
通风报信是什么意思 通风报信在线翻译 通风报信什么意思 通风报信的意思 通风报信的翻译 通风报信的解释 通风报信的发音


通风报信 基本解释

通风报信[tōng fēng bào xìn]

词典send news secretly通风报信;漏泄春光。

词典furnish [divulge] secret information

词典provide someone with information通风报信。

词典send a secret message通风报信;暗通款曲;漏泄春光。

通风报信 汉英大词典

通风报信[tōng fēng bào xìn]

send news secretly; furnish [divulge] secret information; provide someone with information; send a secret message; tip sb. off

通风报信 网络解释

1. tip off:lay your hands on 拥有什么 | tip off 通风报信 | in person 亲自

2. tipped off by:79. 重获自由 have been freed | 80. 通风报信 tipped off by | 81. 参与童工拐卖 take part in child labor trade

3. 通风报信的反义词


通风报信 双语例句

1. 通风报信什么意思

1. 昨天我还在茶馆听大家谈论,说道你这样大的本事,要捉住你,杀了你,那是不用想了,最好是知道你的下落,向官府通风报信,领得一千两银子的赏格,倒是一注横财。
    I heard them talking about it yesterday in the tea-house. They all said you were much too smart to be caught. But all the same, someone could always inform the police and pocket the reward. It'd certainly be a nice little windfall.

2. 那人哈哈大笑,撑起身来。那小孩哭道:啊哟,这位贩私盐的朋友怎么没了脑袋?你两位老人家去见了阎王,又有谁回去通风报信哪?
    Suddenly a blade flashed, the head of one smuggler went flying through the air, and the one holding the boy was left with a gaping hole somewhere between his chest and his belly.

3. 我认为我们学到了点什么,下一次,如果我们抓到毒贩,把他铐起来用飞机运到中国,也许在他到达前,给中国打个电话通风报信一下。
    I think we are onto something - next time we catch a drug dealer we handcuff the drugs to his wrist and put him on a flight to China - maybe even call ahead and tip them off as to his arrival.

4. 他一直通风报信,我不能责怪普利莫
    He's been snitching to the world. I can't even blame Primo.

5. 如果公开,那么在让公众了解案情的同时,也等于给被调查对象和其他涉案人通风报信
    If make public, so in let while the public knows details of a case, also be equal to elephant be checkinged by tone and person of other experience case to tip off information.

6. 阿秋撒谎骗了小莲父亲后,马上跑上楼通风报信
    A autumn lies after cheating small lotus father, run immediately go upstairs tip off information.

7. danci.911chaxun.com

7. 削减通风报信,因为他们太小。
    Cut the tip off as they are too small.

8. 因为你的国家通风报信
    Because your country told them you are here.

9. 你要是通风报信,我就宰了你。
    One peep out of you and I cut your throat.

10. 通风报信的翻译

10. 如果有什么消息出来,你一定要先给我通风报信
    Whenever news comes out, you must send messages to me to keep me informed.

11. 你给谁通风报信
      Who did you call, your source?

12. 她心想,会不会是办公室里有人向他通风报信了呢?
      She wondered if someone from the office hadtippedhim off, or...

13. 韦小宝道:扬州城里贴满了榜文,说是捉拿江洋大盗茅十八,又是什么格杀不论,只要有人杀了你,赏银二千两,倘若有人通风报信,因而捉到你,那就少赏些,赏银一千两。
      Well, there are posters all over town. Wanted: The Notorious Brigand Whiskers Mao, Dead or Alive, Reward Two Thousand Taels of Silver. A Lesser Reward of One Thousand Taels for Information leading to his Arrest.

14. 只是不要忘记仔细修剪爪通风报信每个申请前钉帽。
      Just don't forget to carefully trim the tip off each claw before applying the nail cap.

15. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D

15. 我们得灭了他,免得他通风报信
      We gotta get rid of him, or he'll squeal.

16. 通风报信是什么意思

16. 窃贼得到望风者的通风报信逃跑了。
      The burglars were tipped off by a lookout and escaped.

17. 另外两名窃贼得到了望风者的通风报信而逃掉了。
      The two other burglars were tipped off by a lookout and escaped.

18. 留个活口去通风报信
      Leave one alive to tell the tale.

19. 泽勒表示,那项声明是根据瑞士联邦检察署提供的信息作出的,而该机构是在一家黎巴嫩银行通风报信后采取相应行动的。
      Mr Zeller said that the statement was based on information from the Swiss federal prosecutor, which acted after a tip-off from a Lebanese bank.

20. 你是说你在警察局有一帮通风报信的?
      Are you telling me that you've got your own little nest of informers in the Police Department?

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