
逛来逛去是什么意思 逛来逛去在线翻译 逛来逛去什么意思 逛来逛去的意思 逛来逛去的翻译 逛来逛去的解释 逛来逛去的发音


逛来逛去 基本解释

逛来逛去[guàng lái quàng qù]

词典hang around闲逛; 闲待着;耽搁;迫近。

词典sail about逛来逛去。

逛来逛去 汉英大词典

逛来逛去[guàng lái quàng qù]

hang around

逛来逛去 网络解释

1. sail about:Saigon 西贡 | sail about 逛来逛去 | sail before the wind 顺风航行

逛来逛去 双语例句

1. 退休后,他总是在花园里逛来逛去,干些零活儿。
    After he went into the retirement, he always pottered about in the garden.

2. danci.911cha.com

2. 在花鸟市场里逛来逛去,一盆小型盆栽吸引了我的眼球,问了店主,我才知道它叫观音莲,它的形状有些像观音菩萨所立的红莲,绿色的叶子,叶尖圈着一点紫色的花边,我问了一下价格,不是很贵,就欢天喜地地把它买回了家。
    Flower shop in the market to go to a bowl of small potted plants to attract my attention and asked the owner, I realize that it Alocasia called it the shape of some of the legislation as the Goddess of Mercy Honglian, green leaves, tip purple circle with a little lace, I asked about price, not expensive, it would happy to buy a home.

3. 逛来逛去什么意思

3. 他大摇大摆地在厨房里逛来逛去,厨房成了他的游乐场。
    He's just waking up, in fact, as the human family toddles off to bed, and the kitchen is his playground.

4. 逛来逛去

4. 他逛来逛去找玩伴。
    He wandered hither and thither looking for a playmate.

5. 这些大兵逛来逛去,希望碰上花姑娘。
    The soldiers went on the prowl hoping to meet some girls.

6. 阿德莱德山的居民亚莉西亚-亚历山大拍下了这个不同寻常的景象,她还跟着这只小考拉在屋子里逛来逛去
    Adelaide Hills resident Alicia Alexander managed to capture the unusual sight on film and followed the marsupial as it made its way around her home.

7. 逛来逛去在线翻译

7. 警察监视着那两个在银行附近逛来逛去的人。
    The policeman watched the two men, who were loitering near the bank.

8. danci.911cha.com

8. 他穿了一身讲究的新衣服逛来逛去,显得颇为惬意。
    He strolled about, looking very debonair in his elegant new suit.

9. 让这家伙在你卧室里逛来逛去,也确是不好看。他穿了一身讲究的新衣服逛来逛去,显得颇为惬意
    It looks rather curious to have the fellow hanging about around your bedroom. He strolled about, look very debonair in his elegant new suit

10. 在这样的场所,你可以尽兴地逛来逛去
    You can wander round such places to your heart's content.

11. 在这样的场所,你可以尽兴的逛来逛去
      You can wander round such places to your heart`s content.

12. 我今天在商店里的男士部逛来逛去,但毫无收获。
      I looked around in the mens department at the store today, but no luck.

13. 他们随意地逛来逛去
      They come and go and wander at their will.

14. 劳伦斯:我感觉自己很没用,就这样逛来逛去的什么都不做。
      Laurance I feel so useless just hanging around with nothing to do.

15. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

15. 请你以后没事别开车在我家楼下逛来逛去的。
      There's nothing in the world I want but you and your precious love.

16. 你能看到这两个人整天逛来逛去,头挨着头没完没了地密谈。
      You could see these two roaming about all day long with their heads close together in an everlasting confab.

17. 让一个外乡人独自逛来逛去,那实在太危险了。
      It was simply too dangerous for anyone not a native to go wandering about by himself.

18. 这外乡人适应了我们的生活习惯。让一个外乡人独自逛来逛去,那实在太危险了。
      The stranger conformed his ways to ours. It was simply too dangerous for anyone not a native to go wandering about by himself.

19. 但在市里,如果没有汽车,你还真没办法逛来逛去
      But without a car in this city, you really can't get around.

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20. 不要再逛来逛去了,就这家。
      Let's stop wandering around and go here.

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