
躬耕是什么意思 躬耕在线翻译 躬耕什么意思 躬耕的意思 躬耕的翻译 躬耕的解释 躬耕的发音 躬耕的同义词 躬耕的反义词 躬耕的例句


躬耕 基本解释



词典till by oneself躬耕。

躬耕 双语例句

1. 顺着剔透的露滴折射的光影,在那一望无垠的田垅里晃悠着背脊的父兄,以禾稻弯腰的姿势,把一种至亲挚爱的构想倾注在沉甸甸的圣物上,以其特定的背景,躬耕劳作,以高昂的血汗代价换取一茬又一茬五谷丰登的欢愉。
    Lou Di-clear along the refraction of light and shadow, in that endless stretches of fields and back swinging ridge where the father and brother to Hedao bending posture, to love the idea of a loved one poured on the sacred objects in the heavy, with its specific background, Gonggeng crafts, to a high price in exchange for sweat Yi Cha Yi Cha another bumper grain harvest of joy.

2. 站在历史的海岸漫溯那一道道历史沟渠:楚大夫沉吟泽畔,九死不悔;魏武帝扬鞭东指,壮心不已;陶渊明悠然南山,饮酒采菊……他们选择了永恒,纵然谄媚诬蔑视听,也不随其流扬其波,这是执著的选择;纵然马革裹尸,魂归狼烟,也要仰天长笑,这是豪壮的选择;纵然一身清苦,终日难饱,也愿怡然自乐,躬耕陇亩,这是高雅的选择。
    They choose to adopt a permanent, even if flatter slander audio-visual, not with the flow of Yang the wave, which is dedicated choice; though die on the battlefield, Soul smoke signals, but also Yangtianchangxiao, this is heroic choice; even if a hard, hard to eat all day, but also willing to take a relaxing from the music, bow Geng, Long acres, which is elegant choice.

3. 躬耕南山,委运自然,没有身名之累,虽有对死亡的恐惧,但以纵浪大化的态度消解了这种痛苦,最终形成其为后人倾羡的南山人格。
    Tilling the farmland at the foot of NanShan Mountain, he did not worry about fame and wealth any longer. He formed the well-know NanShan character and was admired by people in the following centuries.

4. 春天,我以躬耕的姿势亲近泥土。
    Spring, I Gonggeng position close to the soil.

5. 躬耕

5. 他不仅在学校教育理论方面建树颇多,且躬耕实践,为中国近代学校教育事业的发展做出了巨大贡献。
    He not only contributed much to educational theory, but also put his ideas into practice and made huge contributions to the development of China's modem school education.

6. 表面意思是亚当躬耕,夏娃纺织的时代,谁又是绅士呢?
    When Adam delve and Eve span, who was then the gentleman?

7. 他辞官归里,躬耕僻野,把自己归隐在了他那个桃花源中。
    Resign his return, the Gonggengpiye put himself in his Hermitage in that paradise.

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8. 他躬耕垄亩,自食其力;林中漫步,探求人生真谛。
    He strolled in woods and explored the true meaning of life.

9. 躬耕

9. 后入刘裕幕下任镇军参军,继而转任江州刺史刘敬宣的参军,再任彭泽令80余日,辞官回家。42岁起,归田躬耕,直至贫病交加而下世。
    After the curtain into the next town, LIU Yu-jun to join the army and then transferred Ren Jiang Zhou Cishi Liu Jingxuan's join the army, and then more than 80 days to make any Peng, resign.42-year-old home since Guitiangonggeng, until the next World Bank Poverty and ill health.

10. 被贬黄州之后,他归诚佛僧,就着黄州山脚下一片名叫东坡的数十亩荒地,垦辟躬耕,慨叹人生,并写下《东坡》诗:雨洗东坡月色清,市人行尽野人行。
    Drive after devaluating Huang2 Zhou, he return truly a Fo monk, wear Huang2 Zhou a foot of a hill a name an east ascent of several acres of wasteland, the Ken open up Gong Geng, sigh with regret life, and write down 《east ascent 》poem:Rain wash an east ascent moonlight pure, city person the line exert savage country people line.

11. 躬耕

11. 他的青少年时代,生活贫困,但受过良好的家庭教育,博览群书。29岁起,出仕,起家为江州祭酒,后赋闲;继而为荆州刺史桓玄属吏,后因母丧辞职归家,在家乡浔阳开始躬耕
      His young age, living in poverty, but the well-of family education, well-read. 29 years old, the Chu Shi, started for the Jiangzhou Jijiu, after hanging around; then provincial governor of Jingzhou Huanxuan Zhu Li, the latter due to the resignation of the mother mourning go home, start at home Xunyang Gonggeng.

12. 北方因此而乱起田畴率领宗族等数百人,入徐天山中,营深险平敞而居,躬耕以养父母。
      North thus chaos since clantian chou led hundreds of people, etc., into the Tian Shan Xu, the business risk of deep-ping open door, ju ping to adoptive parents.

13. 他扫了一眼山下农田里的耕牛:他们在埋首躬耕
      He has a glance at the submontane farm cattle in the fields. They lay down their heads and are busy plowing the land.

14. 他的田园诗通过直接描写农村田园风物和农事生活表现出浓厚的热爱土地热爱农民的意识及躬耕陇亩的劳作实践,同时,他借田园境界的创造,田园生活的适意表现自己隐居不仕的高致。
      The most important thing is his idyll gives expression to his strong pro-agricultural consciousness and working practice by the direct description for country sight and agricultural livelihood. Meanwhile, he shows his graceful inclination during seclusion through rural creation and comfortable life.

15. 躬耕的近义词

15. 他寻求超越和解脱:归隐躬耕,在自然中寻求和保持心理平衡;
      He returned home and farmed in order to seek and keep psychological equilibrium in the natural world.

16. 躬耕什么意思

16. 她的归田躬耕也是耕耘陶界,由写境而观境,所见者真,所感者深,令其陶作质朴真淳自成高格……(摘自林伯欣,〈古典/自然〉,《跨越之旅杨文霓陶作》,高雄县立文化中心,1999
      At latter stage, Yang stresses on nature and simplicity, and she finds herself in a non-self state that surrounds by nature and transcends the interests between objects and self.

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