
转轮圣王是什么意思 转轮圣王在线翻译 转轮圣王什么意思 转轮圣王的意思 转轮圣王的翻译 转轮圣王的解释 转轮圣王的发音


转轮圣王 基本解释




转轮圣王 网络解释

1. cakravarti-raja:cakra 金轮 | cakravarti-raja 转轮圣王 | candana 栴檀

2. wheel turning sage king:wheel of the dharma 法轮 | wheel turning sage king 转轮圣王 | view of attachment to self 有身见

3. 转轮圣王

3. of wheel-turning sage kings:Some inhabit the realm of human and heavenly beings, 或处人天 | of wheel-turning sage kings, 转轮圣王 | Shakra, Brahma ane the other kings-释梵诸王

4. Universal monarch:union-with-consort 雙身相 | Universal monarch 轉輪聖王 | Unwinding in Ultimate Mind 觀音名號之一:開展究竟自性者

转轮圣王 双语例句

1. 转轮圣王

1. 由于转轮圣王,这些生命没有疾病和痛苦。
    Due to the sarpirmanda, there is no illness or pain for any being. It is like this.

2. danci.911cha.com

2. 转轮圣王在世界上出现。
    A chakravartin appears in the world.

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3. 当然,同时也舍弃了转轮圣王的七宝─最高欲的表现。
    Surely, he meantime gave up the king`s seven Jewels – the presentation of highest desire.

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4. 由于转轮圣王的慈悲之力,他出现在世界上时能够获得真正超级滋味的药。
    Because of the power of a chakravartin`s merit, he is able to obtain the medicine with the true superior taste when he appears in the world.

5. 尽管它现在是这样,其它的人到森林的浓密的灌木丛,但是,尽管他们挖出洞,没有受到祝福的人是不能从中得到什么,当然,由于他的悲心道德,转轮圣王能够这样做。
    Even though it was present thus, other people went into that forest of dense thickets, but, though they dug with hoes, people with few blessings were unable to get any of it, while, by virtue of his merit, the chakravartin was able to do so.

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6. 尼峰是一个繁荣昌盛的转轮圣王谁统治了几千年的世界。。
    Mandhata was a rich and prosperous chakravartin ('Universal Emperor') who had ruled the world for thousands of years.

7. 国王憧憬着太子的未来,希望能成为`转轮圣王`,不但善于治理本国,而且能统一全印度,成为世界英明的君主。
    King Suddhodana envisioned the future for the Prince and hoped that he would grow up to be a Cakravarti, not only good at ruling his own country, but also capable of unifying all India to become the World's eminent monarch.

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