
陪送是什么意思 陪送在线翻译 陪送什么意思 陪送的意思 陪送的翻译 陪送的解释 陪送的发音 陪送的同义词 陪送的反义词 陪送的例句


陪送 基本解释

陪送[péi song ]

词典give a dowry to a daughter陪送。



陪送 汉英大词典

陪送[péi song]


陪送 双语例句

1. 从产品开发,花膜设计到产品成品、陪送都具有一套完整的生产管理流程。
    From product development, product design to the flower film products, such practices have a complete set of production management flow.

2. 假如生了几个女儿,按照规定要将一个具有三百农奴的村庄给每个女儿作陪嫁,可是有一个村庄已经卖掉了,另外一个业已典当,而且过了期限,只得把这个村庄卖出去,因此陪送领地的事儿就办不成了,也没有现钞。
    Each of his daughters had at their birth been assigned a portion, consisting of an estate with three hundred serfs on it. But one of those estates had by now been sold, and the other had been mortgaged, and the interest was so much in arrears that it would have to be sold, so that to give this estate was impossible. There was no money either.

3. 我司承接各种进出口外贸定单,提供进料加工,来料加工等服务,并且为了能够更好地为国内外的客户提供更好、更快、更安全、更便利的服务我司还配备了一批具有丰富物流经验的从业人员,我司还在各个机场、码头及各进出口的口岸及孔道设有仓库和办公地点,能及时处理各种货物的内陆陪送和运输以及国际运输,希望有意合作者能与我司联系。
    Our department accepts various kinds of imports and exports foreign trade order forms, offer charging processing, the services, such as processing of investor's raw materials, etc., and for can it offers to domestic and international customer to be better better, quicker, safer, convenient department, I of service, also allocate a group of employees with abundant logistics experience, still there are warehouse and business address at each airport, quay, port of every exit and narrow passage in our department, can deal with the inland dowering and transporting and international transportation of different goods in time (air transport, transport by sea ……), Hope that the cooperator can contact our department intentionally.

4. 用三页缯和四页缯织出来的花纹布,称之为土布中的上品,是农户出嫁闺女陪送品。
    With 3 and 4 Zeng Zeng patterns woven by the cloth, known as the top gradetu bu is married households goods escort girl.

5. 走廊里是苏格拉底的妻子克珊西普,由两名狱卒陪送从牢房里走过来。
    Through the passageway, Socrates'wife, Xanthippe, is escorted from the prison cell by warders.

6. 陪送的翻译

6. 陪送人员主要是父母(29%)、其他亲属(25.2%)和配偶(18.7%)。
    The major company was parent 29%, spouse 187% and other relatives 252%.

7. 女生排长随车陪送我们来到了益都火车站。
    We went to Yidu Railway Station accompanied by the woman platoon leader.

8. 我必须陪送你离开吗?
    Do I have to escort you out of here?

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9. 爱普斯隆航空公司决定寻求第三方帮助做一个关于保留和维护乘客的轮椅和陪送详尽的分析。
    Epsilon Airlines has decided to ask a third party to help them obtain a detailed analysis of the issues and costs of keeping and maintaining wheel chairs and escorts available for passengers.

10. 节日里假扮的圣诞老人站在门口,圣诞乐曲则陪送购物者前往特别诱惑人的“便宜货”和货物桌。
    Seasonal Santa Claus figures stand in doorways, and Christmas music helps lead the shoppers to particularly attractive " bargains " and attractive tables of goods.

11. 陪送戒毒的人员主要是父母、其他亲属和配偶。
      The main company were parent, spouse and other relatives.

12. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

12. 节日里假扮的圣诞老人站在门口,圣诞乐曲则陪送购物者前往特别诱惑人的“便宜货”和货物桌。
      Seasonal Santa Claus figures stand in doorways, and Christmas music helps lead the shoppers to particularly attractive " bargains " and attractive tables of goods.

13. 陪送人员主要是父母(29%)、其他亲属(25.2%)和配偶(18.7%)。
      The major company was parent 29 %, spouse 18 7 % and other relatives 25 2 %.

14. 陪送

14. 在印度部分地区,陪送女儿的嫁妆据说也减少了。
      In parts of India, the cost of dowries is said to have fallen.

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