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郭守敬 基本解释


郭守敬 双语例句

1. 郭守敬什么意思

1. 观星台建于 1276 年,位于市区东南的告成镇,是中国元代著名天文学家郭守敬在全国设立的 27 个天文观测台、站之一,具有极高的历史、科学价值,是全国重点文物保护单位。
    It is of great value of history and scientific research, and under state-level protection.

2. 郭守敬

2. 郭守敬在此基础上,针对浑天仪存在的缺点进行了大胆的革新改造。
    GuoShouJing On this basis, the existence of disadvantage for the celestial globe has made bold innovations in the transformation.

3. 郭守敬

3. 研究中,郭守敬发现按比例推算二十四节气时发生误差的重要原因之一是圭表的表影不长。
    Study, found GuoShouJing 24 solar terms in proportion to the projection error occurs when one of the important reasons are not圭表long shadow of the table.

4. 元代著名科学家、水利专家郭守敬,曾在泉区开渠引泉,灌溉农田,通舟行船。
    Yuan-renowned scientists, water experts GuoShouJing was cited in Stephen Stephen开渠district, irrigation of farmland, pass sail boat.

5. 公司处在位于具有3500年悠久之殷商古都,科学巨匠郭守敬故里,中国历史文化名城――邢台。
    Company is located at 3500 has a long ancient capital of the Shang, science master GuoShouJing native place, China's historical and cultural city - Xingtai.

6. 自1291年起,郭守敬又将自己的主要精力转移到水利工程上。
    Since 1291, the GuoShouJing will shift their focus on the water project.

7. 郭守敬的近义词

7. 郭守敬科技园区位于公园东南部,整个园区以古典园林建筑风格的廊、亭、桥、台、馆、楼为主调。
    GuoShouJing Science and Technology Park is located in south-east of the park, the entire park to the classical-style gallery building garden, pavilions, bridges, Taiwan, the Museum, the main floor tune.

8. 达活泉曾是牛城八景之一,后将达活泉开辟一公园,并在园内建设了郭守敬纪念馆。
    Of Eight was a cow town, one of活泉will open up after a park, and construction of the GuoShouJing at Memorial Park.

9. 简仪模型 Model of Abridged Armilla 元代科学家郭守敬于1276年创制的简仪,是当时世界上最先进的天文观测仪器。
    The abridged armilla made by Guo Shoujing of the Yuan Dynasty in 1276. It was the most advanced astronomical observation instrument in the world at

10. 东抵哈雷路,北近郭守敬路。
    Guoshoujing to the north.

11. 我国现代天文学家陈遵妫更赞扬道:丹麦天文学家第谷虽也创造了很多天文仪器,他不独已经比郭守敬晚了300年,且喜星卜术,认为天象常与人事有关,而郭守敬却焚毁阴阳伪书,破坏世俗的迷信,一洗古来占验的浮说,使天文学纳入科学的正轨。
      Compliance of modern astronomers Gui Chen paying tribute: The Danish astronomer Tycho created although a lot of astronomical instruments, he not only has more than 300 years later GuoShouJing, pleasantly stars Bu surgery that are often associated with personnel-related phenomena, which has burned GuoShouJing pseudo-yin and yang book undermine the secular superstition, accounting for one since ancient times to wash the floating post-mortem said that the science of astronomy into the right track.

12. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

12. 中国元朝著名的天文学家郭守敬等为了修订历法,进行了许多天文实测工作并创制了多种新的天文仪器。
      Kuo Shou-jing, the famous astronomer in Yuan Dynasty, and his co-workers devised and constructed new astronomical instruments and carried out many astro - nomical determinations for the purpose of revising the calendar system.

13. 郭守敬的近义词

13. 该文通过对郭守敬和梅文鼎黄赤相求方法的分析,指出他们的方法都体现了中国传统数学思想和思维方式。
      This paper analysis the methods of Gwoand Mei's. It points out that their methods reflect the traditional Chinese mathematical thought and mode of thinking.

14. 该文通过对郭守敬和梅文鼎黄赤相求方法的分析,指出他们的方法都体现了中国传统数学思想和思维方式。
      This paper analysis the methods of Gwoand Mei's.It points out that their methods reflect the traditional Chinese mathematical thought and mode of thinking.

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