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音步 基本解释

音步[yīn bù]

词典foot脚;底部;英尺(=12 英寸或 30。48 厘米);脚步。

音步 汉英大词典

音步[yīn bù]

{诗歌} foot (pl. feet)

音步 网络解释

1. a rhythmic or metric unit within the lines:Flat character(单一的人物形象): has only one outstanding trait of feature, or at most a fe... | Foot(音步): a rhythmic or metric unit within the lines. | Form(形式): the metric and stanzaic organizatio...

音步 双语例句

1. 911查询·英语单词

1. 全诗以英雄偶体句体写成,但没有规则的音步系统,读起来颇像无韵体诗。
    The poem is written in heroic couplets, but with no regular metrical system.

2. 音步

2. 抑音符一个标识,在英语诗歌中通常非重音音节结尾的-ed的音步需发e的标记
    A mark indicating a pronounced e for the sake of meter in the usually nonsyllabic ending-ed in English poetry.

3. 抑音符:一个标识,在英语诗歌中通常非重音音节结尾的-ed 的音步需发 e 的标记
    V A mark indicating a pronounced e for the sake of meter in the usually nonsyllabic ending -ed in English poetry.

4. 音步

4. 抑音符一个标识,在英语诗歌中通常非重音音节结尾的-ed的音步需发e的标记
    A markindicating a pronounc ed e for the sake of meter in the usually nonsyllabic ending - ed in English poetry.

5. 短长短三音节音步一种三音节音步,在两个非重读音节或短音节中间夹着一个重读音节或长音节,如单词remember
    A trisyllabic metrical foot having one accented or long syllable between two unaccented or short syllables, as in the word remember.

6. 呃,我喜欢诗歌,那样的话,我研究诗韵音步
    Uh, I'm interested in poetry, and therefore, feet.

7. 最后音步缺少一个音节的缺少一个或多个音节的,尤指在最后一个音步中。
    Lacking one or more syllables, especially in the final foot.

8. 音步在线翻译

8. 韵律分析:将诗划分成音步的分析方法。
    The analysis of verse into meter patterns.

9. 就象一首歌,诗通常也有特定的调子调子,由音步和节奏表示出来。
    Like a song, a poem usually has a particular cadence which is expressed by meter and rhythm.

10. 不固定。曾经带过十字架、音步和一个小球的组合。
    A:It changes. I had a cross, a foot and a little ball for a while.

11. 最后音步:缺少一个音节的缺少一个或多个音节的,尤指在最后一个音步中。
      Catalectic:Lacking one or more syllable s, especially in the final foot.

12. 最后音步:缺少一个音节的缺少一个或多个音节的,尤指在最后一个音步中。
      Catalectic:Lacking one or more syllables, especially in the final foot.

13. 弱音节音步中短的或非重读的部分,尤指在长短步诗中
      The short or unaccented part of a metrical foot, especially in quantitative verse.

14. 弱音节音步中短的或非重读的部分,尤指在长短步诗中
      The yellowish fatty component of unhomogenized milk that tends to accumulate at the surface.

15. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

15. 我甚至不必费神看我的诗稿,因为这首诗我花了很多时间完善韵律、对齐音步,所以我对这首诗了熟于胸。
      I`d spent so much time perfecting the rhymes, and counting the beats, that I knew the poem by heart.

16. 三短节韵,三短音节的音步有三个短的或非重读音节的音步
      A metrical foot having three short or unstressed syllable s.

17. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D

17. 六韵步诗行在古典作诗法中,前四个音步为长短短格或长长短格,第五个为长短短格,第六个为长长格的一行诗纥
      In classical prosody, a line in which the first four feet are either dactylic or spondaic, the fifth dactylic, and the sixth spondaic.

18. 暂停在拉丁或希腊韵律学中,表示在一个音步中由于单词的收尾而引起的行间停顿,尤其是当这一中断与意义的划分相一致的时候。
      In Latin and Greek prosody, a break in a line caused by the ending of a word within a foot, especially when this coincides with a sense division.

19. 圆筒凹槽:印刷机圆筒上的空档部份。它设有各种锁紧装置。由音步操作的圆盘式张力装置。
      Cylinder gap: The non-printing portion of the peripheral surface of a printing cylinder where lock-up device is installed. cymbals that are operated by foot.

20. 音步什么意思

20. 英雄偶句诗:由两行互相押韵的含有五个抑扬音步的诗句组成的韵文单位。
      Heroic couplet refers to two lines of iambic pentameter rhyming with each other.

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