
飘红是什么意思 飘红在线翻译 飘红什么意思 飘红的意思 飘红的翻译 飘红的解释 飘红的发音 飘红的同义词 飘红的反义词 飘红的例句


飘红 基本解释



飘红 双语例句

1. 枫叶飘红悲风中,我干涩的双眼,只有红的枫叶在飘。。。。。。。。。。
    Love is permanent, it stays in the heart, once you have had it, you can have it again.

2. 在旭日之国,财政年度的报告全面飘红
    In the Land of the Rising Sun, the fiscal year is setting in a sea of red.

3. 二〇 〇四秒手在北京房地产市场的方式是所有飘红,交易量增加。
    Second-hand housing market in Beijing is all the way飘红, and the trading volume increase.

4. 房地产节飘红的基本路线的市场强有力的推动。
    Real Estate section飘红basic line of the market a strong boost.

5. 飘红什么意思

5. 而面对有效供给不足以及强大的需求力,西部住宅几乎都能一路飘红
    In the face of strong demand and lack of effective power supply, almost all along the western residential described.

6. 此消息的影响,昨天银行也是一个充满盘飘红,或最小的是工业和商业的中国,或2.93百分之银行。
    Affected by this news yesterday, the bank is also a full plate飘红, or the smallest is the Industrial and Commercial Bank of China, or 2.93 percent.

7. 系列10个行业指数全线飘红,300能源,300工业或超过5%以上,300名是可选的或超过百分之四以上。
    Series 10 industries across the board index飘红, 300 energy, 300 industrial or more than 5%, 300 are optional or more than 4 percent.

8. 2007年上海的证券市场可谓是全线飘红
    Euphoria for much of the year, the motivation for a listing by any Western

9. 事实上,正是由于各大开发商一季度财报全线飘红,给了他们拿地的底气。
    In fact, it is because of the major developers across the board reported the first quarter of fiscal, gave them the confidence to take.

10. 飘红

10. 全线飘红的服务器满负荷运转,承受着所有内测玩家的激情。
    Piaohong line of servers running at full capacity, under all the passion of players online.

11. 简直就和股市大盘走势图一样,数据全线飘红
      It on the stock market movements and plans, all data Piaohong!

12. 飘红在线翻译

12. 呵呵,咱们都是唯物主义者,而且都相信不断飘红的上证指数可以破除一切牛鬼蛇神。
      I understand that there are some problems and I am not too blind to know.

13. 十大板块当中的九大板块都全线走高,消费品市场(+1.2%),信息技术(+1.2%),能源(-2.1%)是唯一一个飘红的板块市场。
      Nine of the ten sectors closed higher, led by Consumer Discretionary (+1.2%) and Info Tech (+1.2%), while Energy(-2.1%) was the only sector in the red.

14. 电子商务的逆势飘红,还引来传统企业的觊觎。
      Of electronic business affairs go against situation wave red, still draw the be covetous on of traditional business.

15. 受金融危机影响,全球经济一片凄风惨雨,然而国内电子商务行业却逆市飘红,知名机构艾瑞预计2009年B2B电子商务交易额将保持20%左右的增速。
      Reporter willow is pure suffer financial crisis effect, global economy miserable rain of wind of a chilly, however industry of domestic electron commerce goes against city to wave however red, famous orgnaization Ai Rui predicts B2B electron business affairs traded 2009 the forehead will maintain 20% of the left and right sides add fast.

16. 飘红的翻译

16. 然而飘红,除了代表火热高涨之外,还或多或少地暗藏着危机警戒。
      However the red means upswing fiery, also it means the crisis to admonish more or less.

17. 一个外国保姆推着童车将一个拥有市值百万的优先股的孩子安全地带过马路,这只股票就会随之飘红
      A million dollars of preferred stock laughs merrily in recognition of a majority control going past in a go-cart drawn by an imported nurse.

18. 苦涩的叶,经霜后已经飘红
      The bitter leaves turn red after frost.

19. 自那时以来,西区房地产销售继续蔓延的消息乐府江南,汤区揞佚书,四季香山,逸成东苑,世纪城市3 ,上城,李市等新老房地产销售飘红的家庭。
      Since then, the Western District real estate sales continue to spread the news乐府江南, Tang Quan Yi Shu, Four Seasons Xiangshan, 逸成东苑, Century City 3, Upper City, LI City such as new old real estate sales飘红families.

20. 911查询·英语单词

20. 目前的房子顺利销售网络,销售飘红的方式都在这个时候面带微笑的消息说,南京开发商和潜在买家的谈判中只急于干瞪眼。高
      Smooth the current house sales network, sales飘红all the way at this time smiling at the news that Nanjing developers, and potential buyers in the negotiations only anxious look on in despair.

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