
采药是什么意思 采药在线翻译 采药什么意思 采药的意思 采药的翻译 采药的解释 采药的发音 采药的同义词 采药的反义词 采药的例句


采药 基本解释

采药[cǎi yào]


采药 网络解释

1. Herbalism:Engineering 工程 | Herbalism 采药 | Jewelcrafting 珠宝

2. herballsm:fishing钓鱼 | herballsm采药 | leatherworking制皮

3. 采药的反义词

3. Herb Gathering:5. The Ballet Dancer (芭蕾舞家) | 6. Herb Gathering (採藥) | 7. Two Mutes (兩啞吧)

采药 双语例句

1. danci.911chaxun.com

1. 蟾蜍 玉兔,你每天采药、炼药、捣药,屋里到处散发难闻的药味,连你的衣服上身
    Toad Rabbit, you every day collect herbs, refine drugs, pestlemedicine, the unpleasant smell is everywhere in your house

2. 请问有2个副业:采药和附魔,我现在想去掉采药改为裁缝,找什么人呢?
    Is there two sideline: magic herbs and by-laws, I would now like to get rid of herbs into the tailor, looking for what people?

3. danci.911chaxun.com

3. 请问有2个副业:采药和附魔,我现在想去掉采药改为裁缝,找什么人呢?
    Are there two sideline: magic herbs and by-laws, I would now like to get rid of herbs into the tailor, looking for what people?

4. 采药的解释

4. 山上砍柴、放羊、采药的乡亲们闻讯赶来,打跑了恶虎,把她救下望京坨,沿着这三十多华里长的沟谷回村,一路上鲜血滴滴流淌。
    Mountains such as woodcutting, sheep, herbs of the villagers who heard about, dislodge the Wuhu, Wangjing lump under her rescue, along which more than 30 li-long valley back to the village, along the way dripping blood flow.

5. 松下问男孩,言师采药草的。
    Matsushita asked boy, statement to the division to collect the herbs.

6. 言师采药去。
    He said, The master has gone alone.

7. 诗中隐者以采药为生,济世为怀,是一个真隐士。
    Hermit is collecting herbs for his life, relief of poor, is a true hermit.

8. 鹤洞大桥的西面是白鹤洞,白鹤洞地处广州西南,相传很久以前,在珠江边一个贫穷的村子里住着一位诚实、善良的孤陋老人,平日靠种菜、采药为生。
    In the west of the Hedong Bridge is the place Baihedong locates, which is situated in the southwest part of Guangzhou. Here is a legend: long long ago, there was an honest and kind old man living in a poor village by the Pearl River alone. He lived on planting vegetables and collecting herbal plants.

9. 据媒体报道,陈文海生前是一名采药人,过着简朴的生活,不过他的长发也给他带来了诸多不便。
    Media reports said he lived a simple life as a herbalist, but his hair could complicate things.

10. 古时中国人们为除重五的毒气(五月为毒月,五日为邪日)有端午到郊外采药草制药,以蓬制人偶装饰,饮菖蒲酒解毒的习俗。
    Ancient Chinese will go into mountains and the wild to gather medicinal plants for making of medicine, decorate the house with dolls made of artemisia plants, and drink iris wine.

11. 嵇康就是一个典型之例,他不但心仪老庄,更语类道仙,潜心养生、采药服食以成神仙是其一生的兴趣所在,也是其道教神仙信仰极鲜明的特点。
      He was not only interested in Lao Zhuang, but also held the language of immortals of Taoism. In order to be an immortal, to preserve health with great concentration and to pick and take the herbal medicine was his lifelong interest, which also was the obvious characteristic of his immortal faith in Taoism.

12. 不过,有一个条件,当我去采药的时候,你和公主不能见面,否则仙药就失效了。
      When I go to pick up the medicine you cannot see the princess or the medicine will lose its power.

13. 拿了一笔钱让他当路费,这位医生就云游采药去了。
      The king gave him money to pay for his transportation and the doctor started on his way to retrieve the medicine.

14. 20年前,一个14岁的农村孩子背着箩筐上山采药,开始了一段不平凡的人生追寻。
      However, the road falls in his foot however ceaseless and outspread, go broader more.

15. 911chaxun查询·英语单词大全

15. 回到北京,朋友问我认识了几味药材,我很惭愧地说不到10种吧,对我来说,采药的过程是一种体验,我喜欢我想往所以我就去了,凭我个人的力量,我能为我热爱的藏医药做什么呢?!
      When I came back to Beijing. Some of my friends asked me how many plants you recognized. I had to say it was less than 10. The experience is more important to me. I went because I'd like to go.

16. 亮亮表示,他是因为手动挖手动挖矿采药被网易以第三方软件封掉的。
      Liang-liang said that he was due to hand-dug manually mining herbs are NetEase to third-party software when underground.

17. 一位长相酷似周正龙的演员手持该型号相机接受采访,讲述自己当初上山采药碰到老虎,就在千钧一发之际,他赶忙拿出相机拍照,使得老虎当即无法动弹。
      An actor that is exactly like Zhou Zhenglong long holds this model camera to accept interview, tell about oneself to go up at the outset hill collects medicine to encounter a tiger, be in an imminent peril during, he hastens take out camera to take a picture, make tiger at once cannot move.

18. 911查询·英语单词

18. 寻隐者不遇贾岛松下问童子,言师采药去。
      Failing to Meet a Hermit Jia Dao I asked the boy beneath the pines, He said, The master has gone alone.

19. 采药的翻译

19. 于是,苏耽无师自通掌握了医术,时常为乡亲采药治病,药到病除,无不灵验。
      As a result, the Soviet Union Delays in self-taught master of medicine, from time to time for the old folks treatment, medicine, all come true.

20. 有湖心孤岛的洞山剑峰,有碧波涟漪的杏林春晓,有绿茵醉卧的神女浴日,有秀石嶙峋的小灵塔崖,有山花绚烂的杏岭银屏,有情趣横生的乌龟入水,还有云横雾绕中的华佗采药和仙人竖指等。
      There lake islands of San Jianfeng, there are ripples of Kyorin Bibo Chunxiao, there Verdy Zuiwo of the Goddess bath days, show a small stone pagoda of rugged cliffs, there are gorgeous mountain flowers of apricot Ridge screens, have fun and grow wild turtle into the water, there are clouds in the Hua Tuo Wang fog around the vertical refers to herbs and other immortals.

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