
销路是什么意思 销路在线翻译 销路什么意思 销路的意思 销路的翻译 销路的解释 销路的发音 销路的同义词 销路的反义词 销路的例句


销路 基本解释

销路[xiāo lù]




销路 汉英大词典

销路[xiāo lù]

sale; market; outlet:


    have a good sale; find a good market;


    find no sale; find no market;


    lack of a market for the goods; poor sales

销路 网络解释

1. selling line:find a market 销售 | selling line 销路 | trial sale, test sale, test market 试销

2. 销路的意思

2. outlet:demand 需求 | outlet 销路 | offer 报盘,发价

3. 销路

3. outlet n:projection n. 预测估计设计 | outlet n. 销路 | bet n. 打赌选择有可能成功的事

销路 双语例句

1. 销路在线翻译

1. 根据我们的经验,这些手工艺品在日本销路很好。
    According to our experience, these handicrafts have good sellin line in Japan.

2. 这些卫星城市由于居民普遍富有,住宅物业均有较好销路
    These satellite cities because residents generally wealthy, the residential property market are better.

3. 补贴没有销路的产品是没有道理的。
    It would not make sense to subsidise a product for which there is no demand.

4. 就是因为它的外观,这种产品销路很好。
    It's the product's presentation that make it sell so well.

5. 销路什么意思

5. 如果我们的产品适当加以推销,销路应该很好。
    If our product is properly marketed, it should sell very well.

6. 娄忠清说,为拓宽销路,绿贻公司还专门在成都设立了办事处,每年投入30万元用于贻贝的营销、宣传和推广。
    Ching said that in order to broaden the market, Yi Green also set up specialized offices in Chengdu, the annual input of 300, 000 yuan for mussels marketing, publicity and promotional activities.

7. danci.911cha.com

7. 报告中的确言及罗林女士的作品荣膺孩子们选出的聪明书奖,并且销路不错。
    The report did mention that a book by Ms Rowling had won the Smarties prize, awarded by children, and was selling well.

8. 得知贵公司能为该商品寻找销路,我们感到非常高兴。
    We shall be gratified to find that you can force a market for it.

9. 你们都知道的,我们已开始在台湾配销贵公司的制乐,我可以很高兴的说,由于你们的专门技术与建议,销路非常好。
    As you know, we have begun distributing your drug in Taiwan and I am happy to say that they are doing very well because of all your expertise and good advice.

10. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

10. 你们都知道的,我们已开始在台湾配销贵公司的制乐,我可以很高兴的说,由于你们的专门技术与建议,销路非常好。
    Your chairman has requested that I make a few personal remarks. My name is Lin Fang and I am Director of Planning at the Youth Pharmaceutical Company.

11. 调查显示我们的产品销路很好。
      The study shows that our products have a good sale.

12. 911查询·英语单词

12. 我们的产品在亚洲市场上有很好的销路
      Our products have found a good sale in the Asian market.

13. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

13. 根据我们的经验,这些手工艺品在日本销路很好。
      On the basis of our experience, these handicrafts have a good sale in Japan.

14. 这些产品在其它地方很畅销,在中国的销路也一定会很好。
      We are sure that these products will be as popular in China as in other markets.

15. 根据我们的经验,这些手工艺品在**销路很好。
      According to our experience, these craftwork will sell well.

16. 根据我们的经验,这些手工艺品在**销路很好。
      As far as our experience, these craftwork will have a good sales in **.

17. 销路在线翻译

17. 产品已在全球市场逐步打开销路。2006年实现销售收入5000多万元。
      Product has been in the global market to gradually open the market. 2006 sales revenue of more than 5000 million.

18. 玻璃器皿销路很畅/销路不大/经常有销路
      Glass wares are in great/small/regular demand.

19. 有雄厚的技术力量,精良的加工设备,齐全的检测手段,所生产的各种防毒服、防毒面具、防砸背心在国际防化研讨会上受到专家的好评;锦纶布、新型装饰布在市场上销路广,深受广大用户欢迎。
      Has strong technical force, excellent processing equipment, complete detection means, the production of various anti-virus suits, gas masks, anti-hit vest in the international seminar on anti-chemical warfare by the experts praise; nylon cloth, the new fabrics in the market on the market for a wide welcomed by the vast numbers of users.

20. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D

20. 佛山原是南海县一个大镇,其年画销路的最鼎盛时期,是在清末民切之间,以农村为主要销场,包括广东、广西全境,和福建、湖南、贵州一部分地区,并远至南洋群岛。
      Foshan Nanhai County, was originally a large town, whose paintings sell the most heyday, between the cut in the late Qing Dynasty China, to rural areas as the main sales market, including Guangdong, Guangxi throughout, and Fujian, Hunan, Guizhou and part of the region, and well to the islands of Southeast Asia.

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