
过望是什么意思 过望在线翻译 过望什么意思 过望的意思 过望的翻译 过望的解释 过望的发音 过望的同义词 过望的反义词 过望的例句


过望 基本解释


过望[guò wàng]

词典beyond one's expectations过望。

过望 汉英大词典

过望[guò wàng]

beyond one's expectations

过望 双语例句

1. 过望的翻译

1. 你一定会狂喜过望的。
    You would be overjoyed.

2. 随后,又像变魔术一样将新买的咖啡递到Liz面前,Liz惊喜过望
    Then, like magic to deliver a new coffee bought Liz before, Liz had surprised look.

3. 我要去看得最远的地方,和你手舞足蹈聊梦想,像从来没有失过望受过伤,还相信敢飞就有天空那样,我要在看得最远的地方。
    I'm going to see the farthest place, and you dream of dancing talking like never before lost hope suffered injuries, but also believe that the sky dare to fly there, as I would like to see the farthest place.

4. 他,虽未得所求,却所得过望
    He had received nothing he asked for, but all that he hoped for.

5. 过望

5. 我要去看得最远的地方,和你手舞足蹈聊梦想,像从来没有失过望受过伤,还相信敢飞就有天空那样。
    I'm going to see the farthest place, and you dream of dancing talking like never before lost hope suffered injuries, but also believe that the sky did dare to fly there.

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6. 我知道你有感觉大喜过望
    I know you will be over joyed!!

7. 他一定对你的消息大喜过望
    He'll be overjoyed at your news.

8. 他一定对你的消息大喜过望
    He'll is overjoyed at your news.

9. 另外,你们可以做慈善活动,我会大喜过望的支持。
    Alternatively, you guys can do charitable activities and I will be more than happy to support that.

10. 过望的反义词

10. 听到他们的好消息,我们都大喜过望
    We were overjoyed to hear their good news.

11. 过望

11. 她接受了他的邀请,而他则是大喜过望
      She has accepted his invitation and he is overjoyed.

12. 911查询·英语单词

12. 我大喜过望,当我看到你mail。
      I am more than happy when i saw your mail.

13. 我想出的唯一办法是:爬上去坐一整夜再说,第二天再考虑死的问题吧,因为我看不出有任何生路可言。我从海岸向里走了几十米,想找些淡水喝,居然给我找到了,真使我大喜过望。喝完水,又取了点烟叶放到嘴里充饥,然后爬上树,尽可能躺得稳当些,以免睡熟后从树上跌下来。我事先还从树上砍了一根树枝,做了一根短棍防身。由于疲劳之极,我立即睡着了,真是睡得又熟又香。我想,任何人,处在我现在的环境下,决不会睡得像我这么香的。
      E? ?àife; I walk'd about a Furlong from the Shore, to see if I could find any fresh Water to drink, which I did, to my great Joy; and having drank and put a little Tobacco in my Mouth to prevent Hunger, I went to the Tree, and getting up into it, endeavour'd to place my self so, as that if I should sleep I might not fall; and having cut me a short Stick, like a Truncheon, for my Defence, I took up my Lodging, and having been excessively fatigu'd, I fell fast asleep, and slept as comfortably as, I believe, few could have done in my Condition, and found my self the cost refresh'd with it, that I think I ever was on such an Occasion.

14. 在我附近有一棵枝叶茂密的大树,看上去有点像纵树,但有刺。我想出的唯一办法是:爬上去坐一整夜再说,第二天再考虑死的问题吧,因为我看不出有任何生路可言。我从海岸向里走了几十米,想找些淡水喝,居然给我找到了,真使我大喜过望。喝完水,又取了点烟叶放到嘴里充饥,然后爬上树,尽可能躺得稳当些,以免睡熟后从树上跌下来。我事先还从树上砍了一根树枝,做了一根短棍防身。由于疲劳之极,我立即睡着了,真是睡得又熟又香。我想,任何人,处在我现在的环境下,决不会睡得像我这么香的。
      All the Remedy that offer'd to my Thoughts at that Time, was, to get up into a thick bushy Tree like a Firr, but thorny, which grew near me, and where I resolv'd to set all Night, and consider the next Day what Death I should dye, for as yet I saw no Prospect of Life; I walk'd about a Furlong from the Shore, to see if I could find any fresh Water to drink, which I did, to my great Joy; and having drank and put a little Tobacco in my Mouth to prevent Hunger, I went to the Tree, and getting up into it, endeavour'd to place my self so, as that if I should sleep I might not fall; and having cut me a short Stick, like a Truncheon, for my Defence, I took up my Lodging, and having been excessively fatigu'd, I fell fast asleep, and slept as comfortably as, I believe, few could have done in my Condition, and found my self the cost refresh'd with it, that I think I ever was on such an Occasion.

15. 在我附近有一棵枝叶茂密的大树,看上去有点像纵树,但有刺。我想出的唯一办法是:爬上去坐一整夜再说,第二天再考虑死的问题吧,因为我看不出有任何生路可言。我从海岸向里走了几十米,想找些淡水喝,居然给我找到了,真使我大喜过望。喝完水,又取了点烟叶放到嘴里充饥,然后爬上树,尽可能躺得稳当些,以免睡熟后从树上跌下来。我事先还从树上砍了一根树枝,做了一根短棍防身。由于疲劳之极,我立即睡着了,真是睡得又熟又香。我想,任何人,处在我现在的环境下,决不会睡得像我这么香的。
      All the Remedy that offer`d to my Thoughts at that Time, was, to get up into a thick bushy Tree like a Firr, but thorny, which grew near me, and where I resolv`d to set all Night, and consider the next Day what Death I should dye, for as yet I saw no Prospect of Life; I walk`d about a Furlong* from the Shore, to see if I could find any fresh Water to drink, which I did, to my great Joy; and having drank and put a little Tobacco in my Mouth to prevent Hunger, I went to the Tree, and getting up into it, endeavour`d to place my self so, as that if I should sleep I might not fall; and having cut me a short Stick, like a Truncheon, for my Defence, I took up my Lodging, and having been excessively fatigu`d, I fell fast asleep, and slept as comfortably as, I believe, few could have done in my Condition, and found my self the most refresh`d with it, that I think I ever was on such an Occasion.

16. 我想出的唯一办法是:爬上去坐一整夜再说,第二天再考虑死的问题吧,因为我看不出有任何生路可言。我从海岸向里走了几十米,想找些淡水喝,居然给我找到了,真使我大喜过望
      I went on the next yearwith great success in my plantation: I raised fifty great rolls oftobacco on my own ground, more than I had disposed of fornecessaries among my neighbours; and these fifty rolls, being eachof above a hundredweight, were well cured, and laid by against thereturn of the fleet from Lisbon: and now increasing in business andwealth, my head began to be full of projects and undertakingsbeyond my reach; such as are, indeed, often the ruin of the bestheads in business.

17. 听了这个喜讯,我大喜过望
      I was overjoyed at the happy tidings.

18. 但当他进了自己的官舍时,见陈设、饮食、随从同汉王的一样,又大喜过望
      But when he entered the official residences of their time, see the display, catering, attendant with the same Hanwang and overjoyed.

19. 他的坦白令我大喜过望,我问:你的老板知不知道你这样推掉生意的事?
      Pleasantly surprised by his candor, I asked, "Does your boss know that you discourage business?

20. 如果我们现在推迟蒙太尼,新闻界就会大喜过望
      If we delay Montayne now, the press will have a field day.

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