
逆水行舟是什么意思 逆水行舟在线翻译 逆水行舟什么意思 逆水行舟的意思 逆水行舟的翻译 逆水行舟的解释 逆水行舟的发音


逆水行舟 基本解释

逆水行舟[nì shuǐ xíng zhōu]

词典sail against the current逆水行舟。

词典sail in the head tide逆水行舟。

逆水行舟 汉英大词典

逆水行舟[nì shuǐ xíng zhōu]

sail against the current; sail in the head tide

逆水行舟 网络解释

1. 逆水行舟

1. Not to advance is to go back:世上唯有贫困能够劳而不获. Nothing is to be got without pains but pov... | 逆水行舟. Not to advance is to go back. | 不懂圆滑,童稚可笑. Not to know what happened before one was born is always to be a...

2. He who does not advance loses ground:He sets the fox to keep the geese.引狼入室 | He who does not advance loses ground.逆水行舟--- | Honesty is the best policy.诚信为本

逆水行舟 双语例句

1. 逆水行舟在线翻译

1. 我觉得好像在逆水行舟
    I feel like I'm swimming upstream.

2. danci.911chaxun.com

2. 例:关于这一点还有一个理想的实例,就是逆水行舟
    Another ideal case in point is that of rowing against current.

3. 我始终相信逆水行舟,不进则退(一个人如果不学习,他很快就会落到别人后面)。
    I always believe that one will easily lag behind unless he keeps on learning.

4. 这句话,好!爱情是否也像逆水行舟,不进则退?
    Love is like the moon, when it does not

5. danci.911chaxun.com

5. 我们深知逆水行舟,不进则退的道理,在发展的道路上我们不会止步。
    We are keenly aware that riding a boat behind the reason, in the development of the road we will not stop.

6. 逆水行舟

6. 例:关于这一点还有一个理想的实例,就是逆水行舟
    E. g. Another ideal case in point is that of rowing against current.

7. 我在学校里成绩不错,不过我知道我要更加努力,因为学如逆水行舟,不进则退。
    I have done quite well in school, but I know I have to work harder, because the school is like riding a boat behind.

8. 逆水行舟什么意思

8. 很久以来,我们把人生比喻成在大海上行驶的一叶小舟,有时风平浪静,一帆风顺;有时波涛汹涌,逆水行舟;还有那暗礁险滩,令人防不胜防。
    Since long, we become the life analogy a small boat which goes on the sea, is sometimes uneventful, problem-free; The mighty waves are sometimes turbulent, boat sailing against the current; Also has that hidden rock rapids, virtually impossible to guard against.

9. 逆水行舟

9. 学习如逆水行舟,不进则退,所以,坚持,坚持,快乐的坚持到底。
    The picture show of Tibet bring home to people the comparision of Tibet's past and now.

10. 逆水行舟

10. 南京永利进出口贸易有限公司在走过的14年风雨历程中,无论是逆水行舟还是顺风扬帆,公司主营业务始终
    In the past 14 years of trials and hardships, or whether it is riding a boat sailing downwind, the company's main business has always been

11. 我们在大河上拉纤,栉风沐雨,逆水行舟,把生命的痕迹留在时光之畔,于是就懂得该怎样更好地活着和快乐。
      We pull in the large fibers, Chlamys Mu wind rain, riding a boat to leave traces of life on the banks of the time, so to better understand how alive and happy.

12. 顺风吹火的机会你不及时把握,难道偏要逆水行舟
      Do you really want to go against the current?

13. 逆水行舟是什么意思

13. 逆水行舟,不进则退。
      A boat sailing against the current must forge ahead or it will be driven back.

14. 学如逆水行舟,不进则退。
      Study is like sailing against the current; either you keep forging ahead or you keep falling behind.

15. 学如逆水行舟,不进则退。-中国谚语。
      Learning is like rowing upstream, not to advance is to drop back. - Chinese Proverb.

16. 但是我们丝毫不可松懈,摆在我们面前的形势如同逆水行舟,不进则退。
      The situation we are facing now is like going upstream.

17. 当今社会,逆水行舟,不进则退。
      Today's society, sailing against the current, fall behind.

18. 经营企业,如逆水行舟,不进则退!
      Managing an enterprise is like rowing against the current, No progress means backwards.

19. 生活是逆水行舟,不进则退。
      Life is boating against the current.

20. 911查询·英语单词

20. 在激烈的国际竞争中前行,就如同逆水行舟,不进则退。
      Being faced with fierce international competition, this like sailing against the current, when either forges ahead or falls behind.

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