
阳错是什么意思 阳错在线翻译 阳错什么意思 阳错的意思 阳错的翻译 阳错的解释 阳错的发音 阳错的同义词 阳错的反义词 阳错的例句


阳错 基本解释


阳错 双语例句

1. Cecil阴差阳错地考得了去竞赛班的资格,然而Odelia确意外地没有考上。
    The surprising thing was that Cecil passed the exam accidentally, but Odelia did not.

2. 我要告诉你,由于阴差阳错,我的生命的确有危险。
    I will tell you that I am indeed, by a dreadful error, in some peril of my life.

3. 你知道吗?薯片的出现是阴差阳错的结果。
    Did you know that potato chips were invented by mistake?

4. 这只不过是无数阴差阳错的故事中的一个。
    In this case, as in millions it was not the two balves of a perfect who met.

5. 阳错的翻译

5. 这就叫阴差阳错。"
    It is called strange combination of circumstances."

6. 这只不过是无数个阴差阳错的故事中的一个。
    In this case, as in millions, it was not the two halves of a perfect whole who met.

7. 不料,在捉弄的过程中,胡子俊却阴差阳错爱上了欣伶,为逃避胡的纠缠,欣伶决定罢手。
    Unexpectedly, in the fun of the process, the beard was strange combination of circumstances fell in love with Chun-yan-ling, in order to avoid entanglement Hu, Yan-Ling decided to give up.

8. 这篇叙事文给我们讲述了一段网络带来的阴差阳错的恋爱故事。
    Taking his coming wonderful romance for granted, he smiles at times on the trip.

9. 在《天边外》中,青年农民安德鲁与罗伯特兄弟两人阴差阳错,选择了与自己理想相悖的人生道路。
    In Beyond the Horizon, Andrew and Robert make theirchoices that are opposite to their natural tendencies and suffer from failure.

10. 还好,他属於那种精神大条的人,凡事或是慢半拍,或是快半拍,阴差阳错间却往往误撞个正著。
    Fortunately, he is one of those who somehow manage to hit the right spot under strange combination of circumstances despite not having the perfect timing.

11. 阳错

11. 于是我就阴差阳错的来到了跳远的赛场。
      To the Wrong Time So I came to the long jump track.

12. 阴差又阳错,我出国象出家
      In a strange circumstance, I left the country like a man who left home to become a monk

13. 我是成吉思汉部落的一员,由于阴差阳错或是因为孽报,我后来投生到了西方国家,一个喇嘛曾经这样告诉过我。
      So I was once told by a lama.

14. 史:确实是阴差阳错的,本来我想让它有很大的声音。
      Shi: It`s a rearrangement of yin and yang. I wanted a big sound.

15. 阴差阳错,我却助你们的笨蛋皇帝成就伟业,受封一字并肩王!
      By chance I helped your stupid emperor built his glory and named the Prince the Great!

16. 阳错

16. 星期一,六月 23rd,20082。交代主角所处的现实情况,烘托实现梦想的难度3。制造契机,阴差阳错这个机会落到了主角的身上4。机会有了,还是会有困难5。穿插描述主角的最终目标,打败豺狼
      Oil and gas may accumulate in pockets of porous permeable beds or traps formed by pinch-outs of the porous beds within an impermeable bed.

17. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

17. 在奇幻世界乌托大陆上,一只从蛋壳里出生的神兽哆乐,意外的穿越到地球上,又阴差阳错的将尖耳朵的孤儿阿特和蛮横霸道的孩子王雷虎带回了乌托大陆。
      On the continent of the wonderland, a magical animal born from an eggshell got to the earth by accident, and brought an orphan with sharp ears and a atrociously bad kid back to the Uto continent because of a strange combination of circumstances.

18. danci.911cha.com

18. 由于种种阴差阳错,我30岁时我们结了婚。
      We got married when I was 30 for all the wrong reasons.

19. danci.911cha.com

19. 一家和我有交道的零售商似乎阴差阳错地检验了这条假说。
      A retailer with which I'm involved appears to be testing this hypothesis by default.

20. 6年前,一个在事业和爱情方面都不如意的落魄男人迪斯在阴差阳错中摇身变成一位职业舞男。
      Years ago, a career and love of abjection unsatisfactory aspects of Diss in accidentally in a man suddenly becomes a professional gigolo.

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