
魂不守舍是什么意思 魂不守舍在线翻译 魂不守舍什么意思 魂不守舍的意思 魂不守舍的翻译 魂不守舍的解释 魂不守舍的发音


魂不守舍 基本解释

魂不守舍[hún bù shǒu shě]

词典One's mind is somewhat unhinged.魂不守舍。

词典out of one's mind精神错乱;如醉如痴;魂不守舍。

词典The spirit has left the body.魂不守舍。

魂不守舍 汉英大词典

魂不守舍[hún bù shǒu shě]

(形容精神恍惚) One's mind is somewhat unhinged.; out of one's mind; The spirit has left the body.

魂不守舍 网络解释

1. Weightless:03 Carrier Of A Secret 守秘人 | 04 Weightless 魂不守舍 | 05 Someone Like You 似曾相识

2. 911查询·英语单词

2. ought to be somewhere else:万一有事,你该咋办:should anything happen ,what would you do | 魂不守舍:ought to be somewhere else | 耍嘴皮pay lip service

3. 魂不守舍

3. A DIFFERENT PLACE:Brett Anderson 的新砖 Wilderness,很安静,我听了一早上,挑一首翻译过来...... | A DIFFERENT PLACE 魂不守舍 | We sat under London skies on 我们坐在伦敦的天空下

魂不守舍 双语例句

1. 魂不守舍在线翻译

1. 也许,是因为我在研究着行人道上的石砖,走得那样心不在焉,那样地魂不守舍而又不知身是客。
    I was losing in thought right that moment, yes I was so distraite that I had even forgotten that I was just a guest in this country.

2. 今天你让我魂不守舍
    I could not get you wout of my mind today.

3. 我知道什么是魂不守舍,你现在就是。
    I know strung out and you are strung out.

4. 魂不守舍的意思

4. 对于面试官,使他们魂不守舍的可能是足球赛季收官,也可能是迫近的婚期。
    For the interviewer, the thing that makes them preoccupied could be the end of the football season or an impending marriage.

5. 随着时间的慢慢推移,刘刚越来越依赖着若梅,只要有一天她不在线上,刘刚就抓心挠肝的痛彻心扉,一会站起来望望窗外,一会在屋里来回走动,简直就是魂不守舍
    As time goes by slowly, more and more dependent on the Ruomei Liu Gang, as long as she did not have a day online, Liu Gang grasp on the heart of the liver scratch Tongche heart, I will stand up and looked out the window, one in the house, To move back and forth, it is Hunbushoushe.

6. 魂不守舍什么意思

6. 他没听到你说的话,他魂不守舍
    He didn`t hear what you said.

7. 魂不守舍

7. 你不在时,我就魂不守舍,一个人迷失在时间和空间里。
    When you are n't there I'm no place, just lost in time and space.

8. 但大部分的时候却是让你魂不守舍一整天。
    But most of them will keep you out of your mind a whole day

9. 我曾经跟着朋友去爬崖,等我爬到山崖的一半时,手脚却落了空,身体被一根绳子悬在半空时,我吓得魂不守舍,只觉得头昏目悬,天翻地动。
    Once when climbing a cliff with a friend, I panicked, feeling faint and dizzy as if the sky and earth were spinning round, while my body was suspended by a rope half way up a cliff and my feet high in the air.

10. 你今天早晨的确看起来魂不守舍的。
    You look really spaced-out this morning.

11. 我把手表落在家里了,没有了手表感觉魂不守舍
      I left my watch at home and I feel lost without it.

12. 魂不守舍在线翻译

12. 这个在风雪中孤苦无依的流浪汉,挑挑自己的小胡子,越过McKay的肩膀无辜得朝人家的小宝贝儿笑笑……卓别林靠着误会被美人接受,这情节又不足为奇……他用大把大把的钞票融化了Klondike的Kitty Kelly 的心……更多的采矿汉、混乱的打斗,寻找女孩;画面又转到了远洋客轮的甲板上,那个过去矮小的采矿汉现在已锦衣玉食,坐在头等舱,他为一个消失了的酒吧女郎而魂不守舍
      The tiny mustachioed orphan of the storm beams innocently over the shoulder of McKay's own dearest.... Old stuff about an endearing note which Chaplin receives by mistake.... Out to make his pile so that he can wed the Klondike Kitty Kelly.... More prospectors*.... The big strike; the search for the girl; the scene on board the ocean liner in which the stunted erstwhile prospector, now in purple and fine sable, lounges on the first cabin, his heart aswoon for a vanished barmaid...

13. 魂不守舍的近义词

13. 自从他遇见Ann,他就魂不守舍了。
      Ever since he met Ann, he's been in another world.

14. 你怎么魂不守舍?把魂丢在那了?
      Have you lost your mind? Did you just lose it in there?

15. 他的母亲坐在那儿感到魂不守舍,实际上变成了一块石头。
      His mother sat, feeling her heart had gone, turned actually into a stone.

16. 哇,要求那么高,一个有这样眼神的男人肯定让很多女孩魂不守舍的!
      Oh, that's too much! A guy with eyes like that is to die for!

17. 911查询·英语单词

17. 几乎没有一个现代人能够轻易地放弃它,哪怕是放弃它就一天的时间人们都会魂不守舍
      Hardly a modern man can easily give it up, even if it is to give it one day people will be down from the clouds.

18. 他没听到你说的话,他魂不守舍
      He didn`t hear what you said. He`s spaced out.

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