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香案 基本解释

香案[xiāng àn]

词典a long altar on which incense burners are placed香案。

词典insense burner table香案。

香案 汉英大词典

香案[xiāng àn]

a long altar on which incense burners are placed; insense burner table

香案 网络解释

1. censer table:cementitious sheet 水泥粘合板 | censer table 香案 | center gage 中心规

2. trestle table for incense burner:脚靠 footrest | 香案 trestle table for incense burner | 茶几 tea table

香案 双语例句

1. 他说在每一座香案上放一把梳子,以供善男信女梳头。
    He mentioned putting one comb before every incense burner table for the believers to comb their hairs.

2. 从此,百姓开始在月下摆设香案,向善良的嫦娥祈求吉祥平安。
    From then on, people began setting incense table in the next month, to pray for good fortune go safe.

3. 首先是拜神,即在院子里摆上香案和神位,烧香点烛,要下阴间的女孩子要先沐浴。
    Good afternoon. It is a great honor for me to be here in Shanghai, and to have this opportunity to speak with all of you.

4. 百姓们闻知嫦娥奔月成仙的消息后,纷纷在月下摆设香案,向善良的嫦娥祈求吉祥平安。
    People know the smell of the immortal chang e, in the month after next to the extent that furnishs charng-er pray lucky and good.

5. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D

5. 他顺手就在香案上拿了一只蜡烛,走上前去仔细查看,石壁上,似乎又一次出现了模糊的奇怪图案。
    He easily took on香案on a candle, approached closer look, Shek Pik on, it seems that once again a vague strange patterns. Town villagers

6. 香案

6. 雷神洞石殿内还有击恶、司查、香案等像器。
    Raytheon also hit inside-hole evil, Secretary investigation, such as a table.

7. 设大香案,摆上月饼、西瓜、苹果、红枣、李子、葡萄等祭品,其中月饼和西瓜是绝对不能少的。
    Establish the big incense burner table, put a round flat cake, watermelon, apple, red date, plum, grape of last month etc.

8. 到了敖包跟前,一般要从西南登上敖包山,由西向东绕着敖包顺时针转一圈,来到敖包正前方香案前叩拜以后,将带来的石块加在敖包上,用五彩哈达、彩旗等将敖包装饰一新。
    After showing one's respect to Aobao in fornt of the incense table, people will add one stone who brought here on the Aobao, and decorate Aobao with colorized Hada and flags.

9. 后羿急忙派人到嫦娥喜爱的后花园里,摆上香案,放上她平时最爱吃的蜜食鲜果,遥祭在月宫里眷恋着自己的嫦娥。
    Hou yi chang quickly sent people to enjoy the garden, put on xiangan, she usually put most favorite honey fresh fruit, in yuegong yaoji, a nostalgic their change.

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10. 后羿无可奈何,又思念妻子,只好派人到嫦娥喜爱的后花园里,摆上香案,放上她平时最爱吃的蜜食鲜果,遥祭在月宫里眷恋着自己的嫦娥。
    His wife, and helpless, miss chang sent people to love, put on the back garden extent, put on her usual favorite food and offering fresh honey, chang-e sentimentally attached himself in the moon.

11. 后羿忙命人摆上香案,放上嫦娥最爱吃的蜜食鲜果,遥祭在月宫里的嫦娥。
      Houyimangming people involved Xiangan, placed Chang'e most favorite fresh fruit honey, in Yuegong Yaoji, the Chang'e.

12. 后羿急忙派人到嫦娥喜爱的后花园里,摆上香案,放上她平时最爱吃的蜜食鲜果,遥祭在月宫里眷恋着自己的嫦娥。
      Hou Yi Chang quickly sent people to enjoy the garden, put on Xiangan, she usually put most favorite honey fresh fruit, in Yuegong Yaoji, a nostalgic their Chang'e.

13. 后羿无可奈何,又思念妻子,只好派人到嫦娥喜爱的后花园里,摆上香案,放上她平时最爱吃的蜜食鲜果,遥祭在月宫里眷恋著自己的嫦娥。
      Putting on the table sweetmeats and fresh fruits Chang E enjoyed most, Hou Yi held at a distance a memorial ceremony for Chang E who was sentimentally attached to him in the palace of the moon.

14. 后羿急忙派人到嫦娥喜爱的后花园里,摆上香案,放上她平时最爱吃的蜜食鲜果,遥祭在月宫里眷恋着自己的嫦娥。
      Chang Ho hurriedly sent to the favorite in the garden, placed incense, placed her most favorite foods, usually fresh fruit honey, remember the Moon Palace, the Chang'e own miss.

15. 香案的近义词

15. 后羿无可奈何,又思念妻子,只好派人到嫦娥喜爱的后花园里,摆上香案,放上她平时最爱吃的蜜食鲜果,遥祭在月宫里眷恋着自己的嫦娥。
      Not helpless, misses his wife, had sent people to the Chang'e favorite in the garden, placed incense, placed her most favorite foods, usually fresh fruit honey, remember the Moon Palace, the Chang'e own miss.

16. 整整一夜,香案上的香烛都没有烧完。
      The candles on the burner table did not burn out after a whole night.

17. 然后新郎和新娘会被领到一个香案前,拜天地,拜祖宗和父母,夫妻交拜。
      The bride and bridegroom are then led to an altar, where the couple kowtows to Heaven and Earth, the family ancestors and parents successively.

18. 后羿的妻子日夜思考,然后安排在嫦娥喜爱的后花园,一个香案
      Thinking of his wife day and night, Hou Yi then had an incense table arranged in the back garden that Chang E loved.

19. 夜空衬托出树木的轮廓.整整一夜,香案上的香烛都没有烧完。
      The silhouettes of the trees against the evening sky The candles on the burner table did not burn out after a whole night.

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