
软骨头是什么意思 软骨头在线翻译 软骨头什么意思 软骨头的意思 软骨头的翻译 软骨头的解释 软骨头的发音 软骨头的同义词


软骨头 基本解释


软骨头[ruǎn gú tou]

词典a weak-kneed person软骨头。

词典a spineless person软骨头;没骨头。

词典a coward软骨头。

软骨头 汉英大词典

软骨头[ruǎn gú tou]

a weak-kneed person; a spineless person; a coward

软骨头 双语例句

1. 是挫折使骨头坚如燧石;是挫折使软骨头变成肌肉;是挫折使人战无不胜。
    It is defeat that turns bone to flint; it is defdat that turns gristle to musle; it is defeat that makes men invicible.

2. danci.911cha.com

2. 胡佛曾把前任司法部长拉姆齐·克拉克叫做软骨头
    Hoover had called former Attorney General Ramsey Clark a jelly-fish.

3. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

3. 谁会想到他原来是这样一个软骨头
    Who'd have thought he'd turn out to he such a softy.

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4. 在慕尼黑,还有更近些的巴黎、纽约的软骨头外交什么也没有得到。
    The spineless diplomacy demonstrated at Munich, and more recently in Paris and New York, achieves nothing.

5. 这个人说:我看我的妹妹大概是嫁了一个真正的软骨头
    I'm afraid my sister married a real wimp.

6. 你就是个软骨头
    You don't have a spine.

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7. 可是,他看起来像个软骨头
    And he's had a pretty good voting record in Congress.

8. danci.911cha.com

8. 可是,他看起来像个软骨头。我担心,在真正发生危机的时候,他可能不会有足够的勇气来处理问题。
    But he looks like such a wimp: I'm afraid he doesn't have the guts to handle a real crisis when it comes up.

9. 汤姆是如此软骨头以致每个女孩喜欢占他的便宜。
    Tom is such a wimp that every girl likes to take advantage of him.

10. 这软骨头斜着眼向窗里望:他简直没有力量走开,正像一只猫无力离开一只半死的耗子或是一只吃了一半的鸟一样。
    The soft thing looked askance through the window: he possessed the power to depart, as much as a cat possesses the power to leave a mouse half killed, or a bird half eaten.

11. 等到了家里,齐拉就数落他是个懦夫,软骨头
      Later, at home, Zilla would accuse him of being a coward and a weakling.

12. 胆小的人必然是软骨头
      A fearful person is a weak person.

13. 她说,人们广泛地持有某种成见,就是任何与母亲太亲密的男孩都是娘娘腔和软骨头,永远都会依赖他人,也永远不会拥有健康的感情关系。
      She said that the widely accepted stereotype is that any boy close to his mom will be a sissy, a wimp, forever dependent and never a man who can have a healthy relationship.

14. 她的男朋友转向我怒气冲冲地叫道,“嗨,软骨头!”
      Her boyfriend turned toward me and growled, " hey, wuss!"

15. 软骨头的近义词

15. 她的男朋友转向我怒气冲冲地叫道,“嗨,软骨头!”
      Her boyfriend turned toward me and growled," hey, wuss!"

16. 外侧脚复合物由鼻尖悬吊韧带,下外侧软骨头侧缘在鼻尖上区相互分离时之间的纤维联结,与鼻中隔角之间和与上外侧软骨之间的纤维联结及与梨状孔之间的纤维联结共同支撑。
      The lateral crural complexes are supported by the suspensory ligament of the tip, the ligamentous connection between the cephalic margins of the lower lateral crura as they diverge from each other in the supratip are, and rest on the septal angle as well as the fibrous connections to the upper lateral cartilages, and abutment with the piriform aperture.

17. 外侧脚复合体由鼻尖悬韧带,下外侧软骨头侧缘在鼻尖上区相互分离时之间的纤维连接,与鼻中隔前角之间和与上外侧软骨之间的纤维连接,及与梨状孔之间的纤维连接共同支撑。
      The lateral crural complexes are supported by the suspensory ligament of the tip, the ligamentous connection between the cephalic margins of the lower lateral crura as they diverge from each other in the supratip area, and rest on the septal angle as well as the fibrous connections to the upper lateral cartilages, and abutment with the piriform aperture.

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