
隐意是什么意思 隐意在线翻译 隐意什么意思 隐意的意思 隐意的翻译 隐意的解释 隐意的发音 隐意的同义词 隐意的反义词 隐意的例句


隐意 基本解释



隐意 双语例句

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1. 因为那不法的隐意已经发动,只是现在有一个拦阻的,等到那拦阻的被除去
    For the mystery of lawlessness is already at work.

2. 隐意的近义词

2. 有太多隐意不要授予女人权利的电影,这些电影中的女人让自己幸福的唯一办法就是找个男人。
    There are too many movies out there that don't empower women, movies in which their only way of being happy is finding a man.

3. 他们须通晓各种语言,解释每种隐意
    They shall speak in every tongue, and interpret every hidden meaning.

4. 2:7 因为那不法的隐意已经发动。只是现在有一个拦阻的,等到那拦阻的被除去。
    For the mystery of iniquity doth already work: only he who now letteth will let, until he be taken out of the way.

5. 任何一篇文章都有隐含之意、言外之意,只有借助于推理,才能发现、挖掘隐意
    An article had implied meaning, and implies that only by means of reasoning, in order to discover and tap hidden meaning.

6. 隐意的翻译

6. 说谎者不仅是有意欺骗而且主观上认定其所做的言语表述不真,事实上其言语表述与客观情况不符,这类谎言就是隐意谎言。
    A liar not only intends to cheat but also subjectively identifies the verbal expression not true. In practice his verbal expression and the objective situation does not match.

7. danci.911chaxun.com

7. 隐是一种特殊的说话方式或写作手法,隐语是相对于通语而言的,通语只含普遍认可的字面意义或词汇意义,隐语则暗含隐意,即字面之外的含义或别有所指。
    This is the enigmatic language. Enigmatic method is a kind of special way of speech or writing skill. The enigmatic language is relative to the common language, which contains the generally accepted literal meaning and lexical meaning.

8. 隐意的近义词

8. 由于他的电影常常会引发一些对其可能的隐意和潜台词的争论,因此王家卫坚持不愿向观众说穿道明影片中的玄妙。
    But while his movies often spark discussion over possible hidden meanings and subtext, he insisted that he prefers not to spell things out for his audience.

9. 在文章的中心章节,作者从三个方面阐述其诗歌的哲学隐意:人与自然的哲学,人与人的哲学,人与社会的哲学。
    And in the central part I divide the philosophic overtones of his poetry into three categories: philosophy concerning men and nature, philosophy concerning men and mankind, philosophy concerning men and society.

10. 隐意的解释

10. 指出其外显层面是青春意象,其深隐意象是高质量生活意象。
    It is pointed out that the outer meaning is to show a youth image, while the deeper connotation is to present the high-quality life.

11. 在要求既隐意又准确的小说翻译上所费时间和难度让国外出版商望而却步。
      The time and complexity involved in rendering a subtle, accurate literary translation has discouraged foreign publishers.

12. 隐意场批评的目的在于揭示作者潜在意图,纠正文辞谬误,破解语言符号密码,从而找到一条实现文本价值的理想之路。
      The objective of metaphor meaning's criticism is to reveal author's concealed intention, rectify diction's error and dispel symbol's confidential, thus the audience is able to find a ideal way of realizing version's value.

13. danci.911cha.com

13. 罗伯特·弗罗斯特诗歌的哲学隐意
      The Philosophic Overtones in Robert Frost's Poetry

14. 隐意

14. 本论文旨在研究这位20世纪诗人,其诗歌与哲学的联系,即:罗伯特·弗罗斯特诗歌的哲学隐意
      My thesis is an investigation of the correspondence between poetry and philosophy in the twentieth-century poet, more specifically, the philosophic overtones in Robert Frost's poetry.

15. 《原野》是曹禺的第三个戏剧生命,深受西方表现主义文艺思潮和美国杰出戏剧家奥尼尔戏剧的影响,戏剧中意象纷呈、隐意深奥。
      Wilderness, as one of the famous plays by Cao Yu, is deeply influenced by the western idea of expressionism and American playwright Eugene O'Neill and is full of different meaningful images.

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