
躲躲藏藏是什么意思 躲躲藏藏在线翻译 躲躲藏藏什么意思 躲躲藏藏的意思 躲躲藏藏的翻译 躲躲藏藏的解释 躲躲藏藏的发音


躲躲藏藏 基本解释

躲躲藏藏[duǒ duǒ cáng cáng]

词典daren't show up openly躲躲藏藏。

躲躲藏藏 汉英大词典

躲躲藏藏[duǒ duǒ cáng cáng]

daren't show up openly

躲躲藏藏 网络解释

1. 911查询·英语单词

1. I'm Hiding:12. Wake Up Hate 恨醒 | 13. I'm Hiding 躲躲藏藏 | 14. No One's There 那裡沒人

2. duoduocangcang:斗地主doudizhu | 躲躲藏藏duoduocangcang | 大动肝火dadongganhuo

躲躲藏藏 双语例句

1. 躲躲藏藏的解释

1. 然而這次選在自己的生日會上宣佈這項喜訊,一方面是兒子剛好滿月,另一方面是不想讓兒子過著躲躲藏藏的生活。
    He chose to announce this good news on his birthday this time, partially because this was his son's 1 month anniversary, and in part because he did not want his son to lead a life of hiding.

2. 躲躲藏藏

2. 春风满面的爱德华,载着贝拉到学校,不再躲躲藏藏,诏告天下两人的恋情
    Now you're, now you're, now you're, now you're one of usNow you're, now you're, now you're one of us

3. 躲躲藏藏什么意思

3. 你无法控制,而开诚布公比躲躲藏藏效果更好。
    You can't control, and revelation works better than concealment.

4. 躲躲藏藏

4. 是时候停止躲躲藏藏了,这是你解放的一天。
    That it is time to stop hiding something from someone.

5. 这一切就会结束,你也不必再躲躲藏藏
    And this'll be over. You can stop hiding.

6. 我们不必躲躲藏藏了。
    We don't have to hide.

7. 躲躲藏藏的解释

7. 我对躲躲藏藏的过日子感觉疲惫了,我并不介意他们知不知道我们结婚了!
    I'm tired of the deception. I don't care if they know we're married!

8. 后来的两天,我继续躲躲藏藏
    For next two days I went on hiding.

9. 躲躲藏藏什么意思

9. 就是,我们不用再躲躲藏藏了。
    Is we don't have to hide anymore.

10. 躲躲藏藏

10. 不要躲躲藏藏,同样年轻的你,赶快来加入我们,一起秀出你的漂亮和帅气。
    Being young as them, you have to join us now. Showus your way of being hot and cute.

11. 也许我能理解,你为何如此躲躲藏藏
      Maybe I can understand why you acted underhand.

12. 也许我能理解他为何如此躲躲藏藏
      Maybe I can understand why he acted underhand.

13. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D

13. 你曾经辛酸地对我说:“我们就像两只见不得光的小老鼠,永远躲躲藏藏。”
      You have bitter and said to me: " We shall not only like two small optical mouse, always skeptical. "

14. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

14. 我不喜欢躲躲藏藏
      I do not like this idea of hiding.

15. 躲躲藏藏

15. 当然,但是我不喜欢躲躲藏藏的。
      Sure, but hiding isn't my thing.

16. 我们什么错事都没有做,为什么要躲躲藏藏的?
      Why are we hiding if we didn't even do anything wrong?

17. danci.911chaxun.com

17. 也许你们会不以为然,但是我们不再会躲躲藏藏的。
      And you may frown upon that, but we're not gonna hide it anymore.

18. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

18. 躲躲藏藏的过日子。
      Than to spend my life in hiding.

19. 躲躲藏藏

19. 那里虽然没有充足的食物,但是,小老鼠再也不用每天提心吊胆、躲躲藏藏的啦!
      Although there was not enough food, the little mouse no longer had to live in fear and hide all the time!

20. 杰克知道警察在搜捕他,可他无所顾忌,不再躲躲藏藏
      Jack knew the police were searching for him, but he threw fear to the winds and came out of hiding.

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