
邯郸学步是什么意思 邯郸学步在线翻译 邯郸学步什么意思 邯郸学步的意思 邯郸学步的翻译 邯郸学步的解释 邯郸学步的发音


邯郸学步 基本解释

邯郸学步[hán dān xué bù]

词典imitate others and thus lose one's own individuality邯郸学步。

词典imitate another without success and lose what used to be one's own ability

词典In attempting to walk like a swan, the crow loses its own gait.

词典slavishly imitate others and lose own originality邯郸学步。

邯郸学步 汉英大词典

邯郸学步[hán dān xué bù]

(比喻摹仿别人不成, 反而丧失固有的技能) imitate others and thus lose one's own individuality; imitate another without success and lose what used to be one's own ability; In attempting to walk like a swan, the crow loses its own gait.; slavishly imitate others and lose own o

邯郸学步 网络解释

1. 911查询·英语单词

1. Learning to walk in Handan:Drawing a snake adding feet画蛇添足 | Learning to walk in Handan邯郸学步 | Lord Ye'S love of dragons叶公好龙

2. han dan xue bu:哈贝马斯 ha bei ma si | 邯郸学步 han dan xue bu | 涵养操存 han yang cao cun

3. Learn the Handan way of walking:负荆请罪 Proffer a birch and ask for a flogging | 邯郸学步 Learn the Handan way of walking | 囫囵吞枣 Swallow dates whole

4. 911查询·英语单词

4. Imitating Another without Success and Losing What Used to Be One'sOwn Ability:Calling a Stag a Horse 指鹿为马 | Imitating Another without Success and Losing What Used to Be One'sOwn Ability 邯郸学步 | Carrying Faggots to Put Out a Fire 抱薪救火

邯郸学步 双语例句

1. 高塔焚灭,容颜永存,在这个寂寥之地她忖度着,一分女人,三分孩童,邯郸学步,蹑足潜踪。
    That the topless towers be burnt And men recall that face, Move most gently if move you must In this lonely place.

2. 邯郸学步的意思

2. 这段话是篇中魏公子牟与公孙龙的对话,翻译成现代话就是:你难道没听说过那位燕国少年邯郸学步的故事吗?
    This is a chapter of Mu Wei son dialogue with Gongsun Long, translated into modern words is this: Do you heard that the toddler Handan Yan juvenile story?

3. 这哪里是执行力的问题,问题是您在邯郸学步!!
    This is where the Executive power, the problem is that you are learning step!!

4. 邯郸学步是什么意思

4. 例2:我们做事得有自己的方法,不能邯郸学步
    We should have our only methods when doing things, and shouldn't imitate others mechanically.

5. 这是因为:我们应当汲取西方优秀企业文化的精华,但是照搬西方的做法只能是邯郸学步,只有塑造有中国特色的企业文化才是我们的目标和任务所在。
    To Construct a Chinese-featured corporate culture is one of the targets and duties for the SCBC.

6. 学习知识不能邯郸学步,适合别人的方法不一定就适合自己。
    Imitating Another without Success and Losing What Used to Be One'sOwn Ability.

7. 这让我想起了中国一个成语叫做邯郸学步-学人家走路不成结果只好爬这回去了。
    If you can talk with crowds and keep your virtue

8. 邯郸学步

8. 其实还有一种可能,那就是:在移动市场上,微软恐怕这两个都学不像,所谓邯郸学步是也。
    There is a third possibility: that in the mobile market, it will become neither.

9. 邯郸学步的意思

9. “邯郸学步”这个成语就是从这则传说而来的。
    From this fable comes the idiom Learn to walk in Handan.

10. 后来,人们用“邯郸学步”或“学步邯郸”这句成语,比喻只知道盲目地模仿别人,结果连自己原来的技能也丢掉了。
    From then on, people referred to this story to indicate an obtuse way of copying someone else to the point of forgetting on è s own abilities.

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