
颈脖子是什么意思 颈脖子在线翻译 颈脖子什么意思 颈脖子的意思 颈脖子的翻译 颈脖子的解释 颈脖子的发音 颈脖子的同义词


颈脖子 基本解释


Neck and neck;

颈脖子 双语例句

1. 颈羽,鸡脖子或背部的毛,颈羽的品质,比如说羽毛的硬度,羽瓣的数量,决定适用于绑制哪种毛钩。有些颈羽天生就是绑制毛钩的好材料。
    Hackle - a feather, usually from the neck area of a chicken; can be any color; hackle quality, such as the stiffness of the individual fibers and amount of web, determines the type of fly tied with the hackle; many hackles are grown specifically for fly tying.

2. 颈羽,鸡脖子或背部的毛,颈羽的品质,比如说羽毛的硬度,羽瓣的数量,决定适用于绑制哪种毛钩。有些颈羽天生就是绑制毛钩的好材料。
    H Hackle - a feather, usually from the neck area of a chicken; can be any color; hackle quality, such as the stiffness of the individual fibers and amount of web, determines the type of fly tied with the hackle; many hackles are grown specifically for fly tying.

3. 这三十八年岁电视广播员拥有的最胖我们所见过的最热门的琴颈拾音器脖子一过!
    This thirty-eight year old Telecaster has one of the fattest necks we have ever seen and the hottest neck pickup ever!!!

4. 你可以买充气的游泳池和戴在脖子上的游泳颈圈,要注意选择有质量保证的。
    You can buy an inflatable swimming pool and wear swimming neck collar, it is necessary to pay attention to selecting and quality assurance.

5. 他们上来便割你的颈脖子
    And begin to cut your throat.

6. 不在肚子里在脖子里颈动脉瘤会导致吞咽困难
    Not his abdomen, In his neck.

7. 曲颈南瓜任一种可食用的夏天南瓜属植物,长有细的弯脖子和黄色的皮和果肉
    Any of several edible varieties of summer squash having a narrow crooked or curved neck and a yellow rind and flesh.

8. 一位年轻的姑娘在颈部乱按乱压了一通,第二天觉得脖子更痛了于是不得不来到正规医院骨科做检查,经检查后被医生确诊为颈椎间盘突出并脊髓损伤,需住院治疗。
    A young girl don''t mess pressure on her neck, next day even think neck pain and had to come to the regular checkups, hospital after inspection diagnosed by a doctor cervical disc with spinal cord injury, required hospital treatment.

9. 不时,一个颈背上披盖着金色鬈发的脖子向前一弯,缀满钻石的发扣发出熠熠光芒,照亮着高高的发髻。
    Now and again, when a women bent forward, the back of her neck glowed golden under a rain of curls, and the glitter of a diamond clasp lit up a lofty chignon.

10. 除了能够说话以及脖子上有一个明亮的咒契魔法颈环之外,她看起来和其他棕黑相间的杂种狗没什么两样,友善、摇尾巴远比吠叫和咆哮来的多。
    Apart from the fact that she could talk, and the bright collar made of Charter marks around her neck, she looked just like any other large black and tan mongrel dog. The kind that smiled and wagged their tails more than they barked and growled.

11. danci.911chaxun.com

11. 驯养的鸟儿在有人靠近时会伸长脖子,竖起颈羽。
      Tame birds, when approached, will stretch out their necks and ruffle their neck feathering

12. 对于常需提肩打字及凝视电脑荧幕,引起的肩痛、颈痛、落枕,应当在打电脑一小时后,左右摇头晃脑三分钟,因为这样的动作能散瘀活血,活动颈动脉,畅通呼吸管道,并帮助调节久未活动的颈椎,避免血液凝结在肩颈部,使累积的疲劳容易散开,避免哪天早晨醒过来,突然落枕,不能转动脖子了。
      Reach to often needing to carry a shoulder to type stare computer screen, the shoulder that cause painful, neck painful, stiff neck, after ought to making computer one hour, the left and right sides wags his head 3 minutes, can come loose because of such movement Yu invigorate the circulation of blood, the activity is carotid, expedite breathing tube, and help adjustment is long not mobile cervical vertebra, avoid blood to condense in the shoulder cervical, make accumulative exhaustion easy and diffuse, avoid which days to wake in the morning, abrupt stiff neck, cannot rotational neck.

13. 在他的脖子边上的颈动脉脉膊的快检查告诉了马克他活著。
      A quick check of the carotid pulse on the side of his neck told Mark he was alive.

14. 同时,当摄制一个吊钢丝於空中的动作场面时,一位替身演员跌落在他的脖子,他被诊断为『颈脊髓圆盘破裂』。
      Also, as a stuntman fell on his neck while filming an wire action scene up in air, he was diagnosed having'Cervical spinal disc rupture'.

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