蝌蚪找妈妈》、《大闹天宫》、《渔童》这些传统的动画比现在的《蓝猫淘气三千万》要强的多,那种水墨手法的动画片应该是国粹;像丢沙包,跳皮筋,跳格子这些游戏也不应该在我们下一代中失传;而变形金刚、圣斗士、小虎队、beyond、郑智化则是我们心中永恒的经典,以上说的这些只是童年文化的一部分,我们就是想把这些回忆变成一种文化,让长大的孩子有个回忆童年的地方,现在的孩子也能从电脑旁走开,去外面和朋友一起玩找回真正的童年。
    Baby Tadpoles Look for Mother, Monkey Sun Makes Havoc in Heaven, the Fishing Child, the traditional animations are better than many of modern animations. The traditional artistic technique should be well preserved. Games such as playing the sand bags, the rubber bank and the pang jump should not be lost in the next generation. The transformer, Saint Seiya, Little Tiger, Beyond, Singer Zheng Zhihua are all time classic of our heart. All the above mentioned are only part of the childhood culture. We just want to turn these memories into a culture and give grown ups a place to find their childhood and give the children nowadays a chance to walk away from their computers and find a real childhood.

2. 美无处不在,无时不有,一株看似平凡的小草却充满了生机美;一本看似平凡的书籍却充满了人类的智慧美;树木直直挺立着,金黄的落叶翻飞下来,拾起一片让太阳勾勒出它清晰的脉络,对称美;树下跳皮筋的女孩,正让皮筋扭动出奇妙的数字美……总之,生活中不是缺少美,而是缺少发现。
    United States and everywhere, ever-so, a seemingly ordinary grass was full of vitality America; a seemingly mundane book was full of human wisdom is beauty; trees stand tall with straight, golden leaves turn fly down, pick up an outline so that the sun is a clear context, symmetrical beauty; tree Tiaopi Jin girls are so amazing the number of rubber band twist out of the U. S....... In short, life is not a lack of the United States, but the lack of discovery.

3. 跳皮筋的翻译

3. 我们班的然,可是跳皮筋儿高手。
    Our class of natural, but few master Tiaopi Jin.

4. 跳皮筋不仅需要技术,还需要合作。
    Tiaopi Jin require not only technology, but also requires cooperation.

5. 跳皮筋的解释

5. 我喜欢折纸,跳皮筋
    I like paper folding and rubber band skipping.

6. 跳皮筋

6. 跳皮筋一向是我们女生中比较喜爱的运动,不管是哪位女同学,都会来几下。
    Tiaopi Jin has always been the more we girls favorite sport, no matter which female students would come to a few.

7. 她是我很好的玩伴,我们经常一起去学校,一起玩游戏、玩跳皮筋、丢沙包、过家家等等。
    She was a good playmate of mine. We often went to school together, played games such as Tiaopijin, Diushabao, Guojiajia, and so on.

8. 跳皮筋的翻译

8. 不远处一台老机器旁悬挂着一幅名叫时光隧道的喷绘作品,上面有儿时的偶像小虎队、四大天王、beyond;有小时候最爱吃的萝卜丝、娃娃头雪糕、大大泡泡糖;有小时候常玩的游戏跳皮筋、滚铁环、丢沙包;有最喜欢看的《变形金刚》、《圣斗士》、《黑猫警长》、《葫芦娃》等等;看到这张画童年的记忆就会像放电影一样一幕幕的浮现在眼前。
    Among them are the childhood idols like Little Tiger, the four king singers of Hong Kong, the bank Beyond; the childhood favorite snacks such as turnip, snowman forzen sucker, Dada brand chewing gum; the game we used to play when we were young, such as the rubber band, the iron ring, the little sand bag; the animation we used to watch, such as the Transformer, Saint Seiya, Sergeant Black Cat, Calabash Brothers, etc.

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