
闹饥荒是什么意思 闹饥荒在线翻译 闹饥荒什么意思 闹饥荒的意思 闹饥荒的翻译 闹饥荒的解释 闹饥荒的发音 闹饥荒的同义词


闹饥荒 基本解释


闹饥荒[nào jī huang]

词典suffer from famine闹饥荒。

闹饥荒 汉英大词典

闹饥荒[nào jī huang]

(遇荒年) suffer from famine

闹饥荒 网络解释

1. Starved:Are you hungry?!|你饿了吗? | Starved!|闹饥荒! | No, no, no! No, don't you dare!|不,不! 不要这样!

闹饥荒 双语例句

1. 洪水闹饥荒,大雪兆丰年。
    Under water famine, under snow bread.

2. 闹饥荒的翻译

2. 冬雨闹饥荒,冬雪兆丰年。
    Under water, famine; under snow, bread.

3. danci.911cha.com

3. 从前闹饥荒,人们把所觅之食私下里藏起来,甚至不让朋友和邻居知道。
    Once upon a time, there was a great famine and people took whatever food they could find and hide it even from their friends and neighbours.

4. 55及至埃及全国闹饥荒时,人民便向法郎呼求粮食;法郎对埃及民众说:「你们到若瑟那里去,照他对你们所说的做。
    55When the land of Egypt began to suffer from the famine, the people came to Pharaoh for bread. But Pharaoh told all the Egyptians, Go to Joseph and do as he tells you.

5. danci.911cha.com

5. 有人得益了,但工人有工资却几乎饿死,报道说整个国家都在闹饥荒
    Some may benefit but the workers earn starvation wages and the country is reported to be in the midst of a famine.

6. 朱元璋年幼之时,家乡凤阳闹饥荒,接着瘟疫肆虐而来,朱元璋的亲属一个接一个地死去,他再也无所依靠,只能靠给地主做长工度日。
    When Zhu was young, his hometown Feng Yang, was hit by a severe drought and then a pestilence. Zhu Yuan-zhang's kin died of illness one after another, so he had no one to depend on and had to become a long-term hired hand in a landlord's house.

7. 肖伯纳审视着大腹便便的资本家说:但是,我一见到你,就知道英国正在闹饥荒的原因了。
    Bernard Shaw, examining the potbellied capitalist, said, But, I know as soon as I saw you the reason why Britain is suffering from famine.

8. 又是打仗又闹饥荒,平民百姓处于水深火热之中。
    What with war and what with famine, the populace at large were caught between two fires.

9. 911chaxun查询·英语单词大全

9. 那时候我家月月闹饥荒
    My family ran short of cash month after month in those days.

10. 当时正在闹饥荒,陆龟已经有两个月没吃到过一顿好饭了。
    There was a famine in those days and Tortoise had not eaten a good meal for two moons.

11. 今年闹饥荒,是个歉年。
      Be sorry; feel apologetic; regret

12. 如果人们看到你,就会知道我们为什么会闹饥荒了。
      If people see you, they will know why we have the famine.

13. 他接下来要说的是苏丹正在闹饥荒
      What he is gonna say next is there's people starving in Sudan.

14. 在1620年,美国闹饥荒,死了很多人。
      In 1620, the United States hunger, many people were killed.

15. 一些国家的人民因吃的太多而造成肥胖,相反的一些国家却在闹饥荒
      We have countries that are overfed and obese while others teem with starvation and poverty.

16. 当所有的国家都闹饥荒时,惟有埃及还有充足的粮食供应。
      Some of Jacob`s sons went to Egypt to buy grains.

17. 他接下来想说的是,苏丹闹饥荒,许多人快饿死了?
      Spike: What he`s gonna say next is there are people starving in Sudan?

18. 闹饥荒的近义词

18. 快到发工资那几天他就闹饥荒
      He's always hard up before payday.

19. 12月的图们江上游河段结着厚实的冰,并且只有50米宽,对于逃离荒凉和闹饥荒的朝鲜的难民来说,曾经是完美的通道。
      Frozen solid and just 50 metres wide, the upper reaches of the Tumen in December once made a perfect crossing for refugees from desolate and starving North Korea.

20. 闹饥荒在线翻译

20. 在人去楼空和闹饥荒的巴黎。
      In this deserted and starving paris.

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