
马缨花是什么意思 马缨花在线翻译 马缨花什么意思 马缨花的意思 马缨花的翻译 马缨花的解释 马缨花的发音 马缨花的同义词


马缨花 基本解释


词典delavay rhododendron flower[医]马缨花。

马缨花 网络解释

1. 马缨花的意思

1. Rhododendron delavayi Franch:5) 大白花杜鹃Rhododendron decorum Franch. | 6) 马缨花 Rhododendron delavayi Franch. * | 7) 密枝杜鹃Rhododendron fastigiatum Franch.

2. R.delavayi:大白花杜鹃R.decorum | 马缨花 R.delavayi | 附生杜鹃R.dendrlcola

马缨花 双语例句

1. danci.911chaxun.com

1. 在薄暗中透过窗子可以看到接天莲叶,而荷花的香气也幽然袭来,我顾而乐之,大有超出马缨花和金色塔顶之上的意味了。
    All that delighted me even more than the silk trees and the glittering spire.

2. 在薄暗中透过窗子可以看到接大莲叶,而荷花的香气也幽然袭来,⑧我顾而乐之,大有超出马缨花和金色塔顶之上的意味了。
    In the summer- time, when day broke early at four, a vast stretch of lotus leaves looking skywards outside my window came dimly into sight while the quiet fragrance of the lotus flowers assailed my nose.

3. 每当夏夜,我起床以后,立刻就闻到院于里那些高大的马缨花树散发出来的阵阵幽香,这些香气破窗而入,我于此时神清气爽,乐不可支,连手中那一支笨拙的笔也仿佛生了花。
    In summer, the moment I got out of bed before daybreak, I would smell the delicate fragrance of the giant silk trees coming from outside my window.

4. 每当夏夜,我起床以后,立刻就闻到院子里那些高大的马缨花树散发出来的阵阵幽香,这些香气破窗而入,我于此时神清气爽,乐不可支,连手中那一枝笨拙的笔也仿佛生了花。
    In summer, the moment I got out of bed before daybreak, I would smell the delicate fragrance of the giant silk trees coming from outside my window. Thereupon, I would feel refreshed and joyful, and the clumsy pen in my hand would seem to have become as agile as it could.

5. 这新居既没有马缨花,也看不到金色的塔顶,但是门前却有一片清碧的荷塘。
    In the new home of mine, I had no silk trees, nor could I get sight of the glittering spire from afar.

6. 如果室内栽植这种草,那马缨花及萱草就显得相形见绌了。
    If planting a Laughing Grass in you room, filled with great joy, the whole family would forget sorrow.

7. 每年二月初八,是彝族的插花节,又叫马缨花节。
    8Th day of the second month by lunar calendar every year is the Flower Arrangement Festival of Yis, also renowned as Maying Festival.

8. irroratum是在云南广泛分布的杜鹃花种类,马缨花与大白花杜鹃形态上区别明显,而它们的可能杂交种迷人杜鹃和露珠杜鹃在形态上基本介于二者之间。
    We observed that R. delavayi flowered from the beginning of March to the end of May, R. agastum and R. irroratum flowered from the beginning of March to the beginning of April, and after their flowering periods ended, R.

9. 过了十年,我又搬了家。这新居既没有马缨花,也看不到金色的塔顶。
    Ten years after, I moved again. In the new home of mine, I had no silk trees, nor could I get sight of the glittering spire from afar.

10. 合欢是含羞草科合欢属的乔木,高可达十五米以上,五。六月间开始放出一簇簇的花朵,淡红色的雄蕊长长地伸出,活象一团团的丝绒,也象红缨,因而又有绒花树,马缨花等别称。
    Silk tree is the arbor that silk tree of sensitive plant family belongs to, can amount to 15 meters of above high, 5, the flower that begins to give off tuft to form a cluster between June, damask stamen grows to be extended longly, the velvet of group of posse of look exactly like, also resemble Gong Ying, consequently again velvet flowers is cultivated, the another namer such as equestrian tassel flower.

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